Here a Japanese woodblock print, there a sandstone sculpture or an oil painting, everything tasteful, orderly and serene
When they emerged on the other side, greeted by towering purple and red sandstone cliffs, plunging over one was a shimmering blue ribbon of water, into a motionless pond below
The building itself was made of light brown sandstone slabs, painstakingly carved from huge rocks and cleverly shaped by expert craftsmen to fit together without the slightest opening between them
He looked at the rounded sandstone of the strange, old building with the little bridge over the street that many of his fellow university students talked about as being such an architectural masterpiece
We can see our doctorates painted on the sides of those dark, sandstone walls,” she laughed
This area was desolate: patchy grass, amid the sandstone rocks, partly chewed by the local fauna
The tunnel down took Torbin through hundreds of metres of chalk, clay and lastly sandstone
the cellar which was a room cut into the sandstone beneath
old cottage built into sandstone on a hill just below the Desperate
The sand turned to patchy shale outcrops and by midday every step sounded like walking over broken glass, as the soft sandstone cracked and crumbled beneath their weight
Rugged rocks on the shore gave way to sheer sandstone walls
The wind slowly wears the sandstone and clay is deposited on bones-sandstone and clay that are now part of the soil
He stretched his arms to embrace the dark horizon and the desert with its sandstone formations sculpted by wind and its countless silent whales
buildings were faced with an artificial sandstone façade at about a tenth the cost of stone
instead of inlaid sandstone like the others, and thoroughly reinforced
white walls of sandstone, roofed by slates of blue tiling, although
houses of pale sandstone, a thin layer of moss protruding from
over the slated rooftops of the houses, charring their sandstone
He looked at the distant cliffs of red sandstone that marked the eastern boundary of the island that protected the bay and sensed that even this world could be a friendly place
It was 1900 hours and the low angle of the evening sun exaggerated the red color in the series of shale and sandstone beds that formed a large cliff to the south
The home was of red sandstone blocks, and featured well-proportioned simple lines lacking any ornate detail, and large multiply-paned rectangular windows
In a room next to the one she was in, she saw the backs of a few men dressed like ancient Vikings, who were carving marks in the soft sandstone of the wall
Kerim and Cristal sat on a four-foot high wall of sandstone blocks, which stretched for miles along the shoreline
The dead priest’s contorted face was turned upwards; his death appeared recent and the scratch marks made by his finger nails in the sandstone slabs showed the terror that he had experienced in his final moments to get away
Supporting the chimney was a sandstone block of great age, while the rest of the basement showed only crumbling patches of concrete
Behind the brown sandstone façade there are a series of reception rooms and medical suites each occupied by a specialist
The Executioner reached her in the grayish sandstone that was in the center of the garden near a mutilated fountain made of stone also
Made of sandstone in the middle of Rome
The prison was the only place in the town that was made of sandstone, and sandstone was scarce, so the walls of the cells themselves were just iron bars
I looked up from atop the horse’s back and saw vertical cliffs of gray in red sandstone, green and yellow tinted granite, huge fir trees and cedars
We stepped out into the bright sunlight on a desert scene of bare sandstone, dry grass and sere landscape
“There are hieroglyphs on each sandstone step, however, I am unable to discern the meanings without a frame of reference
A warm, orange light shone through the small, square windows and grey smoke was streaming from the old sandstone chimney
Walking through the sandstone and wrought iron gate, in the rain, was a
There was a large sandstone fireplace at the opposite end of
Leading up to the entrance of the tunnel, was a 3-metre square patch of soil, different in color and texture to the surrounding hard sandstone, it also contained chunks of sandstone
The Professor explained; this had been a deep pit from ground level, through the softer sand, down to this sandstone layer
The tunnel had been cut from the sandstone
The roof had changed from stone slabs to sandstone at the entrance and ahead in the torch light, some 20 meters away, they could see a wall blocking the tunnel
The chamber was 10meters square; the floor, walls and domed ceiling were sandstone, rubbed smooth
He started to cut into the sandstone directly under the seating of the roof slab
Jed slowly ascended the sandstone stairs of the Carson City Hotel,
a massive sandstone and marble structure with a covered veranda that
We backed tracked a little, and wound around to the other side of the cut and started down some wide steps carved into the sandstone cliff face
” I went on, “Once it crosses into the Texas Panhandle, it starts its cut into the sandstone as the land rises up to the mountains farther west
They are a hematite crust formed around a core of sandstone
I stretched out on my back on the beautiful bench made of a solid piece of smoothly weathered sandstone that looked like the room had been built around it
Grayson designed the water catchment system to collect the rain runoff from the roof and from the sandstone rock faces around the house
From there, you had to crawl under a long rock overhang that recessed about twenty feet into the sandstone face that formed its own shallow cave
“How do you know it’s actually indicating to the other Moqui marble? Couldn’t it just be pointing us to some large outcropping made of the same material? After all, Asia said the Moqui marbles are just made out of sandstone with a little iron ore mixed in
This British force was camped the base of a 300 foot sandstone outcrop at Isandlwana, when they were descended upon by 25,000 Zulu warriors
The brown, sandstone
The sandstone pillars stood tall and magnificent uncorroded by time and 3 millennium of wind abraded erosion, they flanked the landscaped necropolis of aligned pyramids and tombs, as kept as a stately English garden
Rain and exhaust fumes painted walls that were supposed to be the color of sand in an imitation of the sandstone that was so typical for Paris and steel-gray bars blocked the view, inside and out
Truly, it was a breathtaking experience to set foot in such a place, and I couldn’t stop staring at the spectacular rusty, crimson, and marigold hues splashed across the canyon walls, all that color blending into a perfect mix, and the towering sandstone rock formations
like fire when the rays of the morning or setting sun glanced off their sandstone faces
"He said that in Salem, New Hampshire, a town not very far from here, there is an ancient and uninhabited place constructed entirely of sheared rock slabs and other pieces of sandstone
The red sandstone
occupation, the walls again local yellow sandstone
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Claire asked, placing a soothing hand on her shoulder as she gripped the steering wheel and stared blankly out the window, her eyes trained towards the large wooden and glass door at the top of the large sandstone steps
She ran down the sandstone steps as the tears spilled and sobs quickly followed
Requiring very precise softening of the wood and hours of rubbing the bone tip on a piece of sandstone
With a thin veneer of outer reflective consciousness made of polished stone, and a massive amount of rotten sandstone filling up the human brain with cultural brainwashing that crumbles easily upon exposure to the elements
I kept glancing behind me, expecting to see a military vehicle bearing down on me, but there were only scrub brush and low sandstone mesas to break up the scenery
It was an ambitious subject for an amateur - an oval basin with an island of sculptured rocks at its centre; on the rocks grew, in stone, formal tropical vegetation, and wild English fem in its natural fronds; through them ran a dozen streams that counterfeited springs, and round them sported fantastic tropical animals, camels and camelopards and an ebullient lion, all vomiting water; on the rocks, to the height of the pediment, stood an Egyptian obelisk of red sandstone - but, by some odd chance, for the thing was far beyond me, I brought it off and, by judicious omissions and some stylish tricks, produced a very passable echo of Piranesi
The exterior of the Victorian sandstone facade was so darkened by soot that it was known locally as “The Blackie
He had unexpectedly attended the Anfield funeral of his former sister-in-law, my auntie Pat, a grim Catholic affair in the sandstone parish church
There are two posters legible on each sandstone pillar that frames the band that read RECRUITING OFFICE
The compound, made up of a castlelike estate building and a dozen sandstone cottages, was a rest home for alcoholic, deranged, and melancholy priests from the Archdiocese of New York
Despite thick forest canopy, the day’s heat still lived in the yellow sandstone
Uranium ore bodies are often found in porous rocks such as sandstone
Lastly, many great deposits, requiring a vast length of time for their accumulation, are entirely destitute of organic remains, without our being able to assign any reason: one of the most striking instances is that of the Flysch formation, which consists of shale and sandstone, several thousand, occasionally even six thousand feet in thickness, and extending for at least 300 miles from Vienna to Switzerland; and although this great mass has been most carefully searched, no fossils, except a few vegetable remains, have been found
And now one of the richest known accumulations of fossil mammals belongs to the middle of the secondary series; and true mammals have been discovered in the new red sandstone at nearly the commencement of this great series
Had it not been for the rare accident of the preservation of footsteps in the new red sandstone of the United States, who would have ventured to suppose that no less than at least thirty different bird-like animals, some of gigantic size, existed during that period? Not a fragment of bone has been discovered in these beds
"We scraped on the Sandstone Ledge," grimly
The country is of the secondary trap formation, and the rocks, at the particular place, are the old red sandstone of Werner, which here occupies the plains, and runs under the trap
But shoals, or shallows, are frequent, and are formed by beds of rounded sandstone, spread out into a broad base, over which the water often rushes with no small violence and noise
The limestone in the valleys, and the sandstone on the mountains, lie in strata which make an angle of from 25 to 45 degrees with the horizon
Different varieties of this sandstone possess different qualities
Interspersed among the sandstone of the mountains we often find very beautiful and interesting specimens of hornstones, assuming a resemblance to all the silicious stones, from the chalcedony to the jasper
The limestone, slate, and sandstone, as far as the writer's knowledge extends, so to speak, form the country; the limestone and clay slate dipping under the sandstone
A limestone rock is seen dipping under the sandstone which forms the country
The alluvial part is elevated above the bed of Connecticut river from 10 to 100 feet, and, in most places, reposes on red sandstone
The secondary formation consists chiefly of detached eminences that rise abruptly from the plain, and are composed of red sandstone and puddingstone alternating, except the elevations A and B, (Holyoke and Tom) and a part of the range CD, passing through Deerfield and Greenfield, which are greenstone
In the town of Gill, at E, there is a cataract in Connecticut river, from 30 to 40 feet in height; and it is believed that the alluvial region, and part of the secondary shown on the map from this fall to the place where the river passes between mount Holyoke and Tom, was formerly the bed of a lake: for the logs are still found undecayed in many places, from 10 to 20 feet below the surface; the river has evidently worn a passage between Holyoke and Tom: many of the hills on the northern part, and the sandstone on the plain, bear the marks of having been washed by water, and the channels of two rivers are still visible in Deerfield, the one 30, and the other 100 feet above the present bed of Connecticut river
Both sides of this hill are sandstone and puddingstone, frequently alternating: though these are most extensive on the west side, and as we rise the puddingstone predominates
This rock does not appear to rest on sandstone, but to descend through it, where there is an opportunity for observation
Deerfield river has worn a passage through the sandstone and greenstone 150 feet deep, and the greenstone passes under its bed, and the sandstone, at a few rods distant lies on each side of the greenstone
Yet I have coloured this greenstone secondary on the map; for it is certain that Mount Tom rests on sandstone, and it is stated by Professor Silliman, that the same rock does in Connecticut
The red sandstone and conglomerate also terminate on the opposite side of the river in Northfield
The elevation in the north part of Sunderland, called Toby, from 800 to 900 feet high, is chiefly conglomerate, red, brown, or greenish, which, in some parts, alternates with chlorite slate, secondary argillite, and a sandstone that seems to be passing into gray wacke slate