Usa "reverting" in una frase
reverting frasi di esempio
1. As the heat in my soul rose to a combustible level I forgot the rudiments of the English language, reverting to a lingua franca that combined the best of the gutter from East and West
2. The blood stopped pouring from its neck, reverting the direction of its flow and regenerating the white, severed tip of its spinal cord
3. As for reverting to your old ways –
4. This evening he started upon an enquiry, but got as far as "And has that -" before thinking better of it and reverting to silence
5. The best of intentions must inevitably come full circle, reverting back to God whose Grace alone is the prerequisite for our salvation; the Beginning and the End of who we are, what we do and how we do it
6. The greatest catastrophe of that kind that the newcomers knew of had destroyed reality in an area as wide as the distance from Kellaran’s star to the next nearest one, but that had finally finished reverting to normal void after two and a half million years
7. “It is the way forward, I know it,” she said, reverting to speaking aloud as she paced the length of the old Council meeting room
8. “Wouldn’t that be reverting back to the way I used to be? I have done it many times in the past
9. "Fraulein Lambros," Reinhardt said reverting to German
10. Reverting to the poker face she had used
11. Sterile little waterways were reverting to the swamps from which they came
12. Rest yourselves from the arduous labors of the kingdom and enjoy the refreshment that comes from reverting to your former vocations or from discovering new sorts of recreational activity
13. She rose stiffly, her mind reverting to all the happenings of the night
14. Conan was reverting to his pristine type
15. I was reverting back to kitten-hood
16. Reverting to normal time, she walked back down to the ground level and went to Heracles’ room
17. it to compensate by reverting toward the average in the following year
18. which is in the process of reverting to its mean
19. “Which firm is the order for, Miss Ashton?” asked Jack reverting to his formal address
20. All sat and reverting to limit 1 and started planning for further actions
21. But then, as Sasha reminded Barbara, Putin, the ex-Director of the KGB, was now President, and things were again changing for the worse, with signs that the State machine was reverting slowly to its old ways
22. Reverting to the Christian ethos that is the proselytizing forerunner of dogmatic uprightness and religious intolerance, we would have the seeds of strife that Islam sows nowadays
23. He’d gone through all the stages of insanity and mental breakdown one can go through, and was now currently reverting to a state of catatonic silence
24. Those who propose enacting abortion laws—or any law dictating to a woman how she can use her own body—are reverting to the “women are disposable chattel” concepts of ages thankfully past
25. Those who propose enacting abortion laws—or any law dictating to a woman how she can use her own body—are reverting to the "women are disposable chattel" concepts of ages thankfully long past
26. What Icke saw demonstrates how these dead things hide inside the auras of living people and only reveal themselves when they want to… exerting their presence unpredictably at odd times, in momentary flashes, and instantly reverting back to an undetectable passive presence which is not noticed by the person they secretly hide inside all the time
27. They lived in isolated royal seclusion, away from the Royal court; with the whole family reverting back to nature: swimming naked, as naked stupid bearded Russian apes reverting back to a primordial stupidity
28. tolerate a high threshold of pain before reverting
29. Lorry, reverting to the theme,
30. He had simply babbled on uttering empty phrases, letting slip a few enigmatic words and again reverting to incoherence
31. This human woman who stands before us now was once the young female with the sword?” Reverting for a moment to full, mad Unseelie Prince, he swivels his head and fixes Jada with an empty stare, iridescent eyes flashing as he realizes what that means
32. Her reverting to this tone as if our association were forced upon us, and we were mere puppets, gave me pain; but everything in our intercourse did give me pain
33. “We might consider reverting to the position as it was in the
34. However reverting to friend Sinbad and his horrifying adventures (who reminded him a bit of Ludwig, alias Ledwidge, when he occupied the boards of the Gaiety when Michael Gunn was identified with the management in the Flying Dutchman , a stupendous success, and his host of admirers came in large numbers, everyone simply flocking to hear him though ships of any sort, phantom or the reverse, on the stage usually fell a bit flat as also did trains) there was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it, he conceded
35. However, reverting to the original, there were on the other hand others who had forced their way to the top from the lowest rung by the aid of their bootstraps
36. Mademoiselle de Villefort will share them with you; for I entreat her to give to the poor the immense fortune reverting to her from her father, now a madman, and her brother who died last September with his mother
37. And for those sorts of missions, all of the units’ mortars could be concentrated, with control temporarily reverting from the forward companies to higher authority
38. Monygham, before, reverting to their previous conversation, he continued in a sinister tone, "Si, senor doctor
39. Perhaps reverting to the cootie rules of childhood, the two men with Alzheimer’s disease sat together at their own table, apart from the women
40. Meanwhile tiny Miss Noble carried on her arm a small basket, into which she diverted a bit of sugar, which she had first dropped in her saucer as if by mistake; looking round furtively afterwards, and reverting to her teacup with a small innocent noise as of a tiny timid quadruped
41. Me: “I feel I still don’t have a good approach yet to asserting myself in these situations w/o reverting to my old dickish ways
42. And a sense of that mean we always hear the VIX is reverting to
43. If you assume that HV is mean reverting and this is the basis of IV (implied volatility), you can almost be certain that implied volatility mean will revert as well
44. Because there is no risk of early assignment, if IV gets too low or too high, the VIX options should not price to the cash market, but toward some expectation of the VIX reverting to its mean
45. Reverting to our examples, it will be seen at once that the Commonwealth Edison 3½s could properly have been purchased as an investment without any regard to the conversion feature
46. Reverting to our example, if it were quite certain, or even reasonably probable, that Stock A is more likely to advance to 50 than Stock B to advance to 33, then both issues would not be quoted at 30
47. You’re reverting to the mental pathways you used in early childhood
48. We know that temperatures tend to be mean reverting
49. Moreover, the value of the VIX is influenced by the mean reverting characteristics of volatility
50. It seemed so dismal to go up-stairs, with the wild snow blowing outside, and my thoughts continually reverting to the kirk-yard and the new-made grave! I dared hardly lift my eyes from the page before me, that melancholy scene so instantly usurped its place