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    Usa "seemingly" in una frase

    seemingly frasi di esempio


    1. He was led up a seemingly endless flight of open backed stairs to a small office

    2. mother had simply had enough of living her life in that seemingly permanent holding

    3. with seemingly nothing left to fume about Cat opened the door, pulled the collar of

    4. Bolt stands to one side, ignoring the laboring men, taking seemingly random shots of something on the other side of the highway that only he can see: click, whir, click, whir

    5. BOOM! The plane hits another seemingly intense bump

    6. The walls of the interstellar transit tore away everywhere, seemingly rushing at the still open terminus of the transit in a fiery wave

    7. He wakes up later, seemingly the next morning, to utter surprise

    8. What is for us is usually the absence or seemingly

    9. ’ He said by way of explanation as the ggs pound along the track, Sefir seemingly enjoying the pseudo race with Adamant

    10. “Yes, of course,” she said rolling up her sleeve, seemingly in deep thought

    11. ” Gordon suddenly said, seemingly delighted

    12. Where there are seemingly unanimous agreements there the

    13. His body jerked as if shocked with electricity, his muscles contorting into seemingly impossible positions

    14. seemingly ready to blush if she so much as glanced in his direction

    15. The hurtful comments and slurs directed toward the Livingsons, by those same shallow people which had for years been seemingly benign, now began overnight to rise in pitch and derision

    16. There were seemingly endless drills on the forms of gestures and

    17. more pigs of all sizes, heading down the causeway in a seemingly

    18. He swam carrying the seemingly lifeless corpse with him

    19. seemingly intent on making its own way back to the stables

    20. calculator, Heather with her seemingly endless supply of French flash cards, and

    21. “Three of them there were,” Carl said, seemingly unharmed

    22. He enjoyed the countryside scuttling passed the window and had to remind himself that he was viewing the Great Plains roll passed him just the month before; and now, here he was on another train, bound for Paris, in the company of two people he had not met before that last journey seemingly so long ago

    23. seemingly of its own accord, the branch was

    24. It was seemingly in fun, but he thought that might just be politeness because company was present

    25. Meanwhile, Sunil, Tipene and Wiremu cowered in the remains of Sunil’s room, when suddenly the projector started, seemingly on its own

    26. He sat on the boulder seemingly just staring at the sun, or maybe at the field beyond the lacework of leaves

    27. The younger seemingly had the disadvantage

    28. That coupled with the living proof of just how far advanced the races had become since the days of the Origin Race, proved to them that the true path was evolution, to continually advance humanoid life in seemingly infinite ways

    29. looked out at the seemingly endless series of descents

    30. But this seemingly huge pile of food and consumables was not nearly enough for all two hundred men, so scavenging was a constant need

    31. Beyond that, the street continued, seemingly a mile wide itself, but relatively quiet at this time of the week

    32. Seemingly oblivious to the undead invasion, the One Elf had sat patiently throughout the battle, leaning on his staff the whole while, so silent that Alec had almost forgotten about him

    33. Whimly continued backpedaling, seemingly terrified at Emily's display

    34. Rian looked sullen and humiliated as he massaged the blisters on his hands, his otherwise unbelievable training and skill seemingly worthless at the moment

    35. The goddess, once so powerful, was now so helpless and frail -- her opaque skin seemingly fragile as an egg shell

    36. It is curious that while there are people who succeed in gathering a lot of useful information regarding many aspects of life, their fellow men remain seemingly blind, even to the existence of those additional layers of knowledge

    37. Yet somehow, for some reason, he was seemingly being punished by his corrupt government, or the badly managed economic structure, or the power-mongering banking system, or perhaps even by God himself! Who were the true villains in this nasty, unspeakable situation he had been so unfairly subjected to? Who was to blame! The culprits had to be identified quickly so they could be scolded and punished and then things could be put back the way they were

    38. Yes, it was a dog-eat-dog (well, coyote-eat-gopher) world, where the apparent universal, natural aggressiveness of territorial animals and most primates led to frequent violent encounters in the seemingly peaceful prairie

    39. The king was looking on, his hand supporting his chin and a slight smile on his lips, seemingly very interested in this young woman of exceptional beauty

    40. The danger was seemingly over

    41. As a result of the previous repetitive predicament, Denise would sometimes have to spend several hours weaving and ambling about the streets—asking for directions and seemingly understanding which route to take from the instructions received—but often ending up farther away from her destination than when she had first sought out assistance

    42. The resulting outcome was a large, spacious room with several large machines standing in seemingly random spots

    43. Other than a few large wooden crates that were scattered in a seemingly random way, the place was empty

    44. A few more large chambers later found them faced with a room seemingly even more vast than the one which housed the colossal Centurion

    45. Don’t underestimate something that is seemingly worthless

    46. In tune with their own feelings, beliefs, and thinking processes and seemingly less interested in others

    47. But some children will show certain preferences early on, whether it’s an overt response to music, being very physically active, or having a reserved personality that is seemingly focused on internal thoughts

    48. A seemingly meaningless world confronted by humans who want meaning creates the absurd

    49. In deep meditation, when the inner dialogue and random thoughts subside, you may begin to sense a mind that is clear, silent, and seemingly eternal

    50. Just as suddenly, the room returned to its former merely well-lit self with a table, a cake, and nine women staring at their Captain holding her hand out seemingly supported by Mim and Yula

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    Sinonimi per "seemingly"

    apparently on the face of it ostensibly seemingly evidently obviously outwardly presumably overtly professedly