Usa "snuffle" in una frase
snuffle frasi di esempio
1. The snuffle of a handset
2. ‘Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,’ I snuffle … bursting into tears; I cling to him helplessly
3. With snuffle and sniff and handkerchief,
4. Bob gave one last snuffle and turned away from us, heading back down the trail toward the ocean
5. I was beginning to dread that I had, when I heard a snuffle down the ravine from me
6. Henchy began to snuffle and to rub his hands over the fire at
7. For the rest of dinner he was silent save for an occasional snuffle of merriment which could not, I thought be provoked by the work he read
8. A terrier emerged from this documentary chaos to snuffle the cuffs of her jeans
9. Raffles ended with a jocose snuffle: no man felt his intellect more superior to religious cant
10. Then the treacherous monster, to show that it was alive, faintly stirred its paws and tail, raised its snout and emitted something like a prolonged snuffle
1. It was pig-like, a creature that grunted and snuffled through the
2. ’ The gg snuffled at her face, allowing Kara to wipe away the tears surreptitiously
3. It stopped at the campsite and snuffled, they could hear it's breath whistling and smell it's carrion smell
4. “Oh he’s cosy!” Li-Li held him close and snuffled his rag hair
5. When the ram snuffled deeply again, then rubbed up against her, Nerissa knew that she
6. Stepping into the stable Adam was engulfed by warmth, he stroked the horse's ears as it snuffled in his jacket pockets for pony nuts and mints
7. She snuffled and climbed to the kitchen
8. hawks, heard it, snuffled the air, then went back to mousing about its business
9. fierce green eyes at Churchill, then winked, purred and snuffled her hair
10. snuffled, then ran back into cover
11. – he stretched and snuffled but couldn’t reach it
12. Gently pushing Neo aside, as he busily sniffed, snuffled, and nosed each of the pups, she lifted one of the puppies out of the box and placed it on her lap…it was a miniature replica of Neo
13. I snuffled away my tears without the betrayal of a pocket handkerchief, and managed to smile at her
14. ” He snuffled, and Simon thought he saw tears streaming down Jhamed’s face
15. Captain Thrane snuffled into his walrus moustache
16. A snuffled snort behind me alerted me to the fact that Mayrin had arrived with her horse
17. A thousand devils--not to curse thee--take thee, Malambruno, for an enchanter and a giant! Couldst thou find no other sort of punishment for these sinners but bearding them? Would it not have been better--it would have been better for them--to have taken off half their noses from the middle upwards, even though they'd have snuffled when they spoke, than to have put beards on them? I'll bet they have not the means of paying anybody to shave them
18. so that he was not, absolutely, such a figure to be snuffled at neither, if
19. The beast snuffled at him in a friendly fashion; though it was crimson-eyed and had flanks like oiled silk, it was nevertheless a real flesh-and-blood horse and, indeed, was in all probability better treated than most beasts of burden on the Disc
20. Henchy snuffled vigorously and spat so copiously that he
21. The baby snuffled in his sleep, and it occurred to Ralph that he might cry
22. The dogs snuffled but didn’t alert
23. " Come what may," I thought, " if only it's quickly ! " The cook opened the door and with revolting apathy snuffled out that Tatyana Pavlovna was not at home
24. And he snuffled, and said:
25. Now something snuffled, then it crackled, and again the thin layer of ice resounded like a mass of crushed glass
1. hear snorts and snuffles, the sounds of night creatures in thick, matted undergrowth
2. Still the snorts and snuffles and squeals of life incarnate erupted all
3. She snuffles at me, her eyes bright
4. The Actan curiously runs to one of the half-burned carnivorous leave and snuffles to it
1. could hear nothing buzzing, nothing rooting, nothing snuffling
2. He was snuffling the air
3. Snuffling around and
4. The crunching stopped, and snuffling replaced it
5. The snuffling came again, louder and more insistent
6. " We checked, and sure enough there it was, snuffling about, as happy as a pig in shit
7. I walk past snuffling, whimpering sounds and think of when I was younger, crouched in my bedroom, wiping my nose on one of my sleeves
8. Snuffling and blowing, I shook off the feeling of dread that had come over me
9. snuffling the back of my neck
10. I can hear the old bugger snuffling away in that way of his--]
11. He knew it, snuffling at the bars as they carried him out, haunches fat and strong
12. snuffling a steak - and Ursula was off
13. Lov was awakened in the night, hearing a snuffling sound outside
14. With her face cushioned in Joel’s shoulder, Kathy’s sobbing eased to a muffled, snuffling hic-cupping, interspersed with an occasional shuddering sigh, a reflexive action which always occurred in the aftermath of any crying spell she had
15. Neo was sitting on the tiled floor beside her, with his huge snout resting on her lap, snuffling the fur on Elmer, who was contentedly curled up there
16. Joel, Conrad, and the others concurred, as they all covertly glanced at Kathy (who was still huddled on the couch, with her face buried in the crook of Joel’s shoulder, snuffling and heaving shuddering sighs as her tears subsided) with concerned eyes
17. Nick bounded up the steps and knelt down on the floor where Neo was barking and snuffling at
18. She made a soft, snuffling sound and crawled on her belly up to where I could pet her
19. His nose stopped at the gap between the boards through which I was peeking, and made sniffing, snuffling sounds
20. she could hear the soft snuffling sound of the horses
21. Then a bustling little man with a snuffling nose and very cold ears pushed in the door
22. —I could, faith, Nosey Flynn said, snuffling
23. Nosey Flynn stooped towards the lever, snuffling at it
24. Woundwort, teeth sunk in his back, was snuffling and choking
25. Whenever that confused state of his feelings occurred to him, while strolling, for instance, his breviary under his arm, in the wide shade of the tamarind, he would stop short to inhale with a strong snuffling noise a large quantity of snuff, and shake his head profoundly
26. I saw my father snuffling at me from behind a case of ceramics as he stood with them
27. A man was turning the handle of the machine, and from its trough came the newly-cut swedes, the fresh smell of whose yellow chips was accompanied by the sounds of the snuffling wind, the smart swish of the slicing-blades, and the choppings of the hook in Tess's leather-gloved hand
28. was the sound of creatures crawling and snuffling
29. They could hear him snuffling, and now and again there was a harsh hiss of breath that sounded like a curse
30. Gollum crawled along close to the brink for a little way, snuffling and suspicious
31. was snuffling, too, and I’d like to say that by the time I hung up the phone, I felt better
32. Tom was snuffling, now, himself—and more in pity of himself than anybody else
33. Like household dogs they came snuffling round us, right up to our gunwales, and touching them; till it almost seemed that some spell had suddenly domesticated them
34. From the river came the same strange sounds of snuffling, crackling and grinding of the ice
35. She remembered this, and she pitied herself; and, thinking that no one heard her, she began to weep, and wept like a child—moaning, snuffling and swallowing salty tears