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    Usa "schooner" in una frase

    schooner frasi di esempio


    1. Our cabins are beyond the galley, up towards the front end; there is a cabin for me in the prow of the schooner with cabins for Berndt and Joris, one either side of the central corridor with the doors of all three cabins opening into the same tiny hall space

    2. Intelligent crime on a huge scale with a demon in the detail; a high-powered, heavily-armed, luxurious schooner feeding world-wide drivelling greed, gagging for more and supplied on demand by ruthless slavering zeal

    3. She puts the schooner of sherry to her lips and lets the thick, sickly sweet amber wine from the Jerez region of southern Spain slide around her mouth

    4. The ship was a 3-masted schooner named The Sea Serpent

    5. schooner, and Waddell was delegated to visit a house near the

    6. schooner, Waddell discovered that this schooner was not

    7. had not had contact with anyone except the schooner from

    8. A plot was discovered to outfit and arm the schooner J

    9. USS Cyane rowed toward the schooner

    10. During the day, the Milo had made contact with the schooner Tecoa which had just started out on a trading voyage to the Arctic from San Francisco

    11. party to the schooner for news and copies of the latest

    12. This was based on intelligence gathered from the Oahu schooner,

    13. His fantasy pirate ship, or schooner as Buddha would correct him, had sunk to the bottom of the sea

    14. "Shit loads mate," said the punter as he knocked down the remainder of his schooner

    15. LP ordered a schooner of beer and a bourbon and cola for Ingrid

    16. have the schooner in the first place is because it was the best ship

    17. Life Saving Service surfmen who died on 23 April 1880 while attempting to rescue the crew of a sailing schooner (Galluzzo, “Local Coast Guard Station…,” 2005)

    18. Women have served as schooner captains, cooks and lighthouse keepers in the U

    19. " The call came from Inspector Brian Summers, who was slouched into the corner seat grasping a large schooner of beer

    20. ” He shouted and presently, a tall sturdy man with a weathered face appeared on the forward part of the schooner between the four masts

    21. Saw six masted speed schooner that could make the trip in half the time yet when I inquired at the Departure windows, I was told that all shipping east had been curtailed due to the war

    22. The distance from the city under the ice to Ehrenberg was normally a two-month journey by schooner and had never been attempted by condorlas pilots

    23. They left their wrecks, but the main disasters date from the late eighteenth century when a schooner lost her crew off the Queen Charlotte Islands

    24. "Nice of you to offer," he said, and ordered a schooner

    25. He told the harbour master that the crew of the schooner to which it belonged could find it at the quayside, and that a bill for a new petrel could be sent to his office in the Fish Stocks Limited building

    26. 'Twas a fishing schooner with one o' the new petrel engines, a real beauty she was

    27. The ship was a large and beautiful schooner, the best in the Company fleet, painted bright yellow and gleaming in the moonlight

    28. “'Twas only a days walk back to the City, and once there I met up with the crew of that schooner

    29. This horrified my crew, a very experienced woman who had just sailed from India, up the Red Sea through the Suez Canal, to Cyprus then Greece on a large schooner

    30. Her center console display came on and the screen focused on an old 32-foot schooner that looked well taken care of

    31. Our schooner was named Aloren, Starflower, that is, in Gralde, and small breakers split across her keel as we pulled out of the harbor

    32. The sailor called Jeb – whose schooner sat heavily with promise in the ocean – rubbed his chin and adjusted his cap

    33. of the milkos said to the barman "quick give me a schooner - I

    34. He passed the schooner to me; I had a

    35. "Having taken the pirate captain prisoner, sailed slap over the schooner, whose decks were piled high with dead and whose lee scuppers ran blood, for the order had been

    36. Around the schooner lay a number of small fishing-boats belonging to the fishermen of the neighboring village, like humble subjects awaiting orders from their queen

    37. On the other hand he might be only bluffing, a pardonable weakness because meeting unmistakable mugs, Dublin residents, like those jarvies waiting news from abroad would tempt any ancient mariner who sailed the ocean seas to draw the long bow about the schooner Hesperus and etcetera

    38. There was a reason the handful of schooners the heretics had lost since retaking Claw Island had each fallen prey to one of his own copper-sheathed galleons and even then only in heavy, blowing weather where the larger Dohlaran ship had been able to carry more sail than the schooner

    39. The probability, however, lay somewhere between those two extremes, and he wasn’t happy about the schooner whose topsails those same lookouts had spotted the evening before

    40. … That schooner bothered him

    41. He shaded his eyes with one hand, looking up at the midshipman perched in the maintop, paging quickly through the signal book while his signalman assistant peered through a telescope at the eighteen-gun schooner five miles southeast of Thunderer, reading off the signal hoists

    42. The grounded Charisian vessel was still at least two thousand yards distant, and the closest enemy schooner was a thousand yards farther away from it than Lance, on the far side of the shoal

    43. He was also barely half Ahbaht’s age, with the sort of corsair confidence the commander of a sixteen-gun schooner required

    44. Unfortunately, the carronades on the broadside carriages were shorter-ranged, and closing to use them would have required the schooner to close to no more than five hundred yards or so of her target

    45. None of them passed within fifty yards of their target … but they continued skipping from wave crest to wave crest for almost five hundred yards beyond the schooner

    46. He stood on the screw-galley’s quarterdeck, peering at the heretic schooner through his spyglass while he raged inwardly against Captain Snelyng’s order to keep Lance at least a thousand yards clear of the grounded ironclad

    47. With seas this calm, they could reach out another thousand or even another fifteen hundred yards with ricochet fire, but the ironclad lay almost directly between him and the schooner

    48. Unfortunately, that same heading also meant the schooner would rapidly draw out of Lance’s range

    49. The relentlessly pursuing screw-galleys had gotten close enough to engage Zheryko Cumyngs’ schooner almost two hours ago

    50. With the loss of Sickle and Relentless, the squadron had been reduced to eleven galleons and Sojourn, his sole surviving schooner, and he was grateful the enemy had given his ships time to find one another and settle into something approaching the formation Haigyl had wanted

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