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    Usa "retell" in una frase

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    1. another officer to retell my story

    2. to retell the same event in chapter 2 unless of course it

    3. This creation voids the need to retell the same event in chapter 2 unless

    4. She knew the Tarmorians loved to retell stories, especially swording stories

    5. They are boring, tell and retell stories of past adventures and achieve-ments

    6. "And I bet you've missed Josh turn into a total pansy and retell stories of his childhood as a boy scout and how he finally earned his cooking badge," Kemp retorted slapping his hands together in mock excitement when he said 'cooking badge

    7. � We can retell our story in a way that strengthens our ability to get on with life as fully as possible

    8. If ever beyond hope you return to the lands of the living and we retell our tales, sitting by a wall in the sun, laughing at old grief, you shall tell

    9. Now that he was telling it all to Natasha he experienced that pleasure which a man has when women listen to him-not clever women who when listening either try to remember what they hear to enrich their minds and when opportunity offers to retell it, or who wish to adopt it to some thought of their own and promptly contribute their own clever comments prepared in their little mental workshop- but the pleasure given by real women gifted with a capacity to select and absorb the very best a man shows of himself

    10. Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan- Witts retell the sequence of events in The Day the Bubble Burst

    11. Now that he was telling it all to Natásha he experienced that pleasure which a man has when women listen to him—not clever women who when listening either try to remember what they hear to enrich their minds and when opportunity offers to retell it, or who wish to adopt it to some thought of their own and promptly contribute their own clever comments prepared in their little mental workshop—but the pleasure given by real women gifted with a capacity to select and absorb the very best a man shows of himself

    1. Thru the telling and retelling of the story, Kate became revered around the known world

    2. “Of course, everything I have said is just a retelling of myths and

    3. The children cringed as she passed within their midst, then she was through the crowd of youngsters and left them behind to giggle and gag while retelling the details of her hideous appearance

    4. Through the rest of the day, the children entertained each other by retelling the story

    5. Anyway, Doc had had a good laugh at his own misfortune and he would milk mileage out of the story in the retelling

    6. In the retelling of the story he had exposed his old anxieties once more, and it left him with raw feelings of the same old doubts about his capacity to come to terms with it

    7. His Parable of the Prodigal Son (The Lost Son) appears at first glance to be an updated retelling of the story of Cain and Abel for the purpose of teaching a way to avoid the consequences of the first account

    8. In the recent past, I have championed the idea that many mythological accounts take their basis from oral history where the retelling over the generations diluted the real experience at its core with magical and mystical add-on descriptions, and stories

    9. So, what are we to make of the biblical flood story? Is it a portion of the “history of a people” as I posited in the beginning of the introduction? A story of their “origins” or was it meant to illustrate a moral principle, the “rewards of adherence and consequences of resistance” to the precepts that it was there to teach? It seems that it is a good fit into all of these categories, but which one would have been the most important reason for its retelling over the many hundreds of years? It would appear that the moral lesson of what happens to people who obey as against what happens to those who don’t would be the larger meaning that it was meant to impress, as it was handed down from an older generation to the younger

    10. None of the later generations had any real memory of a retelling except the very oldest and so it had been largely forgotten

    11. It is said by some, that John was engaged in the retelling of the vision in the book of Daniel

    12. There was Cody, retelling his experiences with Amelia

    13. One was called Heroic Adventures and seemed to be some rather exaggerated retelling of the discovery journeys of Grandfather and Juchi as well as some of the smaller mapping expeditions

    14. place to start the detailed retelling of his story

    15. ensnared him before his retelling of the Nibelheim incident,

    16. Pieces of Nicolas’s retelling pulled her back to the present, but now she had no fear of the audience

    17. We rode the moving staircase at O’Hare together leaving, and he had humiliated me the day before by retelling this story in front of my girlfriend at the Frank Lloyd Wright home during the UC trolley tour narrated by Wally Blum

    18. The agony is beyond its physical retelling

    19. The large crowd stirred in restless unease as the retelling came to an end

    20. I can’t tell her first or this will be a retelling and not the original

    21. However, that very popularization from the perspective of the son only is what críes out for a retelling

    22. historical records, but through Homer’s retelling, it

    23. retelling of the story of Santa- a fat old man in a red suit who lives at the north pole and

    24. Retelling the whole myth

    25. So here is the whole of the modern retelling as one

    26. unchanged in the proposed retelling of this passage:

    27. So, retelling without the mythological serpent

    28. the point where I will move from retelling to

    29. This brings us to the end of what we may call the 'Garden of Eden' myth, and as before it is useful to review the demythologised version in its entirety as a modern retelling: At the very beginning our first ancestors lived in a wonderfully fertile part of Mesopotamia

    30. Brooke led me though the retelling of my tale

    31. “You know what, Alice? I was just picturing the First Mother retelling her

    32. Odd that a man used to public scrutiny would stumble over a simple retelling of history

    33. her retelling of the invasion

    34. - the devotional retelling and trans-

    35. We invented language for communicating what to do, then for retelling what happened, and ultimately for dreaming what could be

    36. the trial, but she hated the prospect of retelling the false story

    37. There were those among them who, throughout the generations, took it upon themselves to memorize the stories and pass them along to successive memory-tellers, but Stedder always wondered how much the story might change with each retelling

    38. He was retelling the story for the fifth time that day

    39. ” So I just went through the motions, retelling him about what happened that night – the phone calls, the chase, escaping

    40. e graphic details would be spared in the retelling

    41. � In all the retelling of the story of his heroic life, we didn't change any of the details

    42. when considering the stories of Atlantis, which are clearly based on the retelling of the Egyptian Zep

    43. I noticed how, even with me, he was making excuses, as though rehearsing his story for retelling elsewhere

    44. As Acts that are oft’ tragick when they occur become comick upon Recollection and Retelling, the Incident of being “rap’d” by Annie became still another Bond betwixt us

    45. When her vocal organs needed exercise, which was usually toward seven o’clock when she had had an after-dinner rest in a darkened room, the pretext would be the retelling of the same stories over and over again to the

    46. They have every reason to … make up stirring legends instead of retelling dry facts

    47. When her vocal organs needed exercise, which was usually toward seven o’clock when she had had an after-dinner rest in a darkened room, the pretext would be the retelling of the same stories over and over again to the same audience

    1. is retold through glass stained wine red,

    2. and retold again and again, and the knowledge, or at least rumour, of

    3. Bram briefly retold the story where Tarm and the mufti-clad

    4. She stopped in town for gas and munchies, and while there, she picked up a notebook, so one of the girls could write down the stories Emma retold from Jims stories the night before

    5. She was already popular but today she was surrounded by more people than usual who gathered around her, listening intently as she retold the story of the fight

    6. Many tales were told and retold by most of the kings and envoys about the various goings on, and a decision was finally taken to banish all but one wizard from each kingdom

    7. The length of Abraham’s stay in Haran is not certain, but with the long popularity of the Epic story, certainly it would have been told and retold more than enough times to have become a tradition long before the time when “God” spoke to Abraham about leaving for parts south

    8. This is similar to the journey of Gilgamesh (of the Epic) where he went up the Euphrates to fight the “giants of the mountains” on his way to meeting Utnapishtim of the (Epic’s) flood story…The length of Abraham’s stay in Haran is not certain but with the long popularity of the epic story, certainly it would have been told and retold more than enough times to have become a tradition long before the time when ‘God’ spoke to Abraham about leaving for parts south

    9. Could this be another example of the shortcomings of oral history, a story told and retold countless times until only a parabolic shell is left of what really happened in the desert of the Exodus? If I’m correct in my understanding that the Hebrews of the Exodus who fled Egypt of necessity reverted to an oral history tradition, as well as pastoral ways, then this story after a myriad of repetitions would have lost much of the context out of which it arose

    10. In these two, the story of Cain and Abel is retold, but with a twist

    11. Whether these children of the Exodus understood what little that they had seen firsthand along with the stories that their parents probably told and retold to them is a question that the Bible is silent on

    12. Well, I hope this little story I have retold serves to better understand what that vision, that revelation might have been

    13. awe, the memory fascinating him, even now as he retold it

    14. Devin smiled each time Cody retold the story

    15. I retold him the story of the assassin sent after my grandfather and he saw my point

    16. I crawled over to Jiva, hanging onto every word; the way she retold what had happened when we were all young was magical

    17. At Reuben’s house, the story was retold as a thoughtful Moses took it all in without responding

    18. As Pharaoh momentarily subsided, Gad, in a voice quivering with fear and sinking almost to a prostrate position, retold his story

    19. A name that had rung like a bell through many of the traditional stories that had been told and retold down through the generations of those who had come before him

    20. At Reuben's house, the story was retold as a thoughtful Moses took it all in without responding

    21. prostrate position, retold his story

    22. starting on something so momentous that if we succeed, it will be told and retold for a long,

    23. Those born in the Horseman’s autumn months were said to be either brave or dangerous, and the people retold many long stories about them; especially during the winters

    24. through many of the traditional stories that had been told and retold down through the

    25. I have laid it on the winds of time, to be remembered and retold

    26. My story, my life with Lovern, will lie waiting to be retold, reborn

    27. The Kiss Retold – Facing the Past



    30. " In the course of this sermon he retold the story of the lost sheep and the lost coin and then added his favorite parable of the prodigal son

    31. 16 Many, many times during his years of teaching, Jesus told and retold this story of the prodigal son

    32. Our mothers retold the same old stories of Harold’s and my

    33. story of Poetry has been told and retold ad nausium


    35. A story retold only after

    36. merely good storytellers who have retold tales that they

    37. memories who retold these tales with accuracy, then the

    38. have been a story retold

    39. Hearing Breidbart's anecdote retold elicits a wry smile from

    40. Even after I'd retold my story, over and over again, it still

    41. Missing the significance of the moment, I retold a story about seeking shelter from a mortar attack in an abandoned apartment, emphasizing that my sensitivity to some cats, even those who were long gone, was such that I had to leave that space to breathe

    42. I need to be fairly brief to hold the presentation to that which can be more simply remembered and retold

    43. “If a myth can become this well known throughout the Galaxy and retold for hundreds of years by civilizations who have forgotten where the myth originated, or the name of a planet which they have never known, then there must have been something very significant at the core of its conception

    44. All those who spoke shared memories and stories retold,

    45. A heroine from one of the stories he had heard or told or retold

    46. vampires admission, he retold the story

    47. Many apocryphal stories are spun and admiringly retold about a larger-than-life figure

    48. that Jesus may have been told and retold that he was not fathered like his siblings were

    49. As he retold how they tore her apart, leaving only the bloody mass of a skeleton behind, his eyes welled with tears and his voice caught in his throat

    50. I retold the story Paul had told me early this morning, keeping my eyes focused on the rippling creek as each word fell from my mouth

    Sinonimi per "retell"

    ingeminate iterate reiterate repeat restate retell fictionalise fictionalize recite