Usa "simpleton" in una frase
simpleton frasi di esempio
1. Blond Annie, the 17-year-old slut in taekwondo, knows how to make all men pay attention to her: “I don't know a thing, show me!” she is always mewing and some simpleton will run to “show” her
2. I’m still pretty much a simpleton socially, even after all these decades
3. They were so well versed in all things intellectual that I quickly felt like a simpleton in their presence
4. “From your promises, I was expecting a drooling simpleton
5. Poor Amaranthe Lokdon—harassed by a simpleton
6. He glared at Nyx, that simpleton, with choppily
7. "Subconscious Harry" obviously takes me for a simpleton with this children's
8. simpleton even though he was quite brilliant with respect to his detection abilities in areas such a forensics, and his dress code—a plain cotton dress shirt buttoned to the top that was one size too large, khaki slacks that were rumpled and patched at the knees, and a dirty handkerchief sticking from his back pocket—further reiterated his stereotype
9. I became the butt of their silly jokes, assigned the role of a well-intentioned simpleton who should just stick to driving people around and eating whatever cake is it they've baked
10. Whereas Jennifer had a deep and intuitive understanding of the celestial bodies, Jill was a simpleton that saw the twinkling stars as another hungry hornball looking to get into her panties
11. This belief, that she was a simpleton and lacked understanding, was another reason she had not been sent to Sickbay with serious injuries
12. She had to be a simpleton, surely? She would
13. Well, it was too late now and Comben would have had to be a simpleton to believe it hadn’t been too late before
14. ‘Sathyam is a simpleton as ever,’ he thought, trying to analyze his friend and his wife
15. A slathering hound that humped his leg would exercise, even at that moment, a higher level of mental acuity than would our simpleton brother
16. And if you ever call me a simpleton again I'll…" She shakes from rage and fear and shock at her own daring, and he finds this much more concerning than anything else that's happened today
17. Bah, you simpleton! She knows that
18. with this simpleton!” Euther was in a rage
19. I mean exactly this VVU-Information, when I say that, when each of these Formo-images achieves certain high-qualitative states (also through the subjective dynamics of our structures of Self-Consciousness: for example, according to some animators, movie-makers and storytellers, Ivan-the-Fool transforms from a simpleton and mentally defective rural “bogey” and gradually becomes a sort of homebred sage and philosopher), it can really become involved in the full-fledged and infinitely fascinating dynamics of FLUU-LUU-complexes, however, not as energy-information Formo-clichés strictly limited by a very narrow realizational range, but as more self-conscious and developed FLUU-VVU-Forms
20. She was no simpleton
21. Murphy couldn’t tell if it was a cagey look or if the man were simply trying to decide if he was dealing with a simpleton
22. A weakling and a simpleton at that,’
23. He was extremely intelligent, though he was certainly rather a simpleton at times
24. He soon discovered that Andrey Semyonovitch was a commonplace simpleton, but that by no means reassured Pyotr Petrovitch
25. The fact was he had begun instinctively to guess that Lebeziatnikov was not merely a commonplace simpleton, but, perhaps, a liar, too, and that he had no connections of any consequence even in his own circle, but had simply picked things up third-hand; and that very likely he did not even know much about his own work of propaganda, for he was in too great a muddle
26. All who knew her were filled with astonishment, and the duke and duchess more than any; for though they thought her a simpleton and a weak creature, they did not think her capable of crazy pranks
27. Suppose now that somebody came to us and told us, how he had met a man who knew all that everybody knows, and better than anybody:--should we not infer him to be a simpleton who, having no discernment of truth and falsehood, had met with a wizard or enchanter, whom he fancied to be all- wise? And when we hear persons saying that Homer and the tragedians know all the arts and all the virtues, must we not infer that they are under a similar delusion? they do not see that the poets are imitators, and that their creations are only imitations
28. "Why, you poor short-sighted simpleton, can you not guess who this Noirtier was, whose
29. "Politeness, you simpleton!" retorted La Carconte
30. "The simpleton was frightened, and blundered through his message; but he had a
31. Amongst us a simpleton, possessed by the demon of hate or cupidity, who has an enemy to destroy, or some near relation to dispose of, goes straight to the grocer's or druggist's, gives a false name, which leads more easily to his detection than his real one, and under the pretext that the rats prevent him from sleeping, purchases five or six grammes of arsenic—if he is really a cunning fellow, he goes to five or six different druggists or grocers, and thereby becomes only five or six times more easily traced;—then, when he has acquired his specific, he administers duly to his enemy, or near kinsman, a dose of arsenic which would make a mammoth or mastodon burst, and which, without rhyme or reason, makes his victim utter
32. I shall, therefore, not visit either of these telegraphs, but one in the open country where I shall find a good-natured simpleton, who knows no more than the machine he is employed to work
33. And Holden VI, described by his mother as a “simpleton with violent tendencies and the empathy of a rattlesnake, but other than that a dear boy
34. " and the like; to all which the blushing simpleton answered to my wish, in a strain of perfect nature, perfect undebauched innocence, but with all the awkwardness and simplicity of country breeding
35. For his part, equally blinded by his wishes, whilst here gregious simplicity favoured his deception more than the most exquisite art could have done, he supposed, no doubt, that he had lighted on some soft simpleton, fit for his; purpose, or some kept minion broken to his hand, who understood him perfectly well, and entered into his designs
36. "I have been a blind simpleton," said he, bitterly, "It's my folly that has brought you all into this trouble
37. Honey was a fool, a silly, a simpleton about As the whisperings merged together violently, questioning, interrupting, Scarlett felt men, but she had a feminine instinct about other women that Scarlett had underestimated
38. What should I have done? Drawn out all that gold from English banks, like a simpleton, and blockade got too tight? Was it my fault that our Cause failed? The money belonged to tried to run it into Wilmington? And let the Yankees capture it? Was it my fault that the the Confederacy
39. The fact was he had begun instinctively to guess that Lebeziatnikov was not merely a commonplace simpleton, but, perhaps, a liar, too, and that he had no connections of any consequence even in his own circle, but had simply picked things up third‐hand; and that very likely he did not even know much about his own work of propaganda, for he was in too great a muddle
40. "And then my dear, dear husband came home to me … and I did not know it! … And you had used your cruel persuasion upon me … you did not stop using it—no—you did not stop! My little sisters and brothers and my mother's needs—they were the things you moved me by … and you said my husband would never come back—never; and you taunted me, and said what a simpleton I was to expect him! … And at last I believed you and gave way! … And then he came back! Now he is gone
41. If you were not such a charming simpleton, what a temptation this would be to play the wicked coquette, and let you suppose that somebody besides you has made love to me
42. “…die?” said Big Rob the simpleton from the bottom of the grave
43. would bind himself to that simpleton for life
44. "I'm not such a simpleton as that!" yelled the little man
45. ‘You lie, Cathy, no doubt,’ answered her brother, ‘and you are a confounded simpleton! But never mind Linton at present: tell me, were you not with Heathcliff last night? Speak the truth, now
46. For there was the sap, the simpleton, the ignoramus, the shy wimp, the lost soul
47. Between ourselves, I think that simpleton of a lancer has been courting her a bit
48. And now Allah had delivered this simpleton who had a very real chance at becoming the president of the United States
49. “I had a dislike to her mother always; for she was my husband’s only sister, and a great favourite with him: he opposed the family’s disowning her when she made her low marriage; and when news came of her death, he wept like a simpleton
50. He loved the simpleton to mock,