Usa "resource" in una frase
resource frasi di esempio
1. See resource directory for address
2. With the increase in population, the same resource has to be shared by more
3. Low government revenues in rural areas and urban bias in central resource allocation have meant that social service provision has tended to start in cities and extend only gradually to the countryside
4. As he chattered on about how much he was enjoying himself exploring Abery, how welcome Issa and Remos had made him and a hundred and other little things, Kara drew on every resource available not to fall apart
5. resource of tech knowledge that you know, then there are ways that can increase your site's
6. It is in situations like this that small talk is an invaluable resource that can be used to eliminate the tension between you and someone you
7. "If any civilization anywhere in the galaxy used this compute resource, they would have spread to all of it
8. In that, BeH has proved to be a really useful resource, something you definitely want in your bookmarks bar
9. Belle never over-indulged this resource
10. “The dramatic Arts inspire creativity and imagination in children, and I find them an indispensable resource for a thorough education
11. Titania, Hipolyta and Jameson had been the only constant resource for the infrequent, though necessary cuing of the rest of the cast on the occasions of a dropped line, and were acclaimed by the cast and crew as the saviors of the show
12. In the native implementation, the network was designed to be contained within the human mind as a resource, sort of like an enhanced memory
13. The air of the narrow cell took a rosy tinge; he began to think of his friends, and how they would surely be able to do something; of lawyers, and how they would have enjoyed his case, and what an ass he had been not to get in a few; and lastly, he thought of his own great cleverness and resource, and all that he was capable of if he only gave his great mind to it; and the cure was almost complete
14. might find a resource in one of the other two which was in a more prosperous condition; and
15. "That lower level resource accounting trap I put in, it just fired
16. In this case, the resource of the banks was, to draw upon their correspondents in London bills of exchange, to the extent of the sum which they wanted
17. Its coffers having been filled so very ill, it is said to have been driven to this resource within a very few months after it began to do business
18. the end of your article, in the resource box, you can suggest that if the reader
19. information for free, when they click on the link in your resource box
20. All this, however, could afford but a poor resource for maintaining a foreign war, of great expense, and several years duration
21. The accumulated treasures of the prince have in former times afforded a much greater and more lasting resource
22. It is in such countries, therefore, that he generally endeavours to accumulate a treasure, as the only resource against such emergencies
23. It is a necessary resource to those capitals which cannot find employment, either in the agriculture or in the manufactures of the country, either in its home trade, or in its foreign trade of consumption
24. The resource box, on the other hand, is your ‘take’, and this is where you are allowed to discretely ‘sell’ yourself to readers
26. He thought it ironic that he was on a mission to try and provide access to water for people, while these rivers flowed with a resource so abundant in this area
27. Martin was impressed with the President, who was adamant that this was “our” resource and no one else would decide how and who would benefit from it
28. The concept would make water a recycled resource which was revolutionary
29. Atlantica sits on the greatest water resource in the hemisphere and engineers from France and Brazil will have the Aquifer completed by the first of the year
30. The money levied at the different turnpikes in Great Britain, is supposed to exceed so much what is necessary for repairing the roads, that the savings which, with proper economy, might be made from it, have been considered, even by some ministers, as a very great resource, which might, at some time or another, be applied to the exigencies of the state
31. The facility with which a great revenue could be drawn from them, would probably encourage administration to recur very frequently te this resource
32. Such a clergy, upon such an emergency, have commonly no other resource than to call upon the civil magistrate to persecute, destroy, or drive out their adversaries, as disturbers of the public peace
33. ’ ‘But it needs me, I am a useful resource
34. In this exigency, government can have no other resource but in borrowing
35. When this resource is exhausted, and it becomes necessary, in order to raise money, to assign or mortgage some particular branch of the public revenue for the payment of the debt, government has, upon different occasions, done this in two different ways
36. If it should be found impracticable for Great Britain to draw any considerable augmentation of revenue from any of the resources above mentioned, the only resource which can remain to her, is a diminution of her expense
37. What if those memories failed him when he faced the Dark One in battle? What if he was forced to face the Heart of Evil with only his own mind as a resource? He would surely die
38. The potential resource for knowledge and, more worryingly, conflicting beliefs and ideas may send an AI or EI (Evolutionary Intelligence) into its own state of mental conflict
39. Your carrot in aid money is a wasted resource
40. The fact of the matter is that there is no turning back the hands of time, if such was ever a reasonable option to begin with! As evolving technologies continue developing efficient ways of replacing brawn with brain, increasing competition for skilled labor in highly competitive global environments will require transforming (the) worker from a corporate to a human resource commissioned with the task of managing his or her (own) career paths
41. Freedom of Speech is a precious resource
42. It’s not an infinite resource, even though sometimes it appears that way
43. The Lost Cause continues today, promoted by white supremacists in the Neo Confederate movement, especially the Sons of Confederate Veterans and its Confederate Veterans magazine, the League of the South secessionists, the segregationist Conservative Citizens Council (formerly the White Citizens Council), and the Southern Legal Resource Center
44. See the Resource Section for more information
45. In this remarkable resource, you’re going to learn hundreds of effective techniques and
46. “Not to mention science stations, resource developments on otherwise uninhabited worlds, and only about sixteen hundred ships in the Navy
47. thought, if there is mental resource
48. Such resource is a
49. ‘Where does all the water in the swimming pool come from? Isn’t water supposed to be a precious resource for these insects?’
50. Hall Resource Recovery Facility, a waste-to-energy plant that can