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    Usa "shotgun" in una frase

    shotgun frasi di esempio




    1. He opens the door of the state trooper’s car, takes out the shotgun, pumps a round into the chamber and fires it in the air

    2. It was the sort of voice that aimed a double barrel shotgun at

    3. Fred put the shotgun against the fence

    4. Fred picked up the shotgun, still keeping it in a safe mode

    5. He passed over the shotgun

    6. I pointed the shotgun in his direction and squeezed the trigger at the

    7. I dropped the shotgun and picked up the back of my father’s head

    8. the shotgun blowing off the backside of his father’s head

    9. She also knew that her father kept a shotgun above his bed on his mantelpiece every night, but she was too scared to handle that either

    10. He swung the pump action shotgun off its sling over his shoulder and started to fire at the attackers

    11. Axel grabbed a spear and reloaded the shotgun as he ran to assist, anger and hatred swamping his other emotions in a blind fury

    12. The man pulled the trigger and the compacted shotgun pellets hit Axel in the side of his head, tearing out his eye and ripping at his flesh and skull

    13. The man who had slapped her put his shotgun on the ground and started to unbuckle his belt and take down his trousers

    14. “Where’d she come from?” said the supervisor as he lifted his shotgun in her direction

    15. But that was as far as he got suddenly the shotgun found its way up his trouser leg and BOOM

    16. As he reached the first step, he was jolted by a tall figure in a baseball cap who came from around the side of the house pointing the twin barrels of a shotgun at his gut

    17. As Kurt stared at her, he began to relax since running from Security even though she still held the long shotgun

    18. Things are so different,” she said waving him towards the kitchen door using the shotgun as a pointer

    19. The man looked up, then lowered the shotgun and moved toward Martin

    20. He flipped his shotgun several times in his large hand, then threw it to the edge of the river

    21. "People with a shotgun round in the foot,

    22. along the shotgun passage, in total darkness towards a pair of wooden double doors

    23. Josh pulled his truck through the gate and leaped out, grabbing his shotgun from the rack behind the seat

    24. They came out in a spread, no huddle, shotgun formation which they hadn’t shown all year and really hadn’t practiced much

    25. Reilly had been operating in the shotgun with a hurry-up, no huddle offense that had been so successful all year

    26. The goon glanced at Roy, and looked into a 10-gauge shotgun leveled at his pointy head

    27. Roy cleaned up a few things, hid the other gun and replaced the shotgun under the

    28. Pointing a shotgun (unless loaded with solid slugs) at a suspect more than a hundred feet away is a waste of time and always makes me laugh

    29. rolled down and the end of a shotgun poked out

    30. I tried to open my door, but it had been damaged, either by the truck hitting us, or the shotgun, so I motioned that we needed to get out her side

    31. I cried, “Look out!” just as the gunman raised his shotgun

    32. Anyway, they complained and the lieutenant posted me at the main gate with a shotgun as punishment

    33. To unload one you needed to load and then eject all the shells (shotgun bullets are called shells) one by one and then make very sure that it was indeed unloaded before pulling the trigger to relax the firing pin

    34. Inside was a shotgun, which he carefully slid out

    35. Terry headed over to the Jeep, pulling a shotgun case and a box of shells from the boot

    36. “Give me the shotgun, quick,” Terry shouted, winding down his window

    37. Then the stillness of the wood was shattered by a shotgun blast that caught the cat mid-leap

    38. The room was filled with the explosion of a shotgun and Dawn screamed, her ears ringing as a bright flash washed out her vision

    39. ” Dawn’s voice faltered when she realised that Terry’s shotgun was still in the lounge behind the couch where he’d left it

    40. She turned her head a third time, her patience wearing thin, and saw Dawn appear at the door, a shotgun in her hands

    41. Dawn was pointing the shotgun straight at her!

    42. Dawn stared at him with hate-filled eyes, wishing she had the shotgun in her hands

    43. We burst into the house and ran straight into and over a flickering Christmas tree! Soon after the house owner arrived with a shotgun to investigate the noise in his lounge, only to find us kicking the tree in frustration

    44. Dawn was standing behind him, a large shotgun in her hands, smoke rising lazily from its barrel

    45. The blast was quickly followed by the snick-shuck of a shotgun reloading, then silence

    46. Dawn shucked the pump-grip on the shotgun, squinting through the trees

    47. Dawn sat in the car, the shotgun across her knees, hoping that some cats would turn up

    48. Lancelot turned and saw him standing in front of him, his face as grim as a rainy winter�s day, pointing his shotgun at Lancelot�s head

    49. However, even more dangerous was his shotgun

    50. Bird shot is once again not designed to kill anyone unless the shotgun is held within a foot or two from the rioter

    1. During these visits, deVeau confides that she is still haunted by the night that she shotgunned her daughter to death

    1. It didn’t matter to them one bit that men came along from time to time and raised thunder in their high-rise homes with shotguns

    2. Of those that had come a couple had shotguns, a few carried farming tools, long poles and fishing nets and reminded me of senior retired gladiators

    3. thunder in their high-rise homes with shotguns

    4. Some were holding shotguns, others swords, knives and clubs

    5. Mainly double barreled shotguns but also a smattering of hunting rifles and 22 rimfire semi-auto rifles

    6. This was guarded by two men with shotguns

    7. Shotguns and rifles

    8. He had also taken one of the two pump-action shotguns that they had found

    9. He would use them first, keeping the shotguns and sidearms until the enemy were really close

    10. Patrick’s rifleman missed all of his shots and the group charging their wall surged within twenty yards before the volley of shotguns fire forced them back

    11. The villagers on Axel’s wall opened up with their shotguns, spraying the area with buckshot

    12. Two of the men were carrying shotguns

    13. The two brothers hated the countryside and spent most of their time wandering the fields with a pair of shotguns and decimating the wildlife

    14. They simply picked up their shotguns and opened fire

    15. Meanwhile some of our Officers borrowed shotguns and went duck hunting on the rivers they had some of our lads acting as beaters and retrievers gathering any ducks that had been shot

    16. Shotguns, it must be said, were really only used to shoot snakes and rioters

    17. My pet hate for shotguns though, was that I just did not trust them

    18. The rest had shotguns with only bird shot

    19. The shots in the background were R4 rifles which sounds completely different than shotguns

    20. Thinking of shotguns, their damage range is

    21. The officers on the ground start to shoot their shotguns and guns at the UFO

    22. The shotguns dad and the others

    23. in thick rags and carrying shotguns cautiously approached Ice One

    24. They were armed with pump shotguns

    25. Its gas tank had flames painted on it, and a shotgun holster riveted to either side, complete with shotguns

    26. the Benelli shotguns with me, and my Glocks

    27. Sinsare grabbed Janice as soon the door of the bar opened again and two hoodlums came in wearing bandanas over their mouths and holding shotguns

    28. Shotguns can be very tense making, especially when pointed at your useful bits

    29. Prison guards in white pickup trucks with shotguns race to the sounds of gunfire

    30. Even with the shotguns the mob has, they seem to back down a bit as you face Ray, the leader, towering over him by at least a head

    31. The boys brought two 410 shotguns with us and although they wouldn’t exactly stop a bear, they were protection in the event we came across a hostile visitor

    32. “Neither of these guns have the recoil that you get from your shotguns

    33. Within a mile of their entry into the woods, someone knew she was headed their way and shadowy figures holding rifles and sawed-off shotguns blanketed them

    34. rifles, pistols, revolvers, submachine guns, shotguns, snipers, machine guns and there was even

    35. I figured they had shotguns in their van

    36. ‘It involved a clay shooting competition, with shotguns, and a rifle and gun competition on the firing range, in the cellars

    37. Probably just his frazzled nerves overreacting, but he imagined sawed-off shotguns, Uzi’s, and long pistols hidden away in the material

    38. As one, the three men opened their flower boxes and took out of them three pump-action shotguns

    39. Using the Great Northern Highway they headed for home, when they had a pit stop in Meekatharra Murray took the plates from the Ute and replaced the original plates that were on the vehicle when they bought it, as he explained to Shirl you can never have too many red herrings, their last pit stop was at Newman, arriving home Murray checked the tell-tales that he’d left, he studied the drive for tracks everything seemed normal, even the black cotton he’d stretched between the bush’s and tree’s were still intact, Shirl pressed her thumb against the plate turning off the house alarm and opened the door, Murray then unloaded the three wooden crates, he laid aside the four twelve bore shotguns and the ammunition, because he’d never felt competent with fire arms he’d bought shotguns, feeling that if he cut two of the shotguns down the spread of the shot would make up for his poor marksmanship the two other shotguns he’d leave full length for distance shooting, next he unloaded the explosives and detonators, all the goods would have to be tested

    40. mine, their shotguns ready and propped against their shoulder

    41. direction of The Silver Exchange, clutching shotguns in their hands

    42. He was not surprised to find Blenheims here in the country store; it was the good old boys in overalls, driving pickup trucks, and toting shotguns from the backwaters that generally had a fondness for it rather than “city folk

    43. The barrage of snorting and wheezing sounds that accompanied troll speech might have been the straw the broke the action on their shotguns

    44. As we approached the outskirts, two cars were blocking the way, and standing in front of them were two men with shotguns draped over their arms

    45. The driver and his passenger exited through the door of the passenger side and they brandished shotguns

    46. shotguns of pot in bed while fucking like rabbits until early morning

    47. coming from behind, shotguns in tow

    48. had their shotguns point at it

    49. clip; two 410 shotguns, one a single shot and one with a clip; a 22

    50. In seconds, dozens of spotlights and shotguns were trained on the darkly clothed man

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