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    Usa "slip down" in una frase

    slip down frasi di esempio

    slip down

    1. It was Grey's last panicky scramble that proved his undoing as, accompanied by a loud crack, one of the supporting branches snapped, allowing the whole fabrication to slew sideways and slip down into the rapids

    2. He lessened his grip on her wrist and let it slip down to her hand, but it was limp, no feeling, compared to what had been there before

    3. She felt her shorts slip down, fingers go inside her

    4. I felt it spin within my mind, slip down to blur mine inner sight

    5. She sounded like the bubbling spring in the back of the cave and then I was suddenly back at the cave with Monkey Mother watching the red glow slip down into the dark mouth of night

    6. ” I scooped up handfuls of water and let the refreshing liquid slip down my parched throat

    7. Teriz slip down the same alley minutes earlier

    8. ter terrain---it's harder to slip down something without much pitch,

    9. You should know that at the moment of “Death” you can quite easily “slip down” by the stable dynamics of your FCA into SFUURMM-Forms of your “past”, where you have a different age (younger or older), and begin to perceive yourself accordingly in that Time Flow

    10. Black peter was supposed to help SINterklaas, and slip down the black-filth greed-holes known as chimneys, to bring gifts to children that had been good all year: and to carry away bad children in a sack, into slavery

    11. look up just as Rose entered the house to slip down the

    12. Feeling a tear slip down my cheek I forced myself past the sentimental emotions I felt in the moment to take a bite

    13. As the clerk followed this process this with sorrowful fascination, his face began to slip downwards into his shirt-front

    14. I nodded at Flint in thanks as I felt a tear slip down my face

    15. It's so simple you can eat it, and being soft, it will slip down without hurting your sore throat

    16. If the ground upon which I was walking was on a slope, I had to chop out each step in order to get my footing, lest I slip down the mountain and crash into the rocks and bushes and trees below, or worse, go sailing over the edge

    17. woman while they can going out to be drowned or blown up somewhere I went up Windmill hill to the flats that Sunday morning with captain Rubios that was dead spyglass like the sentry had he said hed have one or two from on board I wore that frock from the B Marche paris and the coral necklace the straits shining I could see over to Morocco almost the bay of Tangier white and the Atlas mountain with snow on it and the straits like a river so clear Harry Molly darling I was thinking of him on the sea all the time after at mass when my petticoat began to slip down at the elevation weeks and weeks I kept the handkerchief under my pillow for the smell of him there was no decent perfume to be got in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left a stink on you more than anything else I wanted to give him a memento he gave me that clumsy Claddagh ring for luck that I gave Gardner going to south Africa where those Boers killed him with their war and fever but they were well beaten all the same as if it brought its bad luck with it like an opal or pearl still it must have been pure 18 carrot gold because it was very heavy but what could you get in a place like that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that derelict ship that came up to the harbour Marie the Marie whatyoucallit no he hadnt a moustache that was Gardner yes I can see his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train again weeping tone once in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes breath my lips forward kiss sad look eyes open piano ere oer the world the mists began I hate that istsbeg comes loves sweet sooooooooooong Ill let that out full when I get in front of the footlights again Kathleen Kearney and her lot of squealers Miss This Miss That Miss Theother lot of sparrowfarts skitting around talking about politics they know as much about as my backside anything in the world to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am I ay and whose are you bootmakers and publicans I beg your pardon coach I thought you were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever they got a chance of walking down the Alameda on an officers arm like me on the bandnight my eyes flash my bust that they havent passion God help their poor head I knew more about men and life when I was I S than theyll all know at 50 they dont know how to sing a song like that Gardner said no man could look at my mouth and teeth smiling like that and not think of it I was afraid he mightnt like my accent first he so English all father left me in spite of his stamps Ive my mothers eyes and figure anyhow he always said theyre so snotty about themselves

    18. Then it was necessary to be careful not to let himself go between the teeth and be dismembered, but he was nevertheless forced to slip down into the stomach with the hay

    19. Internally, whether in the globe or animal body, it is a moist thick lobe, a word especially applicable to the liver and lungs and the leaves of fat (γεἱβω, labor, lapsus, to flow or slip downward, a lapsing; λοβὁς, globus, lobe, globe; also lap, flap, and many other words); externally a dry thin leaf, even as the f and v are a pressed and dried b

    20. Some men laughed at me because my old shoes made me slip down in the mud

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