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    Usa "retrenchment" in una frase

    retrenchment frasi di esempio


    1. Apart from some growth in small independent and/or charismatic fellowships, there is almost nothing but retrenchment in churches throughout Scotland

    2. Nevertheless, the buyout also resulted in retrenchment of employees and reorganization within the network that surprised all the members of the media

    3. Carandang, the new AM radio station manager who served his retrenchment

    4. As the significant support line was broken, a retrenchment could be expected to retest the neckline ( E), now a resistance line again

    5. As the significant resistance line was broken, a retrenchment could be expected to retest the neckline ( E), now a support line again

    6. for Cork City), the programme of peace, retrenchment and reform of William Ewart Gladstone (M

    7. In other words, it was for the purpose of making barely such a retrenchment in the naval expenditure as might enable Government, after such retrenchment was effected, to go on with the aid of loans and taxes

    8. From the mere glance at this paper it will be seen, that from 1801 to 1802, the expenditure fell from the above sum of $2,000,000, to $900,000, marking distinctly the retrenchment at the period of Mr

    9. I find, however, upon consideration—whether from the nature of man, or from the nature of things, or from whatever other cause—that that Administration, grossly extravagant as I did then and still do believe it to have been, if tried by the criterion of the succeeding one, was a pattern of retrenchment and economy; and I ask the House to put the question to themselves, whether we are likely to see, at any future period, an Administration more economical than that of which we have just now taken leave? And this I say, without meaning to cast the slightest imputation on the present

    10. The first session of Congress under the last Administration was a period of retrenchment

    11. Randolph said he was afraid, after the pledge that this House had given to reduce the Naval Establishment, that that pledge was not to be redeemed; that the whole business was to end in smoke, unless some pitiful, paltry retrenchment, to the amount of a hundred thousand dollars, was made to enable them to swear by—to say here and out of doors, and to enable the public prints to say, that they had reduced the Naval Establishment

    12. Ours was just a commonplace, undramatic loss—with only need for saving and retrenchment

    13. this retrenchment in the navy will end in smoke, 245;

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