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    Usa "sneak up" in una frase

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    sneak up

    1. Now the refined sugar that we spoke about can sneak up on you

    2. Certainly, if one wanted to sneak up to the communications towers

    3. They look very pretty in the sunshine … saw that view from the footpath with Simon last week … tears sneak up on me … oh dear … pull yourself together Anna

    4. Adem and Jean would often sneak up to the balcony of one of the high towers and look out over the city in the moonlight

    5. So I set about trying to sneak up on the corner and catch the bells not ringing

    6. “If you think you’ll sneak up on us, you’re mistaken

    7. But why the Dark does he sneak up on me like that? Why did I let him sneak up on me like that?

    8. She stayed in his arms and let the sleep sneak up on her with its healing powers

    9. comically sneak up on the Marvelous Mouse

    10. "Sneak up," she said

    11. „Probably left it out at the road so he could sneak up

    12. “Do you always sneak up on

    13. We wanted stupid so we could sneak up behind him and board

    14. So anyone can sneak upstairs

    15. While all this is going on, defenders can sneak up behind the attacking battleship and destroy it while its attention is diverted attacking a big chunk of rock

    16. “We should stop and leave our bikes at the bottom of the hill and sneak up and have a look

    17. It took them about an hour to get into position to sneak up to the old house

    18. “I’ll sneak up to the bend and have a look

    19. “I guess it would have been too easy to sneak up on them from under the sea,” Saul mused

    20. They could sneak up around the house and literally surround it

    21. The army took all the trees down so nobody could sneak up on us

    22. So that it would be possible to sneak up to the terrace of the house without being noticed

    23. to sneak up on the cat

    24. Any creature that tried to sneak up on me would be detected

    25. Murray was up and about the next day quite early and was in the workshop making a number of small steel boxes to hold the explosives, filling each box with a small amount of explosive and a detonator he then put each box in a plastic freezer bag leaving the wire from the detonator dangling, he then sealed the bags with an epoxy glue, he’d completed twenty of these deadly little parcels before he decided to place them on the beach, with a small spade he dug them in above the waterline, using a pattern that seemed random, but nothing Murray did was random, every charge that was laid was covered by a camera, when he’d finished, all that could be seen were twenty lengths of yellow wire belonging to the detonators sticking from the sand, returning to the workshop he made up another twenty little boxes and following the same procedure as before Murray buried them in the scrub working back from the road, where they’d be covered by a camera when he’d finished the only trace that could be seen were the knee high yellow wires, there was still two kilo’s of the C4 left, now the tedious work began, running wires from the house to each detonator wire, numbering them and connecting them to the keyboard in the computer room, Murray next worked on the mini cam’s he’d placed around the property running these wires back to the key board numbering and tagging them, next came the sensor switches for the camera’s, each camera had infra red capability, a motion sensor and a heat sensor that not only turned the camera’s on but also switched on the red warning lights in the house, Murray was determined that no-one was going to sneak up on him and Shirl, now came the hard yakka, all of these cables had to be hidden so Murray dug out and refilled a couple of kilometres of narrow thirty centimetre trenches to hold the wires, after a month these trenches would be overgrown but for the present he raked and spread leaves and debris to hide the recent excavations

    26. How outrageous is that? How do I know that? And how do I know that yoga teachers have used a form of such distraction, not telepathic, in secret, for thousands of years? The students would meditate and concentrate and when the yoga teachers thought that the meditating students least expected it, they would sneak up on them, silently, and maybe tickle them behind the ear, ever so gently, with the tip of a feather

    27. He however jerked back to consciousness at the last moment, too aware of the consequences if he allowed the Vietminh to sneak up to his trench

    28. But here and there, a less desirable scenario would sneak up on me and make me give up on the idea of a relationship rather quickly

    29. 'How's that?' Grobut suddenly felt a bit of suspicion sneak up on him

    30. discipline, the exercise and above al , the ability to shoot big guns and sneak up

    31. Even if he is home, could I sneak up on

    32. Instead he opted to sneak up behind the lil bomber still roosting in the gur-

    33. Before he could cross the top of the train, he had to sneak up on, and incapacitate, a bad guy

    34. He had tried to sneak up on the monster

    35. Ailia jumped behind a tree, immediately feeling embarrassed that he might have seen her sneak up on him, and then feeling embarrassed that she had hid behind the tree after he had most likely seen her

    36. I was tempted to sneak up and tie it to a leg of the desk,

    37. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t sneak up on me

    38. I thought I’d park just beyond Window Rock and get to the BO village before dawn, so as to ‘sneak up’ close enough on horseback to see something without being seen

    39. A grin managed to sneak upon Bayrum’s face

    40. “So you sneak up on her in a glade and cut off her hair and that is supposed to prove she is a ho?”

    41. “I didn’t sneak up to her in a glade

    42. Windzer took the opportunity, now that Sorren was distracted, to sneak up behind him

    43. As she stares off towards the horizon, two young ladies sneak up behind Margret

    44. "But they could sneak upon him in the dark of night when he is asleep and easily kill him

    45. No army could sneak up on this fort

    46. If this man commanded knowledge in the ways of stealth, he could easily sneak up on them while they bickered

    47. Roger’s car was in the drive, and Mikhail managed to sneak up to it with great stealth

    48. He’d find Pine and silently sneak up behind him, perhaps even plunging his sword deep into his body whilst covering his mouth to keep his dying cries unheard

    49. They sacrificed this loss of general awareness where any preying animal could sneak up on them more easily because the trade-off of being able to make and use tools enabled it to survive better in spite of this perceptual loss

    50. Nobody could sneak up on a poor community, as long as they had a herd of ever-watchful geese on their land

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