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    Usa "saddlebag" in una frase

    saddlebag frasi di esempio


    1. he’d found in the horse’s saddlebag, and now his

    2. about, a canteen of water that slid easily into my saddlebag

    3. Cal pulled a container of salve from his saddlebag

    4. Elam took his crook, his saddlebag with the food Misur had prepared him for the day; and he went in search of the sheep that were in the pen

    5. Paul dug into his saddlebag and pulled out the compass

    6. Dublin’s saddlebag with food and canteen inside had been carelessly hung on the hitching rail

    7. About to replace the precious food in the saddlebag, a note dropped out

    8. I stopped, and just at the same instant that I bent down to place the saddlebag on the trail, I heard a whine and thud of a bullet hitting the tree just in front of me

    9. Exhausted, I cushioned my head on the saddlebag, covered myself with leaves and remembered no more ‘til early morning

    10. Pleased that the old settler back in Washington would undoubtedly have his stolen coins restored to him, we decided that I would transport the saddlebag to the sheriff in Pendleton where Virgil was being held

    11. I left the fellas chuckling to themselves as I carried my saddlebag with the precious packet to the K2 ranch house

    12. I’d intended to loop Jason’s saddlebag and bridle over my shoulder, but they were gone!

    13. Now I carried five hundred dollars in my saddlebag

    14. They extracted a tangle of harness from the saddlebag and walked over to where their horses were waiting

    15. Adam folded the map and put it back in his saddlebag

    16. I wanted to ask him about that, but then he pulled a golden drachma from his saddlebag and tossed it to me

    17. The commander reached into his saddlebag and threw some meat to the

    18. Before entering the courtyard of the cluster of buildings, Nauca took out of a saddlebag a long iron stake with a loop at one end and, using the back of her axe, hammered it deep into the ground

    19. “Ready to chase the sunset, partner? I got us some vittles’ in my saddlebag

    20. Put it in your saddlebag

    21. Checking the safety again to make sure it was secured; Sam dropped the pistol into the saddlebag and mounted the mare

    22. gun they found in the saddlebag wasn’t his

    23. saddlebag and found it empty

    24. He removed a pair of field glasses from his saddlebag and

    25. They frame Jeremy Foster, hang him, and put the gun in his saddlebag

    26. “I mean, they found the gun in his saddlebag

    27. I held the saddlebag open beneath them, and flicked seeds inside

    28. I put my fist in a hole in the wall, dug out the saddlebag, and heard someone sniffling

    29. My saddlebag had acquired a character all its own of chapped and cracked leather, and I felt very fond of it as I dug for the letter Tem had written two years ago

    30. I pried the stone loose, nervous about my saddlebag, but it was tucked away where I’d left it

    31. I sat atop the boardwalk railing, rolling a stolen chisel and needle across my lap, rubbing the part of my neck were the saddlebag strap should have been, watching the poplars across the water change to gold in the sunset

    32. The horse blanket in my saddlebag was eaten away in pieces, but I didn’t care

    33. I chased her outside on clumsy legs, bludgeoned her to the ground with my saddlebag, and ground her pretty face into a heap of horse-apples

    34. So I gathered armfuls of the flowers from the pool, and stuffed the flowers and shirts into my saddlebag for weaving during my journey north

    35. I hid the saddlebag in the hollow log on the beach––it could wait there until I was ready to go north––and I came to the tavern around midday

    36. Andrei took the hint and took the old saddlebag from under her

    37. back on the saddlebag

    38. When Money is the master, we are its beast of burdens and the plundered Earth is the saddlebag we weary from our labors in Meonly Mine

    39. He’d put them in the saddlebag figuring they would be needed to gain access

    40. The old man came out from the corral with his saddlebag over his shoulder and said,

    41. He slowly walked his mount along and as he did so he took a batch of printed flyers from his saddlebag and began to cast them about upon the ground

    42. He pulled a few more apples from the trees and stuffed them in his saddlebag

    43. a piece of rope out of the saddlebag

    44. the saddlebag and stepped the mare out into the clearing

    45. Then, when he provided them with their provisions, he placed the drinking-cup in his brother's saddlebag

    46. He walked over to the horses and pulled his water skin out of a saddlebag

    47. He carefully wrapped the picture in trollskin and stowed it in his saddlebag, along with the others

    48. Then he pulled from his saddlebag a long wooden club

    49. He parks his Harley and removes the gun from his pants, placing it inside the saddlebag on his bike

    50. He removes his gun and flashlight from his saddlebag

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