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    Usa "revealing" in una frase

    revealing frasi di esempio


    1. All he had done was ask her not to wear revealing clothing when she went out clubbing with the girls

    2. He ran over and quickly opened his closet, revealing piles of clothes heaped on top of each other in the middle of the floor

    3. The old man returned Jen’s smile, revealing tobacco stained teeth

    4. revealing a shabby hovel of a place that reeked of decay and mould

    5. God loves making us happy, revealing Himself to us in all His mag-

    6. Finally he leaned forward a little, bringing his large beaked nose and inked skin into the light and revealing the swirl of art that covered his face and neck

    7. around her head, revealing glimpses of stone cold wall and hard, puddled

    8. revealing the full width and depth of the terror of the world in that one reflexive

    9. ’ I said, catching the revealing glance that passes swiftly between the two of them

    10. I was seduced into revealing many things about myself and he made so bold as to suggest our going to his house “for a drink, as friends”

    11. I betrayed every one of my civilised instincts, revealing sharply the fragility of the shallow layers of sophistication in which we wrap ourselves

    12. “I only hope I am not the one who caused this,” he said, and then he tried to make me feel better by revealing to the class that “Yvonne is an unselfish person indeed: she was willing to translate ''Self-knowledge and Metaphysics'' from Greek into English free of charge, she did her best and finished it within a month!”

    13. I knock and within moments, it slowly creaks open revealing a chubby teenager

    14. She sat with her back against the tree, revealing a shapely if thin alabaster leg, and pulled him towards her

    15. An irregular mass elongated and stretched itself, revealing the rough shape of torso, limbs and head, all of them covered in what seemed to be a coating of thick, black, flowing cloth

    16. She felt the magic in the air begin to waver around her head, revealing glimpses of stone cold wall and hard, puddled tarmacadamed floor amongst the grasses and the starry sky

    17. If a wolf and a man combined can truly ever smile, then he did so now, revealing the full width and depth of the terror of the world in that one reflexive response to emotion and the kill

    18. ‘Lintze! Are you all right?’ he asked, leading me out into the anteroom, his expression revealing quite clearly what he thinks of my ill-fitting attire

    19. ’ She said, that glow in her eyes revealing all

    20. No questions!” He was trying his best to get her up top without revealing why

    21. revealing another beneath it

    22. He tried to sound as light and as jovial as he could but his eyes spoke a different language, revealing a mix of concern and tiredness in the face of so many disappointments

    23. Her great-aunt watched over her throughout the afternoon, revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from her own life story, all of which seemed to consist of too many broken hearts and broken heads, until, with the football results due in and Leonard Cohen starting to become a little bit overbearing, she turned to her young relative and asked, “Do you want to stay for dinner? There’s a DVD I want to watch and we could phone out for a curry”

    24. The only one who really knew Lord Boras was Lord Tarak, and he was keeping his own council, revealing nothing

    25. He did so and it opened revealing three panels

    26. actually revealing the inner,

    27. The diaries are more revealing

    28. ● In addition, receive our complete Real Estate Investor Secrets revealing FIVE-Real Estate Investor E-courses that may save you thousands, if not

    29. revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from

    30. ‘What will it do to them?’ she asked, perching on the bench near where he is working, watching as he scrapes the surface off the roots, revealing a white, tasty looking root beneath – much like a parsnip

    31. surface revealing the many colours within

    32. He looks Stevie in the eye and brushes his jacket away from his hip, revealing the butt of the Glock in all of its cold glory

    33. A ray of sunlight spotlighted the unmade bed, the bedding lying crumpled, the sheet pulled down in one corner, revealing the mattress: the pillow dented where his head had lain while he waited for the time to pass

    34. ‘Police are not revealing any details as yet, though it is understood that two bodies have been discovered which had been buried on the site, and a third man is dead

    35. From directly in front of her, around to the south were the towers of the waterfront, their tops only a few hundred feet below this aerie, hiding the docks but revealing all the thousands of ships at anchor just off shore

    36. He thinks out loud, communing with no one, with nothing that matters, revealing to the woods, the badgers and the bats a simple logic

    37. The mist had totally cleared by now, revealing a clear,

    38. “The thing to do is to outmaneuver him,” Belle whispered as if that advice might be overheard as her revealing his achilles heel' “

    39. ” She smiled, momentarily revealing her youth and genuine enthusiasm

    40. Most of them removed their coats after exiting, revealing the belts

    41. Revealing what I thought was my trump card,

    42. God is in the process of revealing to us what He sees in us and

    43. The Revealing of the Sons of God

    44. Jesus is revealing to us the secret to overcoming

    45. She wore a deep blue dyed leather dress that was tightly fitted from her hips to her neck where it split into a sharp V, revealing a great deal of her full, round breasts and continued to plunge past her firm stomach to end just inches below her navel

    46. He thought doing this would have helped him trick her into revealing some information he could use

    47. moves to acts of justice, the revealing of truth, and the Gospel

    48. Luckily, the signature of his dark power was enough – the wall before him collapsed in a pool of black sludge, revealing a clear pathway to a massive branch that seemed to span the heavens

    49. It was not revealing, or provocative but

    50. Do you think this is too revealing?” She spun in a circle to give me the full effect of her dress

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    disclosure revealing revelation telling telltale divulgence confession enlightenment exposure