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    Usa "rigors" in una frase

    rigors frasi di esempio


    1. He had never been trained, prepared or evolved to withstand the rigors of this primitive planet

    2. restraint, and still allow for a broad range of motion;” they were proud of their ingenuity in adapting clothing to the rigors of their discipline

    3. Louis trip we wimped out by avoided the rigors of real bike touring (with tons of heavy stuff on the bikes), but we did go on a genuine bike tour once

    4. Had that serpent-of-the-garden, wrapped as it was around the source of light, kept the Hebrews in the dark as it fed them falsehoods about who they were? And, only as they could remember what they had found intolerable about their past in Egypt could they survive the rigors of their present situation

    5. Eric Chevlen, a practitioner of medical oncology and pain medicine, observes that the rigors of the scientific method are seen by the advocates of political correctness to be a “devaluation” of the values of the feminist movement

    6. The rigors of time you conquer as a town that aches but never dies

    7. degrees below zero added to the rigors of the mission

    8. "They say it was the mountain life, the rigors of the bitterly cold winters, along with the injuries and torture she had suffered in Siberia

    9. But when she saw him enter the house in the middle of Colonel Aureliano Buendía’s noisy escort and she saw how he had been mistreated by the rigors of exile, made old by age and oblivion, dirty with sweat and dust, smelling like a herd, ugly, with his left arm in a sling, she felt faint with disillusionment

    10. She was thus able to interview 43 women before lunch time, refusing politely in the process two women she found way too fragile physically to support the rigors of combat

    11. “The law was given to us by God, not to bring us to His will, but to show all that no one, no, not even you, can withstand the rigors of it

    12. computational rigors of the measurement bring it away from the purview of the individual

    13. my students, used to the rigors of life on the ranch, did what needed to

    14. complexity of the job, to the rigors of spending 180 days with the same

    15. legitimate itself by conforming to the rigors of a materialistic science

    16. He’s obviously interested in physics, and has followed the rigors of a physics

    17. She did not have any rigors but that did not exclude malaria

    18. Whereas normal daydreaming is a means of escaping from the rigors of life, creative visualization entails knowing that you called your outer circumstances to you for some reason; and knowing that you can also change that reason if only you don’t lose sight of (feeling for) the ultimate goal

    19. the rigors of toddlers at play

    20. It should be interesting to see how many Musalmans, even in their Islamic hibernation, would like to have the rigors of the sharia all for themselves

    21. For 3/4 of her world’s journey around its mother sun, she carried the new life inside of her own body, protecting it until ready to face the rigors of life on its own

    22. For 3/4 of her world's journey around its sacred sun, she'd carried the new life inside of her own body, protecting it until it was ready to face the rigors of life on its own

    23. His chest heaved from the exertion, though whether from the poison, or just the normal rigors of battle, he didn't know

    24. and could withstand the rigors of man’s justice

    25. carefully in a wooden crate to protect it from the rigors

    26. I can well understand why they wanted to get away from all the rigors of a life spent fighting in a constant war and dealing with the intrigues of the high council

    27. She would rather have died from the rigors of a life spent as a field slave as opposed to this gilded existence as a pretty bird of paradise locked away in a cage of gold and fine linens

    28. Few will survive the rigors of

    29. "I had speedy proofs that the excellent abbe was engaged in my behalf, for the rigors of my imprisonment were alleviated by many trifling though acceptable indulgences, and I was told that my trial was to be postponed to the assizes following those now being held

    30. The rigors which had attacked Barrois gradually increased, the features of the face became quite altered, and the convulsive movement of the muscles appeared to indicate the approach of a most serious nervous disorder

    31. It would, he had pointed out, be the height of unwisdom for her to expose herself to the potential rigors of such a trip under those circumstances

    32. “Next year is a placement year, and without more continuity between home and school in terms of helping him emotionally through what may be a difficult time, we’re frankly concerned he may not be ready for the rigors of Upper School

    33. Judging by the copious notes that Koza writes up on most of his investments and the hours he spends in his car listening to earnings calls, it’s clear that self-taught investor Koza puts his portfolio holdings to the same rigors that you would expect from the best Wall Street analysts

    34. All members on his site are subject to the same rigors of real-life mutual fund managers, including liquidity rules and limits prohibiting one position from representing more than 25 percent of assets

    35. Despite the rigors of the location shoot and the requirements of the script, including a swamping of the raft in the river rapids, Marilyn, wringing wet, out of sorts and out of breath, is still a vision

    36. Tránsito Ariza altered the clothing and made it smaller for her son, who was less corpulent than his father and much shorter than the German, and she bought him woolen socks and long underwear so that he would have everything he needed to resist the rigors of the mountain wastelands

    37. The former are under the necessity of importing and of consuming more of the foreign manufactures, than the Southern States; and though they are a hardy race, they are not able to encounter the severities and rigors of the Northern winters without a much greater quantity of clothing than is necessary for the people in the Southern climates

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