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    Usa "scenic" in una frase

    scenic frasi di esempio


    1. I've heard it's very scenic out there, but we've never been above Shempala

    2. The Easter Sunday lunchtime crawl; bickering families on their way to The Big Sheep, fourteen hundred cubic centimetres of internally-combusting scenic country-lane driving, the flat cap and ladder-back glove brigade

    3. Just off the Venezuelan coast, this is al hil s, volcanoes and scenic mountains

    4. He wondered how he was going to react to the loss of Shinvei? Would he soon long for someone as awesome as her again? Would Luray soon grow tired of his poverty and lack of culture? It was a two and a half mile walk home along some upper paths, beautifully scenic in the glowing hour of sunset, but he hardly noticed as he dwelled on these thoughts

    5. more the elegance of construction and the scenic

    6. We drove for about 6 hours, got out, stretched our legs at a scenic overview, and sat on a bench, where we just sort of relaxed for a half hour

    7. William found it interesting that the area known as 17 Mile Drive was still as famous for its scenic oceanfront, sand dunes and delicate habitat four generations after the movie he was now watching had been produced

    8. Dogs also seem to appreciate that scenic work of the Lord

    9. The scenic arrangement throbs with life

    10. …That wonder of geological treasures is an inexhaustible source of impressionist paints that make the sightseer sigh: “I wish I was a painter!” As in Alaska, that is a fascinating landscape, a feast for the senses, a true natural scenic orgy, a peaceful and tranquil refuge where to escape from the earthly problems that constantly besiege human beings

    11. The central part of this state is surprisingly scenic, with dramatic canyons and lakes

    12. Located in the scenic Central Valley, forty-two miles from the port, Sarchí is a picturesque and beautiful small city

    13. Covered with papaya, cocoa, corn, sugar cane and coffee beans and palms, the scenic village cheerfully offers tourists the cultural essence of the country

    14. Similarly, travelers have within reach many other possibilities: golf, tennis in the seventeen public courts in the capital’s “Parque Central”, or join an excursion into the scenic foot-paths of the Yunque Rain Forest

    15. What contributes to that pleasing scenic condition is the fact that, under a volcanic layer, rest numerous and abundant deposits of water

    16. From Legend of the Seas Roger contemplated in awe the scenic landscape of that charming, peaceful

    17. Built in the environs of various lakes, that charming metropolis spreads through pleasant hills and scenic valleys

    18. The latter carries the name of the agricultural region that surrounds it and exhibits one of the most naturally scenic unharmed decorative arrangements in the world

    19. Still somewhat darkened by swirling misty rain, spectacular scenic views took form on both sides of the Sound

    20. scenic sections of the city

    21. Roger definitely agrees for he considers its bay as the most scenic, pleasing and breath-taking he has ever contemplated

    22. On the other side of Rizal Park, crossing Roxas Boulevard, historic Manila Bay appears magnificent, scenic, regal and majestic

    23. Tourists cannot bid farewell to Suzhou without visiting first its scenic and historic Wang Shi Garden where there is a bridge similar to the one in Tai Park in Wuxi

    24. Thus, in those placid waters, the Eskimo canoe becomes the ideal, most adequate milieu to explore the scenic splendor of its setting

    25. Today, however, Skagway serves as a place of departure for scenic adventures and to keep custody of the excitement and flurry of those colorful days of gold fever

    26. Naturally, once in Vancouver, it was logical for Roger and Lucille to board a boat and make the scenic and enjoyable one hour and a half trip to cross the bay and go to Victoria

    27. They proceeded on foot through the scenic path that leads to the “Herrería”, but the walk was pleasurable and relaxing

    28. Both localities are three to four hours from Florence by bus, but both are almost perfect examples of the period of history that are portrayed in their buildings and their streets: Urbino, a striking flawlessly harmonious ensemble of Renaissance style and tradition, with a fairytale-like skyline yet untouched by pollution; and Spoleto, a charming center of medieval streets and a scenic hilltop setting that overwhelms the sensitivity of nature lovers as Roger is

    29. historical and scenic coastal

    30. One of the most scenic locations in Namibia!

    31. Across the Way lies Riverside Park, which runs along the river Bouk for kilometers in both directions, affording endless opportunities for scenic strolling, boating, or riding

    32. Wanting to take in the scenery about her Amori took the scenic route

    33. Across the Way lies Riverside Park, which runs along the river Bouk for miles in both directions, affording endless opportunities for scenic strolling, boating, or riding

    34. The Togean Festival combines the beauty of underwater realm with the scenic beauty of

    35. Matthew loved visiting there in summer, as it was an area of scenic beauty

    36. Hardly could anything scenic remove my eyes from such a strange occurrence but the house of my uncle itself

    37. It nestled in a charming valley between scenic hills where the Jordan poured forth from an underground cave

    38. Set in a scenic valley with a crystal clear trout stream running through the center of the valley was the pretty little town of Sprig’s Hollow

    39. If you feel under the weather go to some scenic spot and just sit there and absorb the beauty

    40. The other four were outside, exploring the scenic delights of the island

    41. scenic route to California

    42. For his bidding, he was sentenced to prison for two years, but his actions halted the sale of 22,000 acres of scenic wilderness

    43. Perhaps Admiral Kimmel agreed that scenic views were much more important than an efficient radar station at Hawaii

    44. The climate is mild year-long in most of New Zealand and nice beaches and fantastic scenic sights abound

    45. It was located at the scenic and salubrious Happy Valley in Shillong

    46. A scenic view is in the distance, a tourist spot where people used to go to see the panorama of the city before they came and fenced part of it in

    47. Two lunch wagons sit in the ditch by the once scenic outpost

    48. Glacia buys the quilt and a book filled with one hundred pictures of Belvun from orbit and scenic places around the planet, and then we catch a bus to the northwest sector

    49. “It’s the scenic route to your quarters,” replied one of the guards, as he escorted Rod down the

    50. “It’s fairly scenic and low on the auto traffic

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    Sinonimi per "scenic"

    scenic panoramic breathtaking beautiful unspoiled picturesque spectacular pretty