Usa "so declared" in una frase
so declared frasi di esempio
so declared
1. And so, resort was made to a time-tested biblical method of corroboration by looking back into itself for earlier references that the word, as adherents declared it, had also been so declared by others from the past
2. 9 It was also declared, that he being wise offered the sacrifice of dedication, and of the finishing of the temple
3. 21 And all the sons of men who knew the Lord, died in that year before the Lord brought evil on them; for the Lord willed them to die, so as not to note the evil that God would bring on their brothers and relatives, as he had so declared to do
4. 21 And all the sons of men who knew the Lord died in that year before the Lord brought evil on them; for the Lord willed them to die so as not to note the evil that God would bring on their brothers and relatives as he had so declared to do
5. 9 It was also declared that he being wise offered the sacrifice of dedication and of the finishing of the temple
6. We have also declared Jihad, the
7. Krishn also declared earlier that since his origin and action are both ce-
8. That God suffered not his Holy One to see corruption, but loosed the pains of death, because it was impossible he should be holden of them, and so declared to all the house of Israel, that that same Jesus whom they crucified, is both Lord and Christ
9. He has promised to use his influence to obtain it for me; but he also declared that he never had taken on himself the responsibility of making proposals for another, and he never would
10. In short, I was perplexed when I heard of the design, not knowing what to do, or what might be expected from me by government in a case of such emergency as the setting up of a newspaper so declaredly adverse to every species of vested trust and power; for it was easy to forsee that those immediately on the scene would be the first opposed to the onset and brunt of the battle
11. " Monaco, it seems, also declared itself in this way
12. Although it was declared that the Orders in Council were retaliatory on France for her decrees, it was also declared, and in the orders themselves, that, owing to the superiority of the British navy, by which the fleets of France and her allies were confined within their own ports, the French decrees were considered only as empty threats