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    shut again

    1. He seemed satisfied that I was gone quiet and it slid shut again

    2. Then, just before the door slammed shut again, The Kid poked his head into the cell and said, “Not promising anything, but I’ll see what I can do

    3. His eyes are screwed shut against

    4. Once outside on the grass I let the door go, surprised to find its own weight and gravity clanged it firmly shut again

    5. ‘Do you have a name?’ she asked, the door on her other life slamming shut again deep within her head

    6. Chris tried out the mechanism and was relieved to see the door not just open completely and but also shut again successfully afterwards

    7. Then she quickly slammed it shut again

    8. Terry’s subconscious recognised the threat before he’d even realised that he’d slammed the door shut again

    9. Then wrinkling his snout, he squeezed his eyes tight shut again, trying to clear his head

    10. The window slammed shut again and we slid ourselves into the car

    11. The car-wash rumbled into life and so too, for some unexplainable reason, did the car window, suddenly snapping shut again, trapping me half way out of the car

    12. The plainclothes officer hastily slammed it shut again

    13. But then he felt a brush of air on the back of his neck, and turned around to see that the gate had been shut again

    14. Wynne grimaced and clicked the device shut again, careful to hold it on the

    15. His mouth opening in exasperation before snapping it shut again right away

    16. shut again as freshly oxygenated air flowed in

    17. ” he answered, and as he said it he couldn’t help but squint his eyes almost shut against the expected flash

    18. And lights that shine are shut again

    19. Just a little bullet hole; it would grow shut again

    20. The door stood open—usually it was shut against prying eyes - and watched silently

    21. Irritated that they were still standing there, the director screamed, “Get out!” He slammed his door shut again as the two flustered men scrambled out of the room

    22. Then I hear a door go open and being shut again and footsteps! Tensed I keep sitting as quiet as a mouse and hold my breath

    23. After some more chit-chat, Jeremy got off at his floor and the doors swished shut again

    24. To be certain the door would not shut again, he laid a piece of thick carpet over the threshold

    25. ” He poked Vlad against the side of Alf’s leg, and stirred it about for effect while pinning him down with a knee and pinching his nostrils shut again, until the man lay still

    26. Moments later he pushed the canopy shut again

    27. He could see it as plain as day although the lid was shut again

    28. When they were settled and the door firmly shut again, Bragan turned to the President

    29. ” He stepped back and slammed the door shut again

    30. The female was too close now, sweeping forward with the light playing off the curve of her lethal spurs, and Edgar squeezed his eyes shut against her descent

    31. 'I wish,' I said, as she stopped and I began to be afraid this once more was to be all and the shutters were going to be shut again, 'we might be real friends

    32. What could be happening on the other side of the door through which her mistress had gone? The door had opened, and then shift on her; and after a few moments it had opened again, and then shut again

    33. My stomach turned as I heard the sound of the bell ringing as the door of the diner opened, and slowly shut again

    34. The door opened and shut again

    35. After the four of us were buckled in the doors whirred shut again

    36. Chevalier and Anna watched as her eyes suddenly slid shut again

    37. The door flew out an inch—enough to reveal a mountain of storage boxes on the other side—and slammed shut again

    38. Its mouth opened with a little crest of foam, and shut again in exactly the same way that water closes over a stone

    39. I clamp my open mouth shut again, thinking, Aw, no, no, no, no, don’t do that, honey, anything but that

    40. And the window was shut again

    41. " The voice returned, "Quite right," and the window was shut again, and a young lady came across the court-yard, with keys in her hand

    42. Then the waving multitude opened and shut again, and Uncas stood in the living circle

    43. He’d barely gotten his pipe lit, though, when an intense nurse swept in to tell him he couldn’t smoke on this floor—did he not see the machine she needed to breathe?—and cranked the window shut again

    44. that Huorns began to move south, as soon as the gates were shut again

    45. The Eyes were tightly shut against the World

    46. With some effort, I stepped inside, and the doors hissed shut again behind me

    47. Then the front door slammed shut again

    48. The battle raged ahead, and it was no longer just Frederick’s lot versus the soldiers; Oxford citizens had smelt a rare chance for escape, and they were fighting to get out before the gates cranked shut again

    49. She focused on him, squeezed her eyes shut again, then looked away

    50. Then hasten and fetch some of the water of life before it strikes twelve, for then the door will shut again, and you will be imprisoned

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