him, shooting stars of menace across the room
And sure enough there was a shooting star
Again another shooting star or meteorite because she blazed before me for a little while and then was never to be seen or heard from again
Is a shooting star
The moments passed like shooting stars in the brief night sky
They could do nothing else but kill with those weapons for we know that to shoot to wound is almost impossible once the shooting starts
As his feet crunched across the gravel on the far side of the slab, something caught his attention; a shooting star flashing across the night sky
She broke away from him and raced to the porch to greet her mother…and that’s when the shooting started
did the same, and together they watched a shooting star pass
shooting star rising, heading for the moon, then she disappeared
I wish I could wish on a shooting star, wish that I never was bored that sunday when I logged into a chat room and spoke with George
her shooting star said it all
High relieved Ted Raynor that fateful day just before the shooting started at about 1
She had seen shooting stars whiz through the night sky
watching for shooting stars when she had seen something so
At that moment, a shooting star flew across the sky, right in front of them, as if wanting to say that they should not give up
A small shooting star winked into existence and back out again, leaving a stitch in the starry background of the southeastern sky
A small shooting star winked into existence and back out again, leaving a stitch in the starry
In this vast matrix of life, memories that he saw flew by through shooting stars
a Little Mikey, was the one that had got shot by Bruce Valentine's gun when the shooting started
I'll be at home when the shooting starts
You may be one of those very lucky writers, a shooting star that blazes a trail with your debut
First, Clara would pull away, then Michael; but out of nowhere came Larry taking off so fast it was as if his horse was on a shooting star
He wondered if it could truly be the shooting star Sorid had spoken of so often
As the shooting star passed over the Sands of Syn the cub turned to the children and roared, urging them to get moving
The great dragon stared with a seething intensity at the shooting star, perceiving the last and only real power that might stand a chance of halting the spread of the fire
When the shooting started, all our training went
Suddenly the night sky was filled with a shooting star which flew down from the heavens and disappeared out in the ocean
As they ran through the crowds, the shooting started
" A government officer had declared such words in early 1973 at Wounded Knee before the shooting started
Once the shooting started, the convoy’s crews needed no additional motivation to finish their load and depart
After seeing the shooting star that lit up the past evening sky, she said her nightly prayers and went to bed
Hank watched as shooting stars faded out over a dark horizon
A few shooting stars
a shooting star arced across the southern sky, trailing sparks in the dew beneath her
We were lucky in Korea that the average level of training of our combat pilots was as high as it was, since the enemy opposed us with a jet fighter that was much superior to our own F-80 SHOOTING STAR
AEM was spotted a “Shooting Star” bearish reversal candlestick
A shooting star shot from the east and traveled from one horizon to the next, and some people said it would bring good luck, and even though I might not have grown much in these past few years, I’d grown enough not to base my life on old wives-tales
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star, one without a permanent scar, and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there…” He watched the video in his head, subtitled
shooting star zipped across the heavens
"Look, a shooting star!" She said carefully pointing above the trees
stewardesses when the shooting started
Shooting stars streaked across the
Kawa Tzul Taka is associated with the mountains, and the thirteen principle peaks in the K’ekchi area are regarded as especial manifestations of Kawa Tzul Taka (and they are considered to communicate with one another through the lightning and shooting stars)
Searching the heavens, Ailia sighted a shooting star in the pitch-black, light-speckled sky
shooting stars outside the space shuttle
And the shooting star you saw on your way here
Disturbance, Shooting Star', although it is impressive and sure but the feint is
Just in time to see a cascade of Shooting Stars
projectile at the back suddenly increased its speed and flew like shooting star
His actions and swiftness was like a shooting star
The following, day before shooting started, Byron followed the Actress back to her trailer after make-up
A yellow shooting star = 10,00 to 24,999
It was one of these nights that Veronique listened in rapt delight at Nanosh telling the story of the shooting star that fell to earth
He wasn’t quite sure what it was, a shooting star, meteor, anything, but he was certain it landed with an impact
Maybe it didn’t have to all be blazing sunsets and grand passions and shooting stars
The people susceptible to attacks from "shooting stars" are not blossoming inwardly with fruitful qualities
its return, looking much like a shooting star
The shooting stars
from the shuttles that escaped Earth when the shooting started, from al of the satellite stations and from the Earth Orbiter
shooting star streaking across the sky, and how it vanishes within a
He shut the door with a look on his face like that of a boy who has just seen a shooting star for the first time
next evening as we sat atop the grassy knoll and watched shooting stars rake the canvas of
and within a week I found that very few stray shooting star thoughts came within my inner
“Don’t you have to wait till you see a shooting star?” he asked
As his train passed one ranch in Colorado, Joe watched men shooting starved cattle and tipping the carcasses into huge trenches
Where are all the ants? And the bees and the little white butterflies we used to see everywhere? And what about the jellyfish and the shooting stars? Opening my journal I glanced at a few drawings
He tossed it aside, elm tree, shooting star, broken lance, and all, and drew his sword, but he hurt so much he did not think he could swing it
“A tree and shooting star
Dunk had not had time to have it painted with his elm and shooting star, so it still bore the arms of its last owner: a hanged man swinging grim and grey beneath a gallows tree
Not that zooming up is bad, it is just that a company that is being snaffled up sneakily is more sexy than some shooting star on its firework trajectory
So, let me start with two of the most important candles, the shooting star and the hammer candle
The Shooting Star Candle
The shooting star candle is one of our three premier candles in VPA that we watch for in all time frames, and in all instruments and markets
Shooting star candles appear in every trend, both bullish and bearish, and at every point within the trend
The shooting star price action appears in every up and down trend
In a bullish up trend any shooting star with below average volume is simply signalling a possible pause in the upwards trend, with a potential short term pull back
As the trend develops further, this initial weakness may be confirmed further with additional shooting star candles, with average volumes
After all, if the volume on the second shooting star is higher than the first, so 'weakness' has increased as more selling is coming to the market and forcing prices lower in the session
If we see one shooting star, this can be taken as a sign of weakness
If we see two consecutive shooting stars, or two relatively close to each other, this is increasing the bearish sentiment
11 Typical Price Action And Shooting Star Candles
In this case we had a nice bullish trend developing, when a shooting star candle appeared with above average volume
We wait for the next candle to form to see if it is confirming this weakness, perhaps some narrow spread up candles, followed by another shooting star
The appearance of the first shooting star is our cue to sit up and take note
For example, if this price action had appeared on a one hour chart, and on checking the 15 minute chart, we could see two shooting star candles had formed in that time frame, both with above average volume, this gives confirmation that any reversal may be more significant
Using multiple time frames also gives us a view on the longer term trend, and may also help to answer the question of whether the appearance of this shooting start candle is merely a minor reversal or the start of a longer term change in trend
The shooting star may have been preceded with a narrow spread up candle on high volume, again classic signs of weakness, but they still do not answer the question of whether this is a minor pull back or a major reversal in trend
The five principles mentioned at the start of this chapter apply to all candles, and all our VPA analysis, but as the shooting star and its opposite number the hammer are so important, I felt it was appropriate to introduce the basic concepts of the next levels of VPA analysis here
Just to complete this commentary on the shooting star candle, not only do these appear in up trends, but they also appear in down trends, and here they act as confirmation of weakness, particularly if they appear shortly after the start of the move lower
The appearance of a shooting star candle in a downtrend which follows a selling climax could be a test of demand as the market moves lower
Furthermore, if the shooting star is accompanied by low volume, and the market had been in sideways congestion for a period following the selling climax, this also confirms the insiders testing demand as the market moves away from the distribution phase
The shooting star is a sign that the market has been pushed higher, but there is no demand so falls back to close, at or near the open
Shooting star candles may also appear at minor reversals deeper in the trend, as the downwards pressure pauses and pulls back higher
The hammer is so called as it is 'hammering out a bottom', and just like the shooting star, is immensely powerful when combined with VPA
They may even push it higher with a shooting star candle
The hammer is signalling 'forced buying' by the insiders, and the shooting star is signalling 'forced selling' by the insiders
This is the same problem as before and the question that we always have to ask, whenever we see a hammer or a shooting star, is whether the price action is signalling a pause in the longer term trend, or a true reversal in trend
The power of the hammer candle, just like the shooting star, is revealed, once we see a sequence of two or three of these candles accompanied by high or extremely high volume
In a sense, there is never an anomaly with a shooting star candle, since the price action is sending a clear message on it's own