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    Usa "scrap metal" in una frase

    scrap metal frasi di esempio

    scrap metal

    1. “That’s fine young man nice and steady I must admit you had us a bit worried when you arrived I pulled a lot of scrap metal out of you and a couple of bullets it’s a wonder that you didn’t rattle like ironmongers cart”, and he smiled at his joke

    2. Mountains of raw ore, scrap metal, and coal created snow-covered hills, and she led Books, Akstyr, and Maldynado into the valleys

    3. In documents obtained by The Canadian News Service, it was found that several radioactive devices wound up in landfills, or in the hands of scrap metal dealers

    4. On the way out of here, his ship would be towing one humongous pile of scrap metal

    5. He was salvaging scrap metal

    6. I kicked the scrap metal that was once my Lamborghini, how could I have not noticed that there was something wrong with it sooner

    7. George and Sam continued to Lodebar with their load of high-grade scrap metal

    8. The hills were enormous mounds of old cars, appliances, and other scrap metal

    9. My friends and I were standing in the middle of the junkyard, mountains of scrap metal stretched out in every direction

    10. He had thrown a piece of scrap metal at the toes and hit one, making a deep echo, as if the column were hollow

    11. The giant careened back into the junkyard, and his right hand fell off, landing in the scrap metal with a horrible CLANG!

    12. They plan to send scrap metal from America to use for manufacturing

    13. The huge iron gates, once grand and imposing, were now no more than a pile of scrap metal, waiting to be trucked away

    14. during a commando raid in France, where I also collected an assortment of scrap metal

    15. Lord Beaverbrook, the minister responsible for aircraft production appealed to the public to donate scrap metal to build fighters, resulting in mountains of iron and aluminium that mostly could never be transformed into Spitfires or Hurricanes

    16. We have enough plastic explosives, scrap metal and empty ammunition boxes around to make quite a few claymore mines, I hope?’’

    17. pieces of scrap metal

    18. for 10 tons of scrap metal in a superhero world

    19. Thomas had cleaned up the scrap metal that had been littering the floor

    20. When unemployed people could no longer pay the rent and had to live in shanty towns made of scrap metal and old boxes, they called them ‘Hoovervilles’ in honour of the man they blamed for what had happened to them

    21. His current pair, made mostly from scrap metal, contain internal pulleys and wires that he can control with his elbows, allowing him to grip and hold objects, and continue working on his farm

    22. Collecting scrap metal with the other kids to support the war effort in Europe

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