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    Usa "sm" in una frase

    sm frasi di esempio


    1. Con-536 sider how SM factors in and enhances your marketing

    2. SM, the chief pathologist in the hospital where I practiced, upon reading an editorial I had written for a medical bulletin, told me that I’d “missed my calling

    3. hen, there's a sm

    4. not to the Standard Model (SM), with gauge coupling constant g and dark fine structure

    5. electrons of SM atoms immersed within the dark plasma

    6. However, secondary (SM) radiation, particularly in the microwave bands could indicate the

    7. Model (SM), with gauge coupling constant g

    8. features frequently found in confined plasmas of SM particles in the laboratory, including

    9. of SM atoms immersed within the dark plasma

    10. would give rise to a broadband spectrum of SM radiation, including radio, X-rays and

    11. However, secondary (SM) radiation,

    12. which are detected when the ordinary plasma generated by dark plasma interact with SM

    13. theatrically over them and sm ash ed into the shelves, that explains the extreme severity

    14. Michelle went to SM for the 3-day sale

    15. ‘He said I’m the best SM he’s ever worked with

    16. org to locate the Motorcycle Safety Foundation hands-on RiderCourse SM nearest you

    17. o Strongly API integrated with other SM platforms

    18. be speculated that @FloatReader may eventual y be integrated with other SM API in a similar way to

    19. easily improve over the competition, when developing a SM campaign or using traditional SM

    20. 6 sm Chunks of butter

    21. Having heard that I was studying Islam — and Sufi sm in particular, the

    22. must know that the Sufi sm has nothing to do with the Islam!” [362,

    23. within the scope of traditional religions, for example, Sufi sm in Islam

    24. classifi cations used in Buddhism, Sufi sm and some other esoteric sys-

    25. Sufi sm and Hesychasm to the practices of “Spiritual topography” while

    26. Stil both golden age and development of Sufi sm are considered in con-

    27. Th e goal of Sufi sm is to achieve the state of direct merger between

    28. structions that Sufi sm pays major attention to, but spiritual state of

    29. Sufi sm is grounded upon activity of the teacher that is

    30. Along with this many elements of Sufi sm ideology are based upon

    31. Like that of other esoteric systems, the character of Sufi sm is both

    32. In Sufi sm an important role was given to one’s staying in the state

    33. In Sufi sm they single out several stages of individual’s psychologic

    34. In Sufi sm the ap-

    35. like traditional academic science, in Sufi sm the will is not treated for

    36. Eye s shone , che e ks we re flushe d, the inne r light of unive rsa l be ne vole nce broke out on e ve ry fa ce in ha ppy, frie ndly sm ile s

    37. blush; but she only sm ile d with sim ula te d inte llige nce a nd sa id, "You don't sa y so!"

    38. The m e n ca m e ne a re r a nd ne a re r; the ir da rk e ye s looke d a t he r, but without giving a ny sign of re cognition, a ny sm a lle st sign tha t the y ha d se e n he r or we re a wa re of

    39. Le nina wa s sm iling a t him ; such a nice -looking boy, she wa s thinking, a nd a re a lly be a utiful body

    40. The blood rushe d up into the young m a n's fa ce ; he droppe d his e ye s, ra ise d the m a ga in for a m om e nt only to find he r still sm iling a t him , a nd wa s so m uch ove rcom e tha t he ha d to turn a wa y a nd pre te nd to be looking ve ry ha rd a t som e thing on the othe r side of the squa re

    41. He couldn't m ove , he wa s tra ppe d, a nd the re we re Popé 's sm a ll bla ck e ye s, ve ry close , sta ring into his own

    42. In Ice la nd he will ha ve sm a ll opportunity to le a d othe rs a stra y by his unfordly e xa m ple

    43. Be rna rd, by this tim e , wa s fa st a sle e p a nd sm iling a t the priva te pa ra dise of his dre a m s

    44. Sm iling, sm iling

    45. But in spite of this knowle dge a nd the se a dm issions, in spite of the fa ct tha t his frie nd's support a nd sym pa thy we re now his only com fort, Be rna rd continue d pe rve rse ly to nourish, a long with his quite ge nuine a ffe ction, a se cre t grie va nce a ga inst the Sa va ge , to m e dia te a ca m pa ign of sm a ll re ve nge s to be wre a ke d upon him

    46. The Sa va ge ha d se ize d him by the colla r, lifte d him cle a r ove r the cha ir a nd, with a sm a rt box on the e a rs, se nt him howling a wa y

    47. "Whe re a s, if he ha d the sm a lle st se nse , he 'd unde rsta nd tha t his

    48. " It wa s a sm a ll book a nd ha d lost its cove r

    49. "We ll, of course , our re a de rs would be profoundly inte re ste d …" He put his he a d on one side , his sm ile be ca m e a lm ost coque ttish

    50. Sa va ge ?" He looke d up a t the Sa va ge with a nothe r of those winning sm ile s of his

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    Sinonimi per "sm"

    master of science ms msc sm atomic number 62 samarium