Usa "single part" in una frase
single part frasi di esempio
single part
1. “Because the traces are over twenty atoms wide, only single particles in single atoms would be entangled
2. The focus moves from one part of the body to the next, but is always restricted to a single part at any one time
3. anything else because that pain just consumes every single part of
4. Emergent properties belong to the system and not to the single parts that it is made
5. Then again, what instinct had he followed? Not logical, because logical instinct didn’t govern itself by what a teenage girl said, and not mechanical, because a single part of his life didn’t rely on the existence of the swan
6. When nothing else matters except that single part of a disconnected linear chain of a linear, causal process that rips ore out of the earth, filters it, crushes it, washes it, chemicalizes it, melts it, refines it, turns it into an alloy, ships it around the world to other factories that refine it further, shape it, re-melt it, pound it, twist it, flatten it, and then sell it to another set of disconnected linear processes that makes that metal ends up in half the houses of the world as a screw, as a pipe, as a nail…
7. Every single part of our past is organically connected to our present
8. If I had missed mopping a single particle of him, the crew unwittingly cleared it away
9. Fohat – this is the Spirit, but existing in a single particle, the Tiny Ray of the One Ray
10. ” The district lines have been drawn in such a way that the majority of the voting population in each district belongs to a single party
11. Numerous cases could be given of striking resemblances in quite distinct beings between single parts or organs, which have been adapted for the same functions
12. The men arrive earlier, for the social conditions are such in the South that there are more men than women, and if they indulge in the foolish Eastern habit of arriving just before midnight, they haven’t a chance of finding a single partner through the evening
13. But, perhaps, the greatness of this interest, and our pecuniary ability to protect it, may be made more strikingly apparent by a comparison of our commerce with that of Britain, in the single particular of export