Usa "scientist" in una frase
scientist frasi di esempio
1. John Hammaker, a research scientist in Massachusetts, postulates that each ice age in the history of the earth regenerated its topsoil
2. "The will of God," Moamar Graheb of the Council of Faith and Doctrine said, interrupting dangerously and looking at him like he thought this scientist needed some re-indoctrination
3. “No,” he replied, “I was the chief scientist to the palace at Knossos during the time you visited
4. It is one of the two concessions that Jock has made towards home comfort for his pet scientist
5. In the distant past a primitive scientist sewed up a body out of parts and struck it with lightning and it came to life
6. ‘What do you think, Andy?’ Ozzie asked, pouncing on the scientist who was doing his best to appear invisible
7. The scientist scuttled out of the room to obey, leaving the two women alone
8. There had been rumors that the Yingolian scientist was rather reserved
9. ’ Andy said in his best respectable scientist voice
10. It raised the query in his mind that perhaps Andy hadn’t been there when it happened – something Kev confirmed, saying that he didn’t remember seeing the scientist in the room at any time
11. Mr Simthwaite was the scientist of the group
12. holdin’ a scientist with one arm and with the other
13. Pascal, a scientist,
14. In fact, no scientist can fully explain the phenomenon and neither can I
15. thought he was a serious man, a scientist
16. He was a natural born scientist in a sense – always inquisitive, always childlike, wanting to discover new things
17. ‘Well, far be it from me to shatter your illusions about this mad scientist, Raiya
18. A genius who would struggle to live as a scientist amongst those who were surpassing
19. “I had a friend who was a forensic scientist who said that in crime there was no such thing as a coincidence
20. ’ The scientist looked from the dissected Harvo-alpha to Roidon
21. But Torbin now had a goal, he would become the Great Scientist, the Pioneer
22. This view will mould and govern the way in which the world around a scientist is observed
23. Carl was a scientist, and they had discussed this theory at length over the last few months
24. One scientist had a first hand experience of these nano-bots
25. It doesn"t take a rocket scientist to turn that around and admit that socialism cannot be imposed without terror
26. At the very least they were trying to discourage us from keeping the appointment with a scientist they hoped to convert to their way of 143
27. Another scientist told them how such severe effects of exposure to radiation could be reversed by a new technique designed to repair the damaged genes and accelerate dermal regeneration
28. Raul was not the only human scientist much valued by the Darangi; his skills learned from the life before the war were much in demand
29. Both girls giggled and relaxed, realising that Sheena was just like them and not the stiff-backed, matronly scientist they had expected
30. He had a fabulous career as a computer scientist, making a fortune, and threw it all away for a flower farm
31. Deciding to play safe, Lyra explained about the scientist that had worked on Flat Rock Island and how she’d found the pen drive in the clothes trunk
32. The scientist who had dreamed up the whole proposition in the first place
33. I don’t know much, just that the scientist in charge of the project here—”
34. To him, it was a confusing array of buttons and options that would take a computer scientist to understand, and the most annoying device he had ever laid eyes on
35. The reason for this is simple, and any good scientist will tell you the same thing: you have to have some variables or the math don’t work out
36. He was genuinely fond of the youthful scientist
37. The scientist, for instance, feels that because he is a
38. scientist he is obligated to do his research and write his
39. They had their hands full with Trent so far, but all was not lost, and once again Sim was grateful for his choice of the young scientist for this project
40. The scientist didn’t reveal to the agent that Admiral Hrickletl had visited Sim in his office yesterday
41. I’m not much of a scientist, although I taught grades six and seven for about thirty years at a couple of different schools in Des Plaines, and I was happy enough doing that
42. “A scientist whose profession it is to predict the weather,” replied Colling
43. “Phff,” said the fisherman, “Any sailor can do this without being a damned scientist
44. Several years ago a scientist within these studies, Louis Alveras, was seeking information in an effort to understand the disappearance of the dinosaurs
45. In the egocentric world of the atheistic scientist, what is not known only seems small
46. How marvelous also that a scientist of the caliber of this author has been able to deflate the conceit of an atheist who only coincidentally happens to be schooled in the scientific arena of ideas, but as I suspect, is just a different kind of believer
47. Particles can switch to a waveform while the scientist is not looking, as it were
48. Hmmm, a scientist intuits a “structure that preserves coherence” which requires a “superposition” to understand, concerning a “theory we don’t yet have?” Science also seems to assume that there are “laws” that have always been there, and all they need do is discover what they are
49. If he had been concentrating on me before, he seemed to be concentrating on me even more intently as if he were a scientist and I were something totally new under the microscope
50. And who has been hurt the most? Certainly the scientist and theologian have hurt themselves with their well-intended search for more knowledge