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    Usa "sectional" in una frase

    sectional frasi di esempio


    1. He was scheduled to start sometime in the sectional

    2. We hosted the sectional at Collingston Stadium and walked through all

    3. Roman pitched in the sectional championship—his first game

    4. Fibers surface can be sectional and smooth

    5. In other words, its citizens, sectional differences aside, shared a common identity; that is to say, they were Americans

    6. The map, sectional, painted on the boards, was all laid out before my eyes

    7. He opened the wooden sectional overhead warehouse door with the radio-control hand-held device and drove out into the drizzly evening fog

    8. * Take off clothing and place it in sectional laundry hamper according to lights and darks

    9. 5 Animals do not sense time as does man, and even to man, because of his sectional and circumscribed view, time appears as a succession of events; but as man ascends, as he progresses inward, the enlarging view of this event procession is such that it is discerned more and more in its wholeness

    10. Old sectional hates flared up again

    11. Lying on the other end of the sectional, Tripwire states, “You’re one weird man

    12. " The densely filled living room was covered by elegant white carpeting, a black leather sectional, gray Italian tile, and a fine crafted marble hearth fireplace

    13. Robert’s soft black leather sectional and armchair, art deco reproduction lamps, and glass-topped end tables were understated enough that they didn't clash with the Victorian touches

    14. She and Robert lifted one of the pieces of his black leather sectional

    15. as Counsel for Nedbank on things Sectional Title

    16. S – cross sectional area of the ball (m2);

    17. S – cross sectional area of the ball = 0

    18. Molly took her free hand and tugged her down on the sectional

    19. Anthony has already made the bed and sits on the sectional, pulling his beige loafers on

    20. While seated on the sectional, I pull the tags off of my new clothes

    21. I said goodnight, then ran upstairs to grab the Berretta and my sectional staff, which is something I’d never used away from my karate class

    22. “I lost my sectional staff when I was searching your house, but I still have this

    23. The walls were painted a dull gray that perfectly contrasted the white sectional sofa pushed up against the furthest wall

    24. An armchair identical in color to the sectional sofa sat nestled in a small nook beside the bookcase

    25. He laid out on the end of the sectional, and I sat on the opposite side

    26. I knew I would have been happy just sitting on the sectional having a conversation with Salem, or reading a book in the nook beside the bookcase, but I longed for something more

    27. I was laying on the sectional, draped in thick wool blankets

    28. As he added one to another, I saw that they made a sectional brace and bit of his own design, a long, vicious-looking affair such as a burglar might have been glad to own

    29. He sighed and then walked over to the white leather sectional facing the window

    30. “Well, I lost my sectional staff when I was searching your house, but I still have this

    31. nearby compartment spilled open, sending out a flurry of sectional

    32. , Dundrum, south, or Sutton, north, both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects), the premises to be held under feefarm grant, lease 999 years, the messuage to consist of 1 drawingroom with baywindow (2 lancets), thermometer affixed, 1 sittingroom, 4 bedrooms, 2 servants' rooms, tiled kitchen with close range and scullery, lounge hall fitted with linen wallpresses, fumed oak sectional bookcase containing the Encyclopaedia

    33. Sectional football games have the glory and the despair of war, and when a Texas team takes the field against a foreign state, it is an army with banners

    34. Lewis Nixon, the well-known ship designer, suggests the construction of a pontoon to be carried on the after end of the vessel and to be made of sectional air-tight compartments

    35. "(a) A resolution of thanks to the Presidents of the various sittings of the Congress; (b) a resolution of thanks to the Chairman, the Secretary, and the Members of the Bureau of the Congress; (c) a resolution of thanks to the conveners and members of Sectional Committees; (d) a resolution of thanks to Rev

    36. (c) A resolution of thanks to the conveners and members of the sectional committees

    37. A resolution of thanks to the conveners and members of the sectional committees

    38. The Dundee Courier says:—"A sectional story of the Canadian backwoods and admirably told

    39. Sectional fears and suspicions, in such case, have no food for support, and no stimulant for activity

    40. It is morally impossible that those concerned in such sectional interests, should not look with some degree of jealousy on schemes adopted in relation to those interests, and prosecuted by men, a majority of whom have a very remote or very small stake in them

    41. This course of reflection has a tendency to illustrate this idea—that, as in every political association it is of primary importance that the great interests of each local section should be skilfully and honestly managed and protected, so, in selecting the mode and means of management and protection, an especial regard should be had to the content and rational satisfaction of those most deeply concerned in such sectional interests

    42. Race conflicts and class feuds are likely to arise, and sectional hatreds are ready to break out again, with new danger to the whole country

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    sectional sectioned