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    Usa "slantwise" in una frase

    slantwise frasi di esempio


    1. But what is there to prevent those doors to be fitted so as to move upwards, or horizontally, or slantwise? In which case they would go through the obstructing layer of coal as easily as a knife goes through butter

    2. One sperm whale exterminated, it ran at another, tacked on the spot so as not to miss its prey, went ahead or astern, obeyed its rudder, dived when the cetacean sank to deeper strata, rose with it when it returned to the surface, struck it head–on or slantwise, hacked at it or tore it, and from every direction and at any speed, skewered it with its dreadful spur

    3. But the flight had only been three hours and had never left the Eastern time zone, and later, after his folks had gone to bed, he would still be lying awake studying the slantwise paneling of his bedroom ceiling

    4. Against the descending sun the battlements were dark and clean-lined, while to the east, where the uninhibited light poured slantwise, the strange landscape shouted with color

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