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    Usa "sovereign" in una frase

    sovereign frasi di esempio


    1. Another name of God that is related to this is Sovereign

    2. A man is not a sovereign creature

    3. in faith i say: the Spirit of the Sovereign lord is upon me! He has

    4. long as “the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me”, then everything is all

    5. In the eyes of Talstan, that is like saying the cells are sovereign over the body

    6. I was especially impressed by a conch-like rock which was considerably larger than the others -as if it were their sovereign

    7. He is sovereign, even through the free will of men

    8. 10“‘ This is what the Sovereign LORD

    9. Sovereign LORD says: In that day,

    10. 17“‘ This is what the Sovereign LORD

    11. 1“Son of man, prophesy against Gog and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign

    12. 5You will fall in the open field, for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign

    13. place, declares the Sovereign LORD

    14. 17“Son of man, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Call out to

    15. ‘Sionn, the Sovereign says that he will now take over the Guardian-Network

    16. The Brain or the Sovereign has managed to gain partial control of the Guardian-Database

    17. We will continue to update the recordings, however, as the Sovereign has approved and authorized them for future Robot-Students

    18. ‘The Sovereign will be a caring lord

    19. ‘Sionn will be my Higher-Robot number 1,’ the Sovereign said

    20. The Sovereign sees what is happening and tries to stop it

    21. “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord,

    22. The few artificers among them are said to have been all maintained by the sovereign, the nobles, and the priests, and were probably their servants or slaves

    23. This was regarded, in those times, as so important an object, that it was always considered as belonging to the sovereign, and neither to the finder nor to the proprietor of the land, unless the right to it had been conveyed to the latter by an express clause in his charter

    24. The sovereign, for example, with all the officers both of justice and war who serve under him, the whole army and navy, are unproductive labourers

    25. of Great Britain, which his queen brought with her from Denmark, as a present fit for a sovereign to make to a sovereign, was, a few years ago, the ornament of an alehouse at Dunfermline

    26. He made war according to his own discretion, frequently against his neighbours, and sometimes against his sovereign

    27. Slavery continued to take place almost universally for several centuries afterwards, till it was gradually abolished by the joint operation of the two interests above mentioned ; that of the proprietor on the one hand, and that of the sovereign on the other

    28. The public taxes, to which they were subject, were as irregular and oppressive as the services The ancient lords, though extremely unwilling to grant, themselves, any pecuniary aid to their sovereign, easily allowed him to tallage, as they called it, their tenants, and had not knowledge enough to foresee how much this must, in the end, affect their own revenue

    29. In order to understand this, it must be remembered, that, in those days, the sovereign of perhaps no country in Europe was able to protect, through the whole extent of his dominions, the weaker part of his subjects from the oppression of the great lords

    30. In countries such as Italy or Switzerland, in which, on account either of their distance from the principal seat of government, of the natural strength of the country itself, or of some other reason, the sovereign came to lose the whole of his authority; the cities generally became independent republics, and conquered all the nobility in their neighbourhood; obliging them to pull down their castles in the country, and to live, like other peaceable inhabitants, in the city

    31. In countries such as France and England, where the authority of the sovereign, though frequently very low, never was destroyed altogether, the cities had no opportunity of becoming entirely independent

    32. They became, however, so considerable, that the sovereign could impose no tax upon them, besides the stated farm-rent of the town, without their own consent

    33. After all, they were standing before the mightiest man on earth – the Sovereign of the Babylonian Empire

    34. Before the extension of commerce and manufactures in Europe, the hospitality of the rich and the great, from the sovereign down to the smallest baron, exceeded every thing which, in the present times, we can easily form a notion of Westminster-hall was the dining-room of William Rufus, and might frequently, perhaps, not be too large for his company

    35. “Here before us are the perpetrators who fabricated a lie to his Majesty, the supreme Sovereign of the Babylon Empire

    36. Sovereign God has the last word

    37. have done, declares the Sovereign LORD

    38. “This is the interpretation, Your Majesty, Sovereign of this mighty city, Babylon: You, O king, the king of kings – you to whom the God of Heaven has given the kingdom, the might, the strength and the dignity – you yourself are the head of gold

    39. Among nations to whom commerce and manufactures are little known, the sovereign, upon extraordinary occasions, can seldom draw any considerable aid from his subjects, for reasons which shall be explained hereafter

    40. In that simple state, the expense even of a sovereign is not directed by the vanity which delights in the gaudy finery of a court, but is employed in bounty to his

    41. In a voice Ravena and Elenir couldn't hear, the Elf assured, “You are not 'technically' under my direct command---as the sovereign representative of the Guild aboard my ship

    42. No landlord shares with him in its produce, and, the share of the sovereign is commonly but a trifle

    43. The sovereign himself can never have either interest or inclination to pervert the order of justice, or to oppress the great body of the people

    44. It was a long time before even the parliament of England, though placed immediately under the eye of the sovereign, could be brought under such a system of management, or could be rendered sufficiently liberal in their grants for supporting the civil and military establishments even of their own country

    45. But the distance of the colony assemblies from the eye of the sovereign, their number, their dispersed situation, and their various constitutions, would render it very difficult to manage them in the same manner, even though the sovereign had the same means of doing it; and those means are wanting

    46. Examples are not wanting of empires in which all the different provinces are not taxed, if I may be allowed the expression, in one mass ; but in which the sovereign regulates the sum which each province ought to pay, and in some provinces assesses and levies it as he thinks proper ; while in others he leaves it to be assessed and levied as the respective states of each province shall determine

    47. The settlements which different European nations have obtained in the East Indies, if they were taken from the exclusive companies to which they at present belong, and put under the immediate protection of the sovereign, would render this residence both safe and easy, at least to the merchants of the particular nations to whom those settlements belong

    48. In almost all countries, the revenue of the sovereign is drawn from that of the people

    49. The greater the revenue of the people, therefore, the greater the annual produce of their land and labour, the more they can afford to the sovereign

    50. But if this is the interest of every sovereign, it is peculiarly so of one whose revenue, like that of the sovereign of Bengal, arises chiefly from a land-rent

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    Sinonimi per "sovereign"

    crowned head monarch sovereign supreme autonomous independent self-governing royal imperial majestic kingly princely monarchical dominant principal predominant paramount utmost extreme potent efficacious effectual emperor lord king ruler majesty autocrat