Usa "schoolmaster" in una frase
schoolmaster frasi di esempio
1. The reward of the schoolmaster, in most cases, depends principally, in some cases almost entirely, upon the fees or honoraries of his scholars
2. It was a great service, and all the townsfolk in Lumbert were thrilled to have a new schoolmaster
3. Stefan had taught in schools in Krakow and Warsaw before deciding to accept an appointment as a rural schoolmaster under the pre-war Polish government
4. Before climbing up to sit in the driver’s seat, Colling gave the schoolmaster five twenty-dollar bills
5. “An accident, Lieutenant,” Ed said in his bellowing voice that sounded like a schoolmaster representing an unruly pupil, “is one thing—a most unfortunate loss of life
6. 'An educated man, I suppose--did he not say he was a schoolmaster? A teacher of the young, without a vestige himself of the simple faith he ought to inculcate
7. The school children were still learning about Bismarck's birthday, the schoolmaster was still laboriously computing attendances and endeavouring to obey the difficult law which commanded him to cane the absent, the elders of the church were still refusing to repair the steeple in time, the confirmation class was still meeting explanations and exhortations with thick inattention, the ecclesiastical authorities were still demanding detailed reports of progress when there was not and could not be progress, couples were still forgetting marriage until the last hurried moment and then demanding it with insistent cries, infants were still being hastily christened before the same neglects that killed those other infants who else might have been their proud and happy grandparents carried them off, and peasants were still slinking away at the bare mention of intelligence and manure
8. "Ah, that is the same as what we call superintendent," said the Baroness, nodding several times slowly on learning that Ingeborg's father was a bishop; and after a series of questions as to the Frau Pastor's sister's marriage nodded her head slowly several times again, and informed Ingeborg that what her sister had married was a schoolmaster
9. "Like Herr Schultz," said the Baroness--Herr Schultz being the village schoolmaster
10. And for her herself to descend and help in the eyes of all Kökensee would have been too great a condescension, besides involving her in difficulties with the wife of the forester, and the wife of the Glambeck schoolmaster, who was also the postman, both of whom were of the same social standing as the younger Frau Dremmel and would jealously resent the least mark of what they would interpret as
11. He was having differences of a personal nature with the village schoolmaster, who refused with a steadiness that annoyed Herr Dremmel to recognise that he was a _Schafskopf_, while Herr Dremmel held, and patiently explained, that a person who is born a _Schafskopf_ should be simple and frank about it, and not persist in behaving as if he were not one; and as for a teacher in the house, that was altogether impossible, because there was no room
12. He had instantly observed her hungry hovering, and had flared out into a leaping rebuke in which there was more of the angry schoolmaster than the lover
13. He drew himself up to his full height and although he wasn't as tall as the schoolmaster, he looked just as impressive and rather more dangerous thanks to an expression that could have been hewn from rock
14. I wondered if she perhaps overheard your conversation with the schoolmaster before she left
15. The schoolmaster bristled and his beard took on a life of its own as he spluttered an objection
16. The schoolmaster was the respected Mr
17. Schoolmaster: The law that brings us to Christ
18. It had a paternalistic air; its large, round face reminiscent of a jolly schoolmaster
19. But it has just occurred to me how it may be conveniently and even more than conveniently written, and that is in the note-book that belonged to Cardenio, and thou wilt take care to have it copied on paper, in a good hand, at the first village thou comest to where there is a schoolmaster, or if not, any sacristan will copy it; but see thou give it not to any notary to copy, for they write a law hand that Satan could not make out
20. Whitehorn, when she consulted him about her little boy who was beaten by the schoolmaster
21. I was left a helpless widow, with a daughter on my hands growing up in beauty like the sea-foam; at length, however, as I had the character of being an excellent needlewoman, my lady the duchess, then lately married to my lord the duke, offered to take me with her to this kingdom of Aragon, and my daughter also, and here as time went by my daughter grew up and with her all the graces in the world; she sings like a lark, dances quick as thought, foots it like a gipsy, reads and writes like a schoolmaster, and does sums like a miser; of her neatness I say nothing, for the running water is not purer, and her age is now, if my memory serves me, sixteen years five months and three days, one more or less
22. William began to consort with the sons of the chemist, the schoolmaster, and the tradesmen
23. "How was it that Dionysius the Tyrant became a schoolmaster? The fortune of war, my dear viscount,—the caprice of fortune; that is the way in which these things are to be accounted for
24. death of this schoolmaster to be accounted for
25. Several hours later a kind old schoolmaster from Overton, walking through the fields, came upon Woundwort nuzzling the cold, still body and crying
26. Gripe-man, a schoolmaster in Love-gain, which is a market town in the county of Coveting, in the north
27. This schoolmaster taught
28. The person that first brought me an account of this, and it was in a private confidential manner, was Mr Scudmyloof, the grammar schoolmaster, a man of method and lear, to whom the fathers of the project had applied for an occasional cast of his skill, in the way of Latin head-pieces, and essays of erudition concerning the free spirit among the ancient Greeks and Romans; but he, not liking the principle of the men concerned in the scheme, thought that it would be a public service to the community at large, if a stop could be put, by my help, to the opening of such an ettering sore and king’s evil as a newspaper, in our heretofore and hitherto truly royal and loyal burgh; especially as it was given out that the calamity, for I can call
29. About a fortnight after the election, Mr Scudmyloof, the schoolmaster, called one day on me, in my shop, and said, “That being of a nervous turn, the din of the school did not agree with him; and that he would, therefore, be greatly obligated to me if I would get him made a gauger
30. The Professor only raised his great eyebrows, as the schoolmaster meets the irrelevant observation of the naughtyboy
31. Casaubon consented to listen and teach for an hour together, like a schoolmaster of little boys, or rather like a lover, to whom a mistress's elementary ignorance and difficulties have a touching fitness
32. Every day at the same time the schoolmaster in a black skullcap opened the shutters of his house, and the rural policeman, wearing his sabre over his blouse, passed by
33. If it was easy to reflect, however, that such a boy could postpone school, it was at least as marked that for such a boy to have been "kicked out" by a schoolmaster was a mystification without end
34. Hogarth himself, tho’ he lookt the most unprepossessing Pug (being short, blunt-featur’d, and stout as a little Bulldog), was a canny Fellow, the Son of a distracted Schoolmaster turn’d Coffee-house Keeper, who’d been gaol’d in the Fleet for Debt; and he was determin’d to escape his Father’s hard Fate
35. The darling of his desires was, to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster
36. The schoolmaster, always severe, grew severer and more exacting than ever, for he wanted the school to make a good showing on "Examination" day
37. " To villages where he found no schoolmaster, he quoted once more the people of Queyras: "Do you know how they manage?" he said
38. He allotted a salary from his own funds to the two instructors, a salary twice as large as their meagre official salary, and one day he said to some one who expressed surprise, "The two prime functionaries of the state are the nurse and the schoolmaster
39. One evening the schoolmaster affirmed that in former times the law would have instituted an inquiry as to what Boulatruelle did in the forest, and that the latter would have been forced to speak, and that he would have been put to the torture in case of need, and that Boulatruelle would not have resisted the water test, for example
40. Nevertheless, by dint of returning to the charge and of comparing and putting together the few obscure words which he did allow to escape him, this is what Thenardier and the schoolmaster imagined that they had made out:—
41. Nevertheless, the schoolmaster had noticed that he pronounced improperly
42. These booths were all illuminated, because the citizens would soon pass on their way to the midnight mass, with candles burning in paper funnels, which, as the schoolmaster, then seated at the table at the Thenardiers' observed, produced "a magical effect
43. He declared that the future lies in the hand of the schoolmaster, and busied himself with educational questions
44. It was a little lame schoolmaster, Tyrtaeus, who aroused the Spartans by his poetry and led them to victory against the foe
45. My father was a schoolmaster in Chesterfield, where I received an excellent education
46. During that time she ran free in a mining camp and wandered through woods or mountains, so that her education has come from Nature rather than from the schoolmaster
47. There is the death of this schoolmaster to be accounted for
48. I did not see why the schoolmaster should be taxed to support the priest, and not the priest the schoolmaster: for I was not the State's schoolmaster, but I supported myself by voluntary subscription
49. Now, as the harem of whales is called by the fishermen a school, so is the lord and master of that school technically known as the schoolmaster
50. His title, schoolmaster, would very naturally seem derived from the name bestowed upon the harem itself, but some have surmised that the man who first thus entitled this sort of Ottoman whale, must have read the memoirs of Vidocq, and informed himself what sort of a country-schoolmaster that famous Frenchman was in his younger days, and what was the nature of those occult lessons he inculcated into some of his pupils