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    Usa "signpost" in una frase

    signpost frasi di esempio





    1. Here you could tour the basin floor for decades and have no clue but a map and a signpost to tell you where you were or where you were going

    2. He thought he had seen a signpost signaling a road when he walked off previously, and pursued the same direction

    3. to signpost your presentation from beginning to end so that your listeners know where they are

    4. signpost for the nearby station nailed to the brown granite

    5. Verse 15 is a clear signpost pointing to the death of Jesus on the cross

    6. purpose, so underlining the teaching that the law is like a signpost, pointing to the more

    7. A beautiful brook meandered underneath and a small signpost announced the location of „Brookdell Cottage’

    8. This just might be the signpost for the second possible road, where the mother

    9. ments signpost the location of dark matter because the hot gas sits in its

    10. She had unraveled the riddle of the signpost at the wishing well and he wanted to show her that he could be clever, too

    11. I carried on determinedly for a mile or so, only stopping when I reached a signpost on the pavement telling me there was a petrol station just fifty metres away, down a narrow side road to my right

    12. Dreams provide a signpost and a different perspective on our lives

    13. “Joey you are a very troublesome boy,” said Lezura bitterly as she navigated between a signpost and a woman

    14. questioning but, by the third signpost, the coachee will likely be

    15. A metal signpost, driven into the ground at the foot of the crossing, offered an ominous warning

    16. When she had returned earlier, the Audi had been badly dented – another disagreement with a signpost or a lollipop lady, no doubt – and Mother had been angrier than he had ever seen her before

    17. I ripped up a signpost and took part in a couple myself, until Sal caught me during my third and threw me in the river

    18. McGarren trotted two blocks down the sidewalk and was stopped by a flashing red hand on the signpost

    19. Half an hour later he was passing the signpost for the county of Lancashire, heading up the M6 towards the Lake District

    20. After an hour’s more driving he left the motorway at the first slip road that appeared after the Lake District signpost appeared, and then stopped at the first hotel that advertised vacant rooms

    21. But yesterday he had lacked a signpost telling him where to go

    22. It was a burning signpost pointing to the final destination in the brief, exhilarating, hugely rewarding journey

    23. Ben was motioning towards the signpost in the distance

    24. cannot even place the year exactly though it was to be a signpost in my life, I met Marian

    25. genius to understand that this signpost also points to

    26. sacrifice every year, but the sacrifice was a signpost

    27. He spotted a signpost on the side of the road : A19 North

    28. A wooden signpost with the word BOWERSHIM hammered onto it came into view

    29. They rode their niddi in relative silence, sometimes pointing to things on the side of the road that interested them: a wooden house built high up in the treetops of a chestnut lane, on the porch of which an old man sat smoking a pipe; a woman strumming a gittern by a covered bridge; a vast sea of pink and red flowers, each tall as a signpost, whispering in the afternoon breeze, their rogue petals at play over the road

    30. They rode their niddi in relative silence, sometimes pointing to things on the side of the rode that interested them: a wooden house built high up in the treetops of a chestnut lane, on the porch of which an old man sat smoking a pipe; a woman strumming a gittern by a covered bridge; a vast sea of pink and red flowers, each tall as a signpost, whispering in the afternoon breeze, their rogue petals at play high over the road

    31. She frowned as we approached a signpost

    32. Hearing all this music side by side erased some of the borderlines between the past and the present and this signpost and that stop sign

    33. Remember that the fair value price is only a signpost on the road to the inevitable undervaluation that will be forced by the growth of the bearish investment crowd

    34. Instead a prominent constellation is used as a signpost to south: the Southern Cross (Crux), a constellation of five stars which can be distinguished from two other cross-shaped groups by its size—it is smaller—and its two pointer stars

    35. ” Finally she was ready to inspect the thought that had sent her out: the symbol, the mystery, the signpost with an inexorable pointing finger

    1. ’ She said, ‘It’s well signposted usually

    2. Noting the direction of the signposted Highway 23 that snaked

    3. They turned off up the road signposted to Fittleworth, and Bill pulled over as they approached the river

    4. But not all collapses are so well signposted

    1. the group would still be there for a bit longer, and she could find her way out anyway, following the colored lights and the signposting

    2. Your audience will appreciate the effort that you take in marking out the important points, signposting your argument and signaling the key stages

    1. There were no signposts, no houses, no sign of

    2. knew there were no signposts at all on the road by which

    3. Cross-roads Gully, where the two roads met, had very acid soil and the marker signposts erected by the Roadways Department were not a good idea

    4. The signposts are clear

    5. They’re very much like the vertical white signposts that dot the intersections in this part of the world

    6. But French signposts are concrete obelisks

    7. 3 The apostles learned that the Jews were spiritually stagnant and dying because they had crystallized truth into a creed; that when truth becomes formulated as a boundary line of self-righteous exclusiveness instead of serving as signposts of spiritual guidance and progress, such teachings lose their creative and life-giving power and ultimately become merely preservative and fossilizing

    8. The Forrest Coaching Path™ is a series of signposts to guide the

    9. with affection and delight? Are you obediently following the clear signposts along your path,

    10. are signposts of direction which navigate the population on a course of

    11. signposts and most are on their own paths to destruction

    12. There were no signposts floating on the surface, nothing

    13. Hal had been looking for signposts, and this was the closest he had come to finding anything remotely like one

    14. We use the yacu as signposts on the trails, for each yacu is

    15. The reason why certain books have become classics is because they are signposts of their age

    16. the greatest prize, the signposts to salvation will flash

    17. would miss the signposts which point to Christ

    18. And We placed on earth stabilizers, lest it sways with them, and We placed therein signposts and passages, that they may be guided

    19. But as with so many other drones, he had a routine, and Salander had been able to find a number of signposts through the trail of pictures he posted on Instagram and Facebook: Riche on Birger Jarlsgatan and the Teatergrillen on Nybrogatan, the Raucher Chess Club and Café Ritorno on Odengatan and a number of others, including a shooting club on Fridhelmsgatan, plus the addresses of two girlfriends

    20. A trader can trade this entire cycle, or can use these trades as signposts to monitor the health of the market and its transition from one regime to another

    21. Use the book as a collection of signposts marking a path

    22. These commandments are, as it were, signposts on the endless road to perfection, toward which humanity is moving, showing the point of perfection which is possible at a certain period in the development of humanity

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