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    Usa "siren" in una frase

    siren frasi di esempio





    1. It wasn't the car or a siren

    2. She could hear a siren

    3. Maybe Alan was one of their own? What was that old saying, 'blood is thicker than wire'? Meanwhile the native siren continued to defy him as her crew dragged her away

    4. He canceled the probe on the raft of the naked siren and gave up that line of inquiry to Alan's whereabouts

    5. putting out the stars with the disabling whine of wind and siren

    6. tied and bound against the siren

    7. The stand off lasted for nearly a minute before the sound of a siren in the distance saw the three of them break into a hectic run back the way they had come

    8. The wail of a siren

    9. Siren wail bounces off building fascias, startling late night pedestrians as they wind their drunken way home

    10. Perhaps a modern electric siren was fitted

    11. was going on, since the sound of the alarm siren would have easily

    12. By the time they got there, the faint sound of an ambulance siren was audible in the distance

    13. followed closely by the screech of the emergency siren

    14. Some barked of course, but not the ferocious siren of attack

    15. this time warning lights were on all the recordings of the past, flashing in the background while a siren blared

    16. Both Patrick and Dom left the room and, less than a minute later, the banshee like howl of an old Second World War air raid siren shattered the clear English air

    17. Yet his feeling of satisfaction was soon washed away in the emergency red glow of the corridor, and turned fully to panic by a siren

    18. I heard as a siren started wailing in the distance

    19. We were inside just as the rising siren went

    20. Cool when the woman with luxuriant platinum blonde hair, possessing the beauty of a siren from an archive Hollywood movie, sat beside him, smiled and introduced herself

    21. All Squad cars had a very loud police siren and public address system besides the two way radio

    22. Unfortunately the siren was mounted inside the engine bay where it was much less effective than on the roof

    23. This caused much debate in when to use the siren

    24. The siren could be heard for miles even if in the engine bay and thus scare the criminals away before we could arrest or kill them

    25. That made it more difficult to arrest them and we would, at times, not use the sirens and approach a crime scene without the siren on

    26. On the other hand, say where a woman is defending herself against an intruder using the siren may save her life by chasing the criminal away

    27. Since the public did not always hear the siren we adapted another technique when approaching traffic waiting at a robot and that was to lock your brakes for a second or two

    28. The commander on the left (we drive with right hand steering wheels in South Africa) had the police siren, public address system, radios and side spotlights to operate

    29. if held next to a factory there may be a siren

    30. "That's what they all say, mate," the police driver informed me over his shoulder, flicking on the siren before putting his boot to the floor and acting out his fantasy of being a formula-one racing driver

    31. I could hear the sound of an approaching siren

    32. A ranting raucous had grabbed everyone’s attention like a tornado siren during a storm

    33. ” He regretted his siren wasn’t working

    34. siren sounding at the bullets lodged in his chest

    35. You should listen for the siren and look for the flashing red lights

    36. whisper over the siren

    37. siren atop the computers burst into an alarming wail, the

    38. The blaring of the tsunami siren echoed through the town

    39. He heard the siren and tried to move again, but it was in vain

    40. “Help me!” But the siren

    41. The woman could only hear the wailing of the siren and the repeated warnings

    42. Shamansky hit the siren and stuck a portable red, flashing light onto the roof while accelerating to maximum speed

    43. Just then they heard the noise of the police siren and within minutes Jock was racing into the hospital followed by his lovely girlfriend Chandelle

    44. A second siren was heard and the paramedics would be up the stairs shortly

    45. An ambulance siren blared as the vehicle came through the park to the location where the crowd gathered

    46. But the siren call from the earth shaking going on in the

    47. Vesuvius also heard the siren call, but she was

    48. An ambulance passed us at a very high speed with lights flashing and siren blaring on Route 163 on our way home

    49. To the siren

    50. I had pulled up in front of the church and was on my way in when the sheriff caught up to me with his siren wailing

    1. ” the Reptile+'s alarm sirened its fate

    1. What might be several seconds pass, though they feel to Werner like hours, and the wind tears through the frosted grass, sending zephyrs and wisps of snow sirening off across the white, and a sudden nostalgia for Zollverein rolls through him in a wave: boyhood afternoons wandering the soot-stained warrens, towing his little sister in the wagon

    2. There was a wild sirening on the phone and a whistling and banging

    1. Leona fades the microphone out and plays in a recording of police sirens

    2. Jock has no doubt the old comic overheard some of the conversation with Shaun and he also has no doubt that the bugger will try to use the information, although he has no immediate fears regarding sirens and tyres crunching on gravel

    3. Ulysses and The Sirens

    4. The Greek hero Ulysses, was told by the sorceress Circe*, to put wax in the ears of his crew so that they could not hear the song of the Sirens

    5. Ulysses had his men do that but he was curious and wanted to hear to music of the Sirens

    6. When Ulysses did hear the song of the Sirens, he begged his men to untie him so he could go to them, but they tied the ropes more tightly around him and sailed away from the Sirens

    7. The tale of the Sirens seems to have come from an Oriental image of a bird-woman

    8. And whale call sirens to blow the whistle

    9. “But back to the Sirens, they should promise in their song to tell the hero’s future

    10. He must instruct his crew, no matter what he cries, if he calls anathema on their names, if he promises a terrible revenge, they mustn’t loose him until they’re out of earshot from the Sirens

    11. SIRENS can be heard in the distance

    12. “It blended with my dream of Sirens

    13. A couple of police cars passed by the van, driving in the opposite direction towards the convenience store, their sirens making a vivid display of blue and red colors and an ear deafening noise

    14. He slammed his thick hand against the alarm set into the wall and the ship came alive with sirens and bells

    15. The sirens stopped as suddenly as they started but the red lights that accompanied them continued to flash their warning

    16. ” Sebastian turned his face toward the sound of sirens in the distance

    17. I became aware of flashing lights and sirens blaring, and somewhat later there was

    18. That made it more difficult to arrest them and we would, at times, not use the sirens and approach a crime scene without the siren on

    19. Blue flashing lights suddenly appeared in the distance, accompanied by the he-haw of sirens

    20. Some Casspirs had police sirens and PA systems mounted on the roof

    21. Anyway; the cops were coming, sirens going full tilt, so he ran around behind the building, jumped a couple of fences and hid in the long grass…”

    22. But then where the hell would he go? Off in the distance they could hear sirens

    23. Fire, ambulance, and yes; cop sirens

    24. I heard sirens in the distance, but they quickly fell away into silence as the night closed in around me

    25. “What’s with all these sirens?” asked Nibbles

    26. There were no sirens, nothing visible from here

    27. It was probably only four or five minutes before I heard sirens approaching

    28. I could hear the wail of sirens closing in

    29. The sirens were almost on us

    30. As the boom gate rose up, approaching police sirens could be heard as tactical response vans turned into the airport terminal

    31. Two blocks from the building, they heard the sirens, and managed to catch a cab before the cops and ambulance arrived

    32. Imagine the nightmare if, in the army post that we mentioned before, all the sirens and the defense responses are constantly engaged without actual threats

    33. With a grunt of effort, he pulled it and immediately, every cell in the dungeon opened wide in synchrony, while sirens howled and all the

    34. She’d lit up in the lady’s room and sirens went off throughout the entire building

    35. That’s when she heard the sirens wailing behind her

    36. Her car had just stopped moving when she heard the sirens go by

    37. Probably because of the sirens, she wasn’t going to ask

    38. screamed; only the wailing of sirens and rushing footfalls could be heard echoing through

    39. Just then the sirens wound down and stopped, and a voice came over the loud

    40. Just then the wail of tsunami sirens echoed through the streets

    41. wailing of the sirens echoed through the streets

    42. Only the wailing of the sirens and the call to evacuate to higher ground

    43. Destruction was everywhere, the wailing of the sirens

    44. But the sound of the sirens drowned out her screams, and Seko got in the car and

    45. BEEN LIFTED,” blared the speakers over the wailing of the sirens

    46. speakers over the wailing of the sirens

    47. the hysterical pleads of, Don’t leave me, and then the wailing of the tsunami sirens

    48. 8 I will call the Sirens from the sea, and you Lilin, come you from the desert, and

    49. out the wailing sounds of police sirens and fire engines

    50. Within several minutes Jock could hear the sirens of the highway patrol behind them, as they pulled up in front Jock said Channy just keep up with them ok

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