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    Usa "sand dune" in una frase

    sand dune frasi di esempio

    sand dune

    1. They left from the town of Alamosa by car, and then left those cars with a contact at Great Sand Dunes National Park and started on foot, heading east, further into the storm

    2. Barren as far as the eye could see, with a blue cloudless sky, sand dunes sharply etched on the horizon

    3. Was he making this happen? The sun appeared to be melting the sand dunes

    4. William found it interesting that the area known as 17 Mile Drive was still as famous for its scenic oceanfront, sand dunes and delicate habitat four generations after the movie he was now watching had been produced

    5. The floodplain was black soil, with clay and limestone hills to the south, and sand dunes to the north

    6. Shaking her head at the way Henry always seemed to dominate Elliot when they were playing, she walked off, searching along the sand dunes

    7. The terrain had progressed from a rough savannah into a rocky desert, and it seemed like soon they were about to enter the great sand dunes he had read about in Umberth’s accounts

    8. The sand dunes beckoned before them, and it would take much more than the mere lack of luxury to prevent him from the most worthwhile of goals

    9. The last hundred meters before going over the blow would be blocked by waves pushing up against the high sand dunes

    10. Thirty-five minutes later they could see the blow ahead, as waves washed against the sand dunes

    11. Turning hard left, he continued up and over the sand dunes

    12. Coming to a halt deep in the night, I felt the mass of a giant sand dune as high as a hill

    13. Beyond the sand dunes were gray seas, soft and beautiful

    14. The smart people say that a sand dune collapsed onto – and buried a live dinosaur

    15. Youssaf, waving a final, rather formal-looking farewell in Moshe’s direction, strode away at their head, leaving Shobal to round up some dockhands to carry all the paraphernalia with which Myserrah had stumbled down that benighted sand dune

    16. Myserrah had stumbled down that benighted sand dune

    17. Every year the mountain- rescue teams have to risk their own lives to bring city slickers to safety who, to their detriment, thought that these hills can be treated like sand dunes at the beach

    18. wind streaks and sand dunes

    19. surface of Mars; but beached on a nearby sand dune was a slightly broken

    20. However, this block of land and several on each side would remain, because we"re on a granite outcrop, not sand dunes like most of the coast

    21. Rocky was a dog that liked heights and delighted in running to the top of the sand dunes, some of which resembled small hills

    22. They all huddled in a sand dune with anything they had covering their heads

    23. A couple of us used to jerk off in the sand dunes

    24. They trudged up a sand dune and cresting the top

    25. I drew the bar between my front legs, took off parallel to the land and flew just about ten feet above the sand dunes and sparse trees

    26. The shuttle drove itself up onto the beach where it finally came to rest at the base of a sand dune with a cloud of salt spray and sand billowing all around

    27. Like a few of his men he was amongst those who got wounded, but he managed crawl into one of the many sand dunes and in great pain from the wound in his leg and a numbness which was by then gathering in his face, he covered himself up with the sand

    28. The terrain was completely flat with few features and, in many places, the encroaching desert had completely covered the roads surface, forcing Siri to press on, unguided, until it reappeared from beneath the wandering sand dunes

    29. “We set up early along the sand dunes and waited for the hour that you would land

    30. A moment later, Peter lay panting and bleeding in between two sand dunes

    31. He had to lean forward to keep his balance as he made his way up the large sand dune that the skeletal structure of a home stood on

    32. Jesse lifted Gabriel up again and walked up the sand dune with his staff

    33. There were sand dunes here and there coming up from the ground

    34. He’d been flying Ken’s old glider for the last three years and still hadn’t ventured out of the Kurnell sand dunes

    35. � From there, 300 yards of sparse vegetation and low sand dunes separated them from the sea

    36. � There is also a possible machine gun position dug in this sand dune to our front

    37. � That was when a mortar bomb exploded just in front of the speeding half-track, sending it crashing in a sand dune and blowing her off the vehicle

    38. Then a strange thing happened, I heard a solitary keening wail from the direction of the sand dunes then more people joined in, gradually the wail was taken up by thousands of the spectators all expressing their anguish because their god was leaving them, the emotion generated by this display brought tears to every eye mine included

    39. A field of red flowers at the foot of a sand dune

    40. Then, as they set out for the next day already fatigued from lack of sleep, Severus soon became convinced that they were lost as hours had passed by with nothing but the same monotonous sand dunes to mark the landscape

    41. that stands right out on top of that sand dune

    42. gest sand dunes in the world

    43. “ In the 7th century, Saint Eloi built a church in the middle of the sand dunes

    44. When I was here last there was a sand dune nearby

    45. But over the years entire sand dunes can be moved by the wind

    46. The enemy cavalry had spotted us and were charging across the sand dunes toward us

    47. As we reached the shallow surf of the beach we jumped out of the air boats and drug them up onto the shore and into the cover of some sand dunes

    48. We came to an exhausted stop on top of a tall sand dune

    49. Entire sand dune mounds cascaded into the still smoking abyss in the distance

    50. Suddenly I was free and I scrambled away from them and up and over the sand dune

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