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    Usa "settle down" in una frase

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    settle down

    1. It’s not as though I can settle down to anything else until this blasted quest is out of the way

    2. Everything seemed to settle down and things were going along okay

    3. With great care, Manolis placed a sprig of marjoram behind his left ear, 'You know, my friends, when I was touring with Pantelis I took my cat with us everywhere, but when he ran away to settle down, more than anything, I missed his teachings

    4. we’re too young to settle down

    5. Between us we carry my stuff up to the flat and settle down to lunch

    6. When it’s done, I carry it into the lounge and settle down with the newspaper

    7. I explain that I am about to settle down with Dave and he congratulates me, going on to say that he met Dave at a corporate function sometime last autumn

    8. would return to their homes after a few years, or settle down with

    9. The doors close with a rush of cold air as we settle down for the journey

    10. I settle down to see what work I have and groan … my boss has been busy over the weekend by the look of it

    11. Unable to settle down to reading, I walked round the room

    12. The camp had begun to settle down by the time they returned

    13. "Settle down, Hermes," Mr Snickerty told the dog absently, falsely labouring under the impression that the creature was all of a dither at his return

    14. There were times when she thought she was going to really lose her mind over the actions of this youngster, but then he would perform in such a wild and passionate manner toward her, she would settle down and accept what she could obtain from him

    15. He was about to settle down and doze off again, when it dawned on him that the fronts of her two HEPOs had both been fully unzipped

    16. Ria had tried unsuccessfully to sleep off some of the time, but there was far too much on her mind for her to settle down

    17. As I drifted off I could hear people still talking because after an attack the adrenaline is still swirling round your body and it takes time to settle down

    18. would marry and settle down, but it would be with someone who

    19. After I filed for bankruptcy, things started to settle down for a while

    20. So I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find a husband and settle down, as mother usually put it

    21. Jessie liked this idea also, as she was ready to settle down and raise her family on land from this point on

    22. Eventually, he would settle down at the foot of my bed, but Mama complained of being kept awake for hours by Bob’s nocturnal restlessness

    23. I knew that I needed to settle down and think and that I had to get a letter through to Helen I would give it to George and tell him to take it to her personally on his next leave and to give her my possessions as well I would also give him this piece of shit to pass on to her then she could see what her mother had been up to

    24. He persevered and his protesting stomach began to settle down

    25. But she could not say anything further now, not when it was critical that the castle clear out quickly, that the enemy soldiers settle down into quiet, that she could set her plan into motion

    26. Patty, Josie, most of the ladies and I sat next to the fire watching the flames bounce up into the air, waiting for the lads to settle down so we could eat

    27. The letter said that he had done his best to settle down in the 'Sunshine Rest' Residential Home for the Elderly Person, but had found Ms Hardarm and her overbearing ways insufferable

    28. Fluffing up my pillows, I closed my eyes and tried to settle down to sleep again, but just as I’d reached that delightful stage between sleep and wakefulness, where troubles cease to exist, I heard a goose honk loudly

    29. After nineteen months of upheaval, I had hoped my life would settle down, but near the end of December, Scott informed us that he and his family were moving to New Mexico

    30. It would settle down in a minute; but if I tried to leave too soon it would stall or the carb would ice up

    31. Could he carry this worry, sweating and grunting under the burden of a new life in which he could never settle down and would always be looking around checking to see if he was safe from capture

    32. Then if he did manage to settle down who would he put in danger

    33. until things settle down about this weigh-in thing

    34. ‘I’ll eat the rest later, when my guts settle down

    35. After that, things had seemed to settle down

    36. Sure, he got married and tried to settle down, but before Amelia came along, he couldn’t commit to dinner, much less a family or home

    37. “Only if I could find a nice one you’d settle down with

    38. He and Mahwissa had found a nice spot among the Pansfalaya where they would settle down more or less permanently

    39. But, I’m sure you understand why I cannot settle down in Itsati

    40. But as old as Isodor was, he never once asked any of them to settle down with him and have a family

    41. He has been with many human and titan women, but none of them seemed to please his heart as much as to settle down and have a family and he had no sons or daughters either

    42. I decided I would be staying in this country for about Five years in which time I would have earned enough money to settle down in India

    43. and settle down, not knowing how closely her opinion might have matched with his if he had ever taken time to think about it

    44. calm, and his face looked like he was trying to settle down a

    45. I had found the girl I expected to settle down with when I finished graduate school

    46. It’s just a phase that men go through when they think that they want to settle down but then they realised that that's not for them

    47. It drive Sally and Mark mantel sometimes and they always pushed their kids to settle down

    48. they cannot settle down after they marry

    49. You need a woman who will make you want to settle down and have babies

    50. tries to convince the amygdala to settle down

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