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    Usa "sanctum" in una frase

    sanctum frasi di esempio


    1. tried to haul towards the bright inner sanctum of the modern retail experience was, of

    2. In public the old girl bristled with an imperious air of confidence and hard-nosed, old-world defiance, but Annie was convinced that her private inner sanctum would be a shambling mess of decrepitude and cat infestations, full of strange smells and unfamiliar utility furniture that dated from the middle of the previous century

    3. was convinced that her private inner sanctum would be a shambling

    4. Kennitch announced himself to the secretary guarding Alfred Waterhouse's inner sanctum

    5. "I believe we need some younger blood in the inner sanctum, we've all worked hard and some of you need rest and retirement

    6. " The pimpled one leapt off his stool and strutted toward the inner sanctum of the bank

    7. The family had agreed to sprinkle half of Xonia’s ashes over the river and the other half Zarko’s mother would keep in their Sanctum, where 21 candles of mourning would burn for a whole month

    8. Whereas, no one else seemed to want to leave this underground sanctum, or indeed their own mental sanctum – although to them it was the ultimate freedom of the psyche

    9. ‘I believe you have the authority, the trust, and therefore the access codes to gain entrance to the inner sanctum

    10. and sanctum to him

    11. him to invite them into his sanctum

    12. myth lore (to suit this story) 3; Willpower +1 Backgrounds: Sanctum (monastery) 1, Enigma

    13. I repeated it firmly in a quiet second, and he came out of the inner sanctum sanctorum

    14. his faith, and he made sure that we visited our sanctum of salvation every Sunday where

    15. Not at all pleased by the brusque command from this chit, the secretary pursed her lips and—without speaking—rose in her dignity to enter the inner sanctum, closing the door behind her

    16. The room cleared of applicants, and twenty minutes before noon he was directed to enter the inner sanctum

    17. Let us venture to the inner sanctum and speak with the Ruler of the Dagonites

    18. Secure in the knowledge that no one would dare enter her sanctum without first knocking, the headmistress and her ancient acolyte tutted concern and gently swabbed and applied ointment and plasters to gashes and grazes

    19. The elderly receptionist clearly didn’t believe that a man of his ethnicity could be called MacDonald, but sent him through to the Osbairne inner sanctum nonetheless

    20. the inner sanctum of the Hindu temple

    21. sanctum of the temple

    22. there, in the inner sanctum of the temple is a life size statue

    23. “He’ll see you now,” she said to Nick, and he went through to the inner sanctum of Roger’s office

    24. favourite sanctum, a place he could come to relax and enjoy his little triumphs

    25. When in the end, they joined the queue to the sanctum sanctorum, the devotees around mistook them for newly weds

    26. But now she was a DC herself and she was working on an important multiple murder case, her pass to the inner sanctum

    27. Fiona and Saul had arrived at the inner sanctum intact

    28. The mist is kept at bay by huge dykes which surround the inner sanctum of unsanctity, keeping the unsavoury air relatively clear of fog

    29. If he woke up to find Schnottweiper in his inner sanctum, he pondered, it wouldn’t be pretty

    30. punishment a jury of my peers decides is necessary, out here in the open, not behind some closed door or inner sanctum,” Garcia said

    31. Inner Sanctum – A place established within the Astral Body, where we can access our inner wisdom, peace, and the Higher Self

    32. a large crowd at the sanctum sanctorum and very near the holy spot

    33. With a stable warmth and unconditional love to their care, they stimulate their children to explore their inner sanctum and their environment

    34. By responding to the outcry concerning gun massacres and parents demanding that their children have armed protection at all times, GovCorp saw it was the perfect opportunity for the snitch state to infiltrate the sanctum of learning by pretending to be a nanny to ease the fears of their charges

    35. I'munity was found by Revolition and revealed to the Alter-Spaces as it inhabited F5's virtual sanctum,

    36. He tweaked them, pinched them, and toyed with them, all the while gazing deep into my inner sanctum, watching my excitement grow by leaps and bounds

    37. Dorgan," began Kennedy quietly, when we were seated alone in the little Sanctum of the Boss, "you will pardon me if I seem to be a little slow in coming to the business that has brought me here this morning

    38. invitation to enter the inner sanctum

    39. At the far end was the main sanctum of the temple, with the statue of its god,

    40. Unlike other temples, the sanctum sanctorum was in the

    41. Within the sanctum was the statue that drew devotees

    42. On the other side of the sanctum, Shiva was staring at Lord Rudra’s idol

    43. Shiva looked at the sanctum sanctorum at the far corner of the temple

    44. Finally, the spirit of the Well had come out of its inner sanctum deep within the waters of the wellhead to everlasting life

    45. He went through security and straight to Dr Heim’s inner sanctum

    46. That, and their instant mutual attraction, prompted him to bring her down here to witness his sanctum sanctorum

    47. Even the coldhearted killers, who had invaded this underground sanctum dedicated in commemoration to the lusts of the past, felt a moment of fear

    48. The Governor launched directly into the tale of this colonies origin, “The Southern fleet sailed guided by some device for many days and then as the account goes the fleet fell down through the world to land here in this inner sanctum

    49. Monte Cristo cast one rapid and curious glance round this sanctum; it was the first time he had ever seen Mademoiselle d'Armilly, of whom he had heard much

    50. And so I found myself within that little sanctum, inside which, as I afterwards learned, no other foot had for three years been set save that of the old servant who cleaned it out

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    holy holy place sanctum sanctum sanctorum