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    Usa "smuggled" in una frase

    smuggled frasi di esempio


    1. "Unfortunately, only a handful of these weapons remained, smuggled down through the ages

    2. Gold, too, is much more liable to be smuggled than even silver; not only on account of the superior value of the metal in proportion to its bulk, but on account of the peculiar way in which nature produces it

    3. At present, the value of the tea annually imported by the English East India company, for the use of their own countrymen, amounts to more than a million and a half a year; and even this is not enough; a great deal more being constantly smuggled into the country from the ports of Holland, from Gottenburgh in Sweden, and from the coast of France, too, as long as the French East India company was in prosperity

    4. The quantity of gold and silver imported at both Cadiz and Lisbon (including not only what comes under register, but what may be supposed to be smuggled) amounts, according to the best accounts, to about six millions sterling a-year

    5. He makes an allowance, too, for the quantity of each metal which, he supposes, may have been smuggled

    6. On account of what may have been smuggled, however, the whole annual importation, he supposes, may have amounted to seventeen millions of piastres, which, at 4s

    7. On account of what may have been smuggled, however, we may safely, he says, add to this sum an eighth more, or £ 250,000 sterling, so that the whole will amount to £ 2,250,000 sterling

    8. Her friends smuggled her out from the wedding and dropped her

    9. smuggled cigarettes and the evasion tax with which

    10. They represented, secondly, that this prohibition could not hinder the exportation of gold and silver, which, on account of the smallness of their bulk in proportion to their value, could easily be smuggled abroad

    11. Brought some of it – er, smuggled some of it – from home when I first arrived here

    12. It was written by Yavi herself – she must’ve smuggled it out with the help of Milzuk

    13. To pretend to have any scruple about buying smuggled goods, though a manifest encouragement to the violation of the revenue laws, and to the perjury which almost always attends it, would, in most countries

    14. These new sailors had smuggled themselves on board the

    15. I smuggled him in

    16. As Khan’s back was turned, she took her hand from her pocket, holding the small dagger she had smuggled into the arena

    17. She knew why Alexia always won: underhanded tactics, bribery of other prisoners, smuggled weapons, pre-injured opponents

    18. “That motley crew you saw me with the other day , from the café, are dealing in stolen diamonds, smuggled out of god knows where

    19. Drugs are being smuggled into Canada, and Buffalo is one of the

    20. British and French goods were smuggled in, while American goods could not be shipped out

    21. This would have brought a death rate from 10-50% for slaves smuggled in despite the British Navy's efforts to stop the slave trade

    22. Yes, Mike smuggled coke, just like the muscleman had said, but big deal! She could see it all clearly

    23. This man, also with white hair (Dutch he believed, and whose name was Andre something-or-other), sold machines that had been smuggled into the country to avoid Costa Rica’s exorbitantly high taxes, and business with him was strictly cash

    24. As comforting as that knowledge was, he always made friends with other lads who had been smuggled to the front by their dads

    25. and bombs, but was told only to look for Bibles being smuggled into

    26. “My mother smuggled that to me when I was young

    27. I asked how they had smuggled the silk worms out of lands of the Hanjen, but he didn’t seem to know

    28. officials with cash and women to protect a crime ring that smuggled an

    29. Also, English translations of the Bible were being smuggled into England

    30. During Prohibition in the United States they had their Al Capones to deal in booze that they smuggled in - mostly from Canada

    31. The restaurants in Germany had to procure butter and other foodstuff which had to be smuggled through the closely guarded borders mostly from Denmark and Holland

    32. I smuggled myself in, could I smuggle myself out again? How? I need not have worried

    33. I remember my sisters and brothers sometimes smuggled banned books home

    34. weeks, she smuggled them into The Boutique in a tote bag she

    35. smuggled someone aboard who was not registered for the trip

    36. `He asked me to smuggled him out of the castle to spent sometime in privacy with Sidney

    37. It appeared that the drugs were not just being smuggled from the UK to Jo’burg but also from Jo’burg to the UK…and mainly drugs that had originated from the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel and Afghanistan…

    38. The Maputo Branch of Ubisi Dairies would have to be placed under observation to determine exactly how the Drug consignment was actually being smuggled into Maputo

    39. He had also been landed with the additional responsibility of setting-up the new drug laboratories and equipment smuggled into South Africa which would help increase sales throughout the Continent of Africa

    40. "They rode to the frontier which the heathen Picts assail – thanks to the strong liquor which I've smuggled over the borders to madden them

    41. Their families have been smuggled out of Berlin through Switzerland and are waiting at the new destination

    42. A volley of crossbow quarrels routed the mob, and a charge of horsemen littered the market with bodies, but Athemides was smuggled out of the city to plead with Trocero to retake Tamar, and march to aid Shamar

    43. Coastguard found it stuffed full of Mexicans being smuggled into the States

    44. you’ve just smuggled into the country

    45. We smoked a few ciga"s that we had smuggled on to the truck and had a laugh at the whole saga

    46. He was smuggled out and raised by a kitchen maid as her son

    47. between eight and half past, the Koreans had been smuggled into the plant shortly

    48. “The container smuggled us to the moon

    49. This item or items comes in through Harwich docks in a container, but whatever it is can be fitted into a locker, which suggests to me it’s something smuggled in

    50. “Let’s celebrate!” Gulab jumped with joy holding a bottle of whiskey that she’s smuggled out of the club

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    black black-market bootleg contraband smuggled