Usa "revolutionize" in una frase
revolutionize frasi di esempio
1. revolutionize economics and change the course of
2. Sizeable contributions from Our Lady University coming out of his undergraduate studies spoke of an all new energy, clean and safe, affordability on par with current systems, nothing comes cheap as is, and to be realistic after a few years of recalibration, lawsuits via disaster, and the obvious restructuring of current system, Jason Ashby, your father, was set to revolutionize the way we moved
3. to received some stupendous revelation which is to revolutionize the world
4. In my opinion it will, eventually, revolutionize medicine
5. Make new discoveries, venture into new territories, explore virgin frontiers, brave dangers, and endure hardships to revolutionize our missionary forces so the oppressed in the most distant lands may know that Jesus saves without discrimination
6. Recognize wrong assumptions about race in missions as you revolutionize structures through a unified missionary force
7. Recognizing how often white Christians fail to see structures, get a clear picture of demobilizing structures that you must navigate and revolutionize to mobilize the masses
8. intimidating challenges and it will revolutionize your
9. In fact, there is a website out there that will absolutely revolutionize the way
10. This simple technique can revolutionize your life
11. There are body parts being built in lab to revolutionize medicine
12. ‘Game Theory’ that would ultimately revolutionize the field of economics
13. This is going to revolutionize the entire food industry, David
14. This would revolutionize all human knowledge
15. A good example is the computer information industry… it was supposed to revolutionize the enormous waste of creating and using paper documents; and store information into tiny micro chips
16. It is essential that we revolutionize the way we search for jobs
17. At this point in his life Braithewaite was worth over a billion dollars, all earned in the last few years from pay-outs from the planet’s largest companies; given so that he would not bring to light his discovery which would revolutionize the world
18. Rather they should be embraced as they have helped many golfers revolutionize their games
19. “Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action
20. It was creating some surprising converts—previously hardened skeptics who were now employing mindfulness in ways that would revolutionize my approach to work, and drive a stake through the heart of the assumption that meditation made you, “like, totally ineffective
21. I won't have him revolutionize my household
22. This referred to the confluence of trends toward globalization on the one hand and the growing use of information technology (embedded in communication and computer equipment) to revolutionize the way business is done
23. If the Sariceans had found a way to give individual vessels interstellar travel capabilities, it would revolutionize the way wars were fought
24. revolutionize opioid-substitution therapy and widened public access to such
25. I’m talking about products that revolutionize the way we live
26. In other words, when a sixth of the population of a nation which has undertaken to be the refuge of liberty are slaves, and a whole country is unjustly overrun and conquered by a foreign army, and subjected to military law, I think that it is not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize
27. Smith avowed their purposes, and told them that they were going on an expedition hostile in its nature, and against the laws of the country, because its object was to revolutionize a nation in amity with the United States
28. It is this Society which has done more than any other one agency, to revolutionize and harmonize the national sentiment as regards the rights of the Indian to civilization and to Christianization
1. In the 1980’s, Consultative Selling revolutionized the way we sell by focusing on understanding our customer’s needs
2. Everybody had waited for well over three years for currency reform and when it came in the summer of nineteen forty-eight, it revolutionized everybody’s lives
3. revolutionized the online marketing business by their utility in increasing
4. Note: His theories of relativity revolutionized physics (not a mystic)
5. Albert Einstein revolutionized physics in 1905 with his Special Theory of Relativity
6. completely revolutionized the game of black jack
7. Risk management was revolutionized by Barr Rosenberg
8. in Italy, the fifteenth century was seeing other remarkable accomplishments, including the spread of printing presses after 1440 following the model of Johannes Gutenburg that revolutionized the printing industry
9. revolutionized sanitation and healthy practices in food preparation and the field of medicine
10. Daniel Abraham revolutionized weight loss programs with the
11. When she was in the Philippines, apart from shooting down Japanese planes like there was no tomorrow, she revolutionized our fighter tactics
12. revolutionized the parkways and it’s New York’s bridges
13. to build a career or business around, meaning, to build a giant business that has revolutionized purpose and joy
14. has revolutionized the way individuals buy and sell their products
15. The drink that has revolutionized the world, it gets you out of bed without arguments
16. Their invention of the ladder revolutionized life as they knew it
17. ” The discovery of this law revolutionized every kind of ocean travel, commerce, and warfare, and made the existence of the battleship possible
18. When, by virtue of this principle, the world to which the senses were accustomed had been revolutionized; when the sun had been arrested in his course, the apparently flat earth had been shaped into a ball and set whirling around him; when the inert matter had been resolved into active elements and the universe presented itself wherever we directed the telescope and microscope full of force, motion, and life; we are constrained to ask by what possible means the delicate forms of organization in the midst of it are kept in order and repair?
19. He then revolutionized the whole social and political system of
20. You mean the fact that she was named the bounty years before she ever made that fateful voyage; is in some way connected to the fact that breadfruit could have revolutionized the food industry in England? His entire venture though called scientific, was actually a business venture
21. It revolutionized how the lowlanders of Holland and the netherlands lived
22. It revolutionized their awareness
23. What Luther’s Reformation did, was i8t revolutionized the idea of the Sale of Indulgences
24. He revolutionized war-coverage into a tightly censored Media cult so tightly controlled that everything the American public saw was and still is pure one-sided propaganda
25. They almost revolutionized the entire furniture industry
26. Gaius Marius revolutionized the Roman army from a rag-tag bunch of poor landed farmers who made war part time: to a professionally paid-equipped army, where everyone had a chance to become wealthy
27. The conditions of human life have not only been changed, but revolutionized, within the past few hundred years
28. His songs revolutionized the dance music
29. The same forces which have revolutionized the political system of Europe, may effect a similar change in the social and industrial relations of mankind
30. This small staff was quite equal to all the requirements, for a canal between Beaucaire and Aiguemortes had revolutionized transportation by substituting boats for the cart and the stagecoach
31. In 1927 he made an improvement that revolutionized the building of racing shells in America
32. The 21st Century Health Information Act—which especially would have revolutionized how mental health and addiction records were kept—was cosponsored by a relatively new face on the brain disease political scene, Representative Tim Murphy, a Republican psychologist from Western Pennsylvania who was very interested in mental health legislation
33. They spent the first several years focusing primarily on helping Brandon get proper care and rebuild his life—he was fortunate to be diagnosed just when Clozaril revolutionized care, and has steadily improved ever since, so he finished college, married, and works in the family business and in multiple advocacy roles
34. Routers have been around for decades, but today switches have revolutionized network design and made it possible to create LANs of almost unlimited size
35. The rise of the Internet revolutionized the e-mail concept by providing a single, worldwide standard for mail communications that was independent of any single service provider
36. Encryption could be revolutionized with something like this
37. Based on the real-life story of the “Z-boys” – a group of Californian skaters who revolutionized the sport in the mid 1970s – it stars Emile Hirsch and the late Heath Ledger
38. The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars, drums, and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium; on stage or at parties, he shirked the austere and nearly morose stance of older singers and actually smiled when he sang – sometimes even at women
39. When an individual has revolutionized therapeutics by his discovery of the continuous evolution of brain matter, conventional forms are unfitting, since they would seem to limit him to one of a class
40. Kingdoms and empires have been revolutionized; and we behold a vast continent assuming a new aspect under a new dynasty
1. This stuff is revolutionizing modern chemistry and quantum physics
2. Set the example by supporting missionaries yourself and champion this revolutionizing cause of establishing financial partnership for Christ and His Commission
3. Living through Chemistry” axiom of the 1960s when plastics were revolutionizing the
4. Shelf makers lost a considerable amount of money on this aspect of the ladder revolutionizing things
5. "It may be possible--it is possible," shot out the young District Attorney, "to make use of secret records--conversations--at conferences--dinners--records that have been taken by a new invention that seems to be revolutionizing politics all over the country
6. Both finalists are talented, not in a revolutionizing way
7. Instead of Luther revolutionizing Europe with his 95 criticisms of the church, called thesis, by posting them on the front door of his church:
8. Since information technology was supposedly revolutionizing economic relationships, old thinking about the relationship of fair value to earnings potential became suspect
9. have attracted considerable attention and has been revolutionizing the pace of