Usa "selfless" in una frase
selfless frasi di esempio
1. Selfless social service is lacking even in the well-known NGOs
2. and is selfless in a way
3. However, with the connection of love and lust, you now have a selfless relationship where both
4. “And did those feelings then result in a selfless endeavor on your part to put things to rights? Or was it more often than not, a fleeting brush with the feeling which when interrupted by some other event or happenstance soon passed and left only the memory, or trace of an encounter with those feelings? That is the experience of most people
5. The man had a selfless nature that nearly made him nonexistent
6. Those that bind us and cause pain are selfish thoughts, but selfless thoughts leave us in peace
7. Swami Satchidananda encourages us to “cultivate selfless thoughts
8. What is a selfless thought? A thought of love for someone is selfless
9. Such a selfless love can never lead to pain
10. Compassion for the suffering of another is also selfless
11. Gandhi says that you can pursue your personal ends, and still be on the path of selfless action, as long as you are unattached to the results of your actions
12. Selfless action and nonattachment go hand in hand, with one complementing the other
13. That’s why sometimes I say that the selfless person is the most selfish one
14. Why? Because a selfless person doesn’t want to lose his or her peace and happiness
15. Instead, selfless and charitable actions are expressions of the happiness that already lives within you
16. As it is your true nature to be happy, it is also your true nature to be selfless
17. As seen in Chapter 13, acts performed in the name of charity are not charitable unless they are selfless
18. The Yoga of Selfless Action (Karma Yoga)
19. Mahatma Gandhi expressed the essence of the message of the Bhagavad Gita as selfless work and sacrifice
20. Right actions are selfless actions
21. Should we behave in a selfless or selfish manner?
22. apparently selfless offer to help Danielle
23. In this manner, the love an individual expresses for another individual is conditioned by self-interest and that the underlying motives behind every kindly and selfless act conceals an (inner) need or emotional requirement that an individual seeks to fulfill
24. In this manner, every selfless act may be perceived as the outcome of conditioned designs motivated by a (reciprocal) rewards system that returns love for love
25. Thus, it is that Shri Maharaj, in a selfless, indiscriminate and
26. The Bible tells us that Joseph persevered with God’s help, and, through an attitude of honesty, loyalty, and integrity, all selfless, giving natures, was “greatly prospered,” gaining high office among the Egyptian hierarchy
27. Heroes, whose selfless deeds caused them to be remembered as with a god-like mien, proliferated within the Pantheon of the “Hellenes
28. In prehistoric societies the probable vehicle for the transmission from one generation to another of the stories of selfless behavior of these remembered heroes would be the oral history recitations that have come down to us, through the imaginative renderings called mythology
29. It was totally a selfless act on her part because she went there for her children‘s education
30. I thought he was reassuring her, because that’s what selfless people do, but now I wonder if he was repeating something he had studied; if all his Abnegation tendencies were just Erudite traits in disguise
31. The second article discusses the failings of choosing government officials based on their faction, asking why only people who define themselves as selfless should be in government
32. Someone who is truly selfless does not think of himself often enough to desire death
33. “That girl who let someone throw knives at her to spare a friend, who hit my dad with a belt to protect me—that selfless girl, that’s not you?”
34. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest
35. Another thing I can count on: Peter is not selfless
36. At that point, I trust, your selfless instincts will take over and you will tell me exactly what I need to know
37. I am only familiar with the religion of my parents’ faction, which part of me still holds to and the other rejects as foolishness—the prayers before dinner, the weekly meetings, the acts of service, the poems about a selfless God
38. But it wasn’t because I was selfless, or because I was brave
39. Usually I would try to decide what the most selfless choice would be, but in this case either choice feels selfish
40. One only hears such selfless enthusiasm from the young
41. The principle being that selfless service is more God-like than masters that demand to be served
42. Because most of us guys are generally selfish (not good) and most women are selfless (very good), the strongest influence on a man is his wife and it's the good influence of women that teaches us men how to be better at doing good such as being more selfless like you
43. The whole night through, this was the one thing I could do for him, no questions, no issues, just pure selfless love
44. I couldn’t very well leave him to the elements like my brother had all those years earlier, but I wasn’t entirely sure Connor was worthy of my selfless pity
45. Levi’s selfless act of surrender to me told me one thing, he was my soul mate
46. When the helper is selfless
47. Live a clean, selfless life, that is all
48. Lucky is the most selfless person I know
49. while receiving blood but during the selfless act of giving blood plasma, infected by