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    Usa "rest against" in una frase

    rest against frasi di esempio

    rest against

    1. The bottle spun off the tray and skittered across the floor of my cell, coming to rest against the back wall by the slops bucket

    2. She feared she might go into orbit, before pulling her down to rest against his chest

    3. Cutting her wheel sharply to the right, she plowed into a mound of snow and came to rest against a misplaced bolder, from the steep overhang of the cliff above her

    4. " she shot back, straightening herself to rest against her feet

    5. When leaning, it is always best to rest against something solid, such as a public building, an automobile or a small horse

    6. Danny came to rest against an outcrop of rock with a damp forceful thud

    7. I didn't have the strength to keep holding her and had to ease her down to rest against my side

    8. Micro-gravity meant there was no need to physically rest against something but somehow Tony missed the relaxing sensation of dropping into a soft chair

    9. It slid a few metres in a shower of sparks before coming to rest against the flyover’s concrete central barrier

    10. They almost jingle as they hit the floor, and then roll, coming to rest against the toes of Tobias’s shoes

    11. Our organization is so desperate for members to counter the growing unrest against the Obake, so they can't afford to let anyone go

    12. the soft hairs at the base of her neck as she leaned back to rest against him, both watching the dappled clouds drifting lazily across the landscape, before sitting down to eat

    13. The shape of the cane’s utterances was a hook to hang his mind on and a wall to rest against

    14. Bryony skittered to a halt as Boglehob swung round, the edge of the scythe blade coming to a rest against the tip of her snout

    15. ―Oh yeah,‖ Jim said, letting his head rest against the meagre cushion again

    16. We have contacts across Europe and into the Eastern block where, surprisingly, the unrest against the communists is reaching epidemic proportions

    17. It comes to rest against a concrete ruin and, as his life drains away, he has no regrets, as his faith assures him that he and his beloved wife will soon be reunited

    18. ” He picked up one of the steak knives, letting the blade rest against the back of his forearm, flipping them hither and thither

    19. Johnny pulled her close and her head just dropped onto his chest, like a tall tree falling slowly forward till it came to rest against his shoulder

    20. The pimp, with a look of greedy curiosity, watched him as his arms loosened, letting the bat rest against his shoulder

    21. It will rest against the inner surface of your lower dorsal spine and will be held in place by composite pins and brackets

    22. The tyre rubber bands joined by wire were stretched back over it at the highest tension possible and brought to rest against a wire already attached to the peg, brought over its tip and run back to a hide ten yards or so from the trap

    23. It finally came to rest against the outer surface of the reception desk

    24. Despite the searing pain, he allowed his hands to rest against her back

    25. Wanting to feel the heat of him, she slid her fingers into the open collar of his shirt to rest against his skin

    26. ” Uness responded as their backs came to rest against the outer wall of their destination

    27. He rolled over on the ground once or twice and came to rest against some kind of wall with a thud

    28. Fred thankfully let his head fall backwards and rest against the back-support of his seat

    29. I was lifted to rest against a tree

    30. He swore to himself as he parked the truck and then let his forehead rest against the steering wheel

    31. The one would be killers forehead had fallen forward to rest against the steering wheel and as a result the horn was going off nonstop

    32. The fingers of one of his hands speared through my hair to rest against the back of my neck in a warm clasp that was neither demanding nor domineering, but instead felt calming

    33. My head slunk down to rest against a bench seat cushion

    34. He pulled her back to rest against his chest as she lay between his legs

    35. ” Gavin said letting his cheek rest against his brother’s head

    36. Anna didn’t resist the hand that eased her head back to rest against Lisa’s shoulder

    37. Ted patted my shoulder and together we moved back to rest against the side of the dig

    38. She landed beside him and immediately brought her foot to rest against his neck, with the tip of the sword poised over the small band of skin on his abdomen that was exposed between his armor

    39. Her head rest against the hard door of the jeep

    40. watch on Chevalier as he brought his teeth to rest against Emily's neck

    41. He shifts his daughter from one arm to the other, allowing her to rest against his shoulder

    42. His grey head came down to rest against hers

    43. I let my head rest against him, fighting the lump that had risen to my throat

    44. He let his burning forehead rest against the inside of the window and watched the empty streets scroll by, sparkler sticks, downtrodden little flags, the metal gates of loading docks graffiti’d with the hundred secret names of God

    45. Now that Peter Featherstone was up-stairs, his property could be discussed with all that local enlightenment to be found on the spot: some rural and Middlemarch neighbors expressed much agreement with the family and sympathy with their interest against the Vincys, and feminine visitors were even moved to tears, in conversation with Mrs

    46. He let his elbow rest against Mori’s and every now and then, when he couldn’t find the characters’ constituent radicals in the smaller dictionary he had bought from the show village, nudged him for an explanation

    47. Chance ordained that the heads of their beds should rest against the chimney

    48. But she reached out with her left arm and brought me in, and let her weight rest against me

    49. On the other hand, sir, supposing the right to be in the United States, I beg gentlemen not to create so forcible an interest against the rights of the United States as will infallibly be embodied against it if we confound the two

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