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    Usa "shook" in una frase

    shook frasi di esempio


    1. earth being blessed, with salvation, God did shook the

    2. Schulz shook his head

    3. They shook at their perch and it wobbled loose

    4. Tobias shook his head

    5. Underling shook his head as he looked at what Henry would have to search through

    6. ” He shook his head and kicked the ground

    7. Ackers shook his head

    8. Brandon shook them off and sprinted to the auto shop

    9. Ackers shook his head as he switched off his database and computer, “If Agent Seventy-Seven has nothing to add to this mission except herself, then perhaps we don’t need any more of her help

    10. The Lord just shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter?"

    11. Johnny shook his head and followed after her

    12. Big Petey quickly shook his head, and then realized there was no point in hiding it

    13. “You haven’t even been alive for forty years,” Vinnie retorted as he shook his head in frustration

    14. After a couple of weeks he got over it and we settled down again, though he wasn’t interested in sex … I tried to seduce him a couple of times, but he just shook me off … not nastily or anything, just indifferent

    15. Johnny shook himself out of his thoughts to see that Ms

    16. The rifle never shook

    17. How excitin'!" She shook both fists in the air

    18. Her arms were folded as she still lingered at the table, she frowned and slowly shook her soft blond curls, "And I don't think those ghosts can help you

    19. The Lord just shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter!"

    20. whispered and shook their heads

    21. simply shook his head

    22. smiling at me, and then he shook his head

    23. Travis shook his head, rubbed his eyes

    24. "I was only 21 when they promoted me to regional manager, do you know what that's like?" I shook my head

    25. I shook my head

    26. shook it off and came back into the town where he was stoned and pro-

    27. Theo's gun shook in his hand

    28. He gagged, then shook his head

    29. Scientists nodded, theologians shook their heads

    30. Wambach’s nostrils flared as he shook his head

    31. Tig shook his head 2 degrees in either direction

    32. Then that sound, that inescapable sound in his head got louder until it shook what little he could still see into a blur

    33. He thought for a moment and then shook his head

    34. " She shook her head and exhaled

    35. My hands shook as I pulled the trainers on

    36. I cowered and shook

    37. To my utter surprise and absolute delight, Menachem simply took my outstretched hand in his, shook it vigorously and said in a strong and jovial voice, “Marwan

    38. Steven collected the breakfast trays, winked at us and shook his head

    39. It was Yankee Swamp Fever and Waldeis had transmitted it when they shook hands when they were both scratched from hunting in the brush

    40. The accountant shrugged his shoulders, took a packet of low tar cigarettes from his jacket pocket and offered one to his companion, who shook his head

    41. They hung together in their pleasure a little longer, then he got out, shook a little water off, put his clout back on, and strolled aft

    42. shook Nihar and Dolly from their slumber to step out of

    43. He motioned with the coffee pot asking if she wanted some, she shook her head no

    44. He took it in his and they shook on it

    45. backs and shook hands

    46. The whole house shook, several pictures fell off the walls, and she froze in mid step

    47. “Nice to see that you’re still with us Daniel,” they shook hands, and he tipped his cap to Kate

    48. ” She held her at arms length and shook her shoulders, “you know he is the one! And I know for sure that he’s mad for you! But I haven’t said a thing, not a word came from my lips!” She was smiling at her

    49. They all came up and wished them well, shook hands with Daniel, and kissed Kate on the cheek

    50. He picked it up and there was a slight electric shock and his body shook uncontrollably

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