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    Usa "senses" in una frase

    senses frasi di esempio


    1. We are also not here to be preoccupied with indiscriminate or unregulated gratification of the senses, or to imitate the behaviour of others whose lives are so misdirected

    2. This is due to the fact that the focus of attention is away from the things of the senses, no matter how beautiful

    3. The withdrawing of the mind-consciousness from the periphery of the body, so that the avenues of outer perception and contact (the five senses) are stilled, and the consciousness is no longer outgoing

    4. Prathayara or Withdrawal of the Senses

    5. Senses are superior to your body

    6. Mind is superior to the senses and intellect is superior to mind

    7. I stand there like a lunatic for slightly longer than is polite … just staring at her and trying to take this in, then, come to my senses suddenly

    8. every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

    9. "It sounds like you are now much more concerned about that fact that my sister has come to her senses about you than you are about the fact that the shuttlecraft is in orbit

    10. The steam rising from the freshly brewed tea assaulted my senses making me salivate

    11. I try to respond accordingly but he senses my embarrassment at once:

    12. Suddenly, I'm distracted by a voice, wake up!" Immediately, the sensation of Apollo standing over me inundates my senses

    13. Hints of perfumed unguents applied so thoughtlessly in the dawn light spoke in foreign tongues to insect senses

    14. It is an orgy of the senses

    15. With every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

    16. "They have very different senses

    17. Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

    18. Probably the greatest travesty of our age is the use of manipulation during worship to rile up the emotions and senses during the music time

    19. He approached more quietly after that, and kept his senses alert for something less technical than a human

    20. Slowly, my senses steadying, I open my eyes and try to calm my breathing … the familiar room is comforting

    21. A mighty roar from Rah brought her back to her senses

    22. I closed my eyes and tried to look forward to this unexpected visit to the city of cities but just as Prometheus opened up with some hot tips on the nightspots of Sophia, I was brought to my senses by a sensuous vibration from deep within my trouser pocket

    23. A welcome pressure on my arm brought me to my senses, but my guilt began to smoulder

    24. But it brought me to my senses, seething with frustration and anger, 'He's a total bloody menace

    25. A shivering fit brings him to his senses soon enough though and, with a filthy look in my direction, he goes off into a corner of the room to divest himself of his soaking clothes while I do the same by the fire

    26. The rendering of my wife's body, the dinner, the candlelight, the music, the smells of the food, her perfume and her body itself was all fine, at least as good as my mortal senses could ever perceive

    27. The princess was the first to come to her senses

    28. Earlier, whilst waiting for the Delfini, I'd confessed I was an old-fashioned dreamy coward who had almost flown away only a few hours earlier but for the last minute flash of awareness that brought me to my senses

    29. At those times when the vision of the fish is restricted, its other senses will kick in

    30. He had almost lost total control of his senses before Naria stepped in and brought him back from the brink of madness

    31. The feel of her smooth skin on his body heightened all his senses

    32. He calmed himself and focused all his senses; he would have to be very cautious

    33. “It was pretty intense, but what scenes were projected on my senses during that time really isn’t important if we don’t know where it came from

    34. She told him not to worry; she would council with her Eloi senses before approaching them

    35. They were about thirty feet from Warrior Hold when Rayne’s senses suddenly tensed…

    36. What I want to do here is expand both senses and

    37. This keda cart was rendered very well to all his senses and so was the girl sitting on the front of it

    38. Helen came to her senses as if emerging from a deep dive in

    39. Joseph lay still for a few minutes, until he regained his senses and slowly sat up

    40. He didn’t blame her, entering the spirit world with one’s head encased in an ensorcelled helmet was too scary to contemplate and was making him cold, especially with his senses heightened by the yaag

    41. Petr shook his head to clear his fuddled senses

    42. Her senses alert, she moved her feet a little, trying to gauge how treacherous the mud was

    43. his mind, over and over again, Flee! It was an hour before he finally came to his senses and stopped

    44. Racial memory alerted senses she didn’t know she had and ran messages along neural pathways long forgotten

    45. Ozzie appeared at her side holding a glass of water; it brought her back to her senses

    46. pressure buffeted his senses making his mind spin

    47. The sound brought both Angie and Kev to their senses and, her smile threatening to crack her face in two, Angie had pulled him into the house and shut the door

    48. thought he was dreaming, but as his senses started to return slowly and nerves

    49. Maggie is the first to come to her senses, and although she is winded, she is able to shake off the intoxication of violence

    50. Of course Beth always, tried not to let anyone know she had it, she even went so far as to do just what her senses told her not to do

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