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    Usa "signor" in una frase

    signor frasi di esempio


    1. Adio, Signor Caltineri

    2. “I have just the thing, Signor Colling, Torre d’Oro

    3. Signor Manzoni struck upon a novel idea

    4. The Inspector agreed and then said, “It would appear signor Callucini that the owner of these items has come to a tragic end and that the crocodiles are particularly vicious and large

    5. “Buon giorno Signor Maravalli, this is Chief Officer Cabrelli

    6. The reason for me telephoning you and not Signor Evans, is that I may find this a little hard to put into words to him

    7. Please pass my deepest thoughts on to Signor Evans, and give him my assurance that everything is being done to find his wife

    8. ” “Buona sera signor et signorina, this way please

    9. “There is a place, I know, not too expensive, Signor

    10. and Signor Mussolini in theirs

    11. “Here we are, Signor Mussolini,” Fabio said in an instant as they pulled up to a large sliver gate

    12. I visited her once in a while but it had gotten so much easier and inexpensive to travel there since Signor Mussolini employed me

    13. It lead me to Signor Hart

    14. This "scabby one" rowed at the oar as a slave of the Grand Signor's for fourteen years, and when over thirty-four years of age, in resentment at having been struck by a Turk while at the oar, turned renegade and renounced his faith in order to be able to revenge himself; and such was his valour that, without owing his advancement to the base ways and means by which most favourites of the Grand Signor rise to power, he came to be king of Algiers, and afterwards general-on-sea, which is the third place of trust in the realm

    15. He had three thousand of them, and after his death they were divided, as he directed by his will, between the Grand Signor (who is heir of all who die and shares with the children of the deceased) and his renegades

    16. I saw Don Gaspar, I told him the danger he was in if he let it be seen he was a man, I dressed him as a Moorish woman, and that same afternoon I brought him before the king, who was charmed when he saw him, and resolved to keep the damsel and make a present of her to the Grand Signor; and to avoid the risk she might run among the women of his seraglio, and distrustful of himself, he commanded her to be placed in the house of some Moorish ladies of rank who would protect and attend to her; and thither he was taken at once

    17. As it is no inconsiderable affair to spend the Carnival at Rome, especially when you have no great desire to sleep on the Piazza del Popolo, or the Campo Vaccino, they wrote to Signor Pastrini, the proprietor of the Hotel de Londres, Piazza di Spagna, to reserve comfortable apartments for them

    18. Signor Pastrini replied that he had only two rooms and a parlor on the third floor, which he offered at the low charge of a louis per diem

    19. "Well, then, Signor Aladdin," replied the singular amphitryon, "you heard our repast announced, will you now take the trouble to enter the dining-room, your humble servant going first to show the way?" At these words, moving aside the tapestry, Sinbad preceded his guest

    20. "Would it be impertinent, Signor Sinbad," said Franz, "to ask you the particulars of this

    21. "That is it precisely, Signor Aladdin; it is hashish—the purest and most unadulterated

    22. "Judge for yourself, Signor Aladdin—judge, but do not confine yourself to one trial

    23. "Why," he remarked to Gaetano, "you told me that Signor Sinbad was going to Malaga, while it seems he is in the direction of Porto-Vecchio

    24. It was perfectly clear that the Signor Sinbad, Franz's host, had the honor of being on excellent terms with the smugglers and bandits along the whole coast of the Mediterranean, and so enjoyed exceptional privileges

    25. An apartment, as we have said, had been retained beforehand, and thus he had but to go to Signor Pastrini's hotel

    26. Then he sent his card to Signor Pastrini, and asked for Albert de Morcerf

    27. This plan succeeded; and Signor Pastrini himself ran to him, excusing himself for having made his excellency wait, scolding the waiters, taking the candlestick from the porter, who was ready to pounce on the traveller and was about to lead him to Albert, when Morcerf himself appeared

    28. Is supper ready, Signor Pastrini?"

    29. Signor Pastrini had promised them a banquet; he gave them a tolerable repast

    30. Signor Pastrini remained silent a short time; it was evident that he was musing over this answer, which did not seem very clear

    31. "Albert does not say you are a liar, Signor Pastrini," said Franz, "but that he will not

    32. "This," replied Signor Pastrini, "that you will go out by one, but I very much doubt your

    33. "Count," returned Signor Pastrini, hurt at Albert's repeated doubts of the truth of his assertions, "I do not say this to you, but to your companion, who knows Rome, and knows, too, that these things are not to be laughed at

    34. "Do you know, Signor Pastrini," said Albert, lighting a second cigar at the first, "that this practice is very convenient for bandits, and that it seems to be due to an arrangement of their own

    35. " Doubtless Signor Pastrini found this pleasantry compromising, for he only answered half the question, and then he spoke to Franz, as the only one likely to listen with attention

    36. "You tell me," said Franz, at the moment Signor Pastrini was about to open his mouth, "that you knew Luigi Vampa when he was a child—he is still a young man, then?"

    37. "And you say that Signor Vampa exercises his profession at this moment in the environs of

    38. This itinerary possessed another great advantage,—that of leaving Franz at full liberty to indulge his deep reverie upon the subject of Signor Pastrini's story, in which his mysterious host of Monte Cristo was so strangely mixed up

    39. " At this instant the door opened, and the head of Signor

    40. "Better than that!" replied Signor Pastrini, with the air of a man perfectly well satisfied

    41. "That is what I call an elegant mode of attack," said Albert, "You were quite correct in what you said, Signor Pastrini

    42. "Now, my excellent Signor Pastrini," said Franz, addressing his landlord, "since we are both ready, do you think we may proceed at once to visit the Count of Monte Cristo?"

    43. They passed through two rooms, furnished in a luxurious manner they had not expected to see under the roof of Signor Pastrini, and were shown into an elegantly fitted-up drawing-room

    44. Signor Pastrini came to the door to receive his guests

    45. Franz questioned Albert as to his intentions; but Albert had great projects to put into execution before going to the theatre; and instead of making any answer, he inquired if Signor Pastrini could procure him a tailor

    46. "Agreed," returned Albert; "but remember, Signor Pastrini, that both my friend and myself attach the greatest importance to having to-morrow the costumes we have asked for

    47. The two friends sat down to table; but they could not refrain from remarking the difference between the Count of Monte Cristo's table and that of Signor Pastrini

    48. Signor Pastrini had already set about procuring their disguises for the morrow; and he assured them that they would be perfectly satisfied

    49. The two friends did not venture to return the count the breakfast he had given them; it would have been too absurd to offer him in exchange for his excellent table the very inferior one of Signor Pastrini

    50. Signor Pastrini informed them that business had called him to Civita Vecchia

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