Usa "restrainer" in una frase
restrainer frasi di esempio
1. He cannot come until that restrainer is taken out of the way
2. Some have reasoned that this restrainer is the Holy Spirit, and so we must be raptured out in order for the end to come
3. The Doctrine of the Restrainer - The Holy Spirit
4. ” The power of the Holy Spirit is the restrainer which indwells the
5. the Lord has raptured the church, and the restrainer, the church, is out of the
6. From here, we can consider the divine restrainer from which there are no holds barred
7. There are no holds barred when the divine restrainer grasps the fleshy nature of the human beast to allow spiritual fruit to blossom in the spirit of humanity
8. If the restrainer loosens the hold put on the beast, the human spirit would not experience divine fruitage
9. There are no holds barred when the divine restrainer addresses our health
10. There are no holds barred when the divine restrainer addresses our safety
11. There are no holds barred when the divine restrainer addresses our society
12. Social relations would fragment into chaos if the divine restrainer releases the hold put on the human beast
13. There are no holds barred when the divine restrainer addresses the way we express ourselves
14. The screen door swannged open, on its wire-spring restrainer