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    Usa "spinal column" in una frase

    spinal column frasi di esempio

    spinal column

    1. The benefits are many but principally the Half Somersault brings into play the muscles of the back, toning and stretching the whole of the spinal column

    2. In stretching the spinal column to the greatest degree it helps to relieve and prevent sciatica and lumbago

    3. In this position, the back is straight, the spinal column is erect, and the head is balanced over the body, with the ears over the shoulders and the nose in line with the navel

    4. A sign of problems with the old spinal column

    5. “Show me the holo of the galaxy,” requested the hollow-voiced human, only just beginning to feel relief from the aches in his spinal column

    6. They emerged from his back in a welter of blood and splintered spinal column bones

    7. adjoining the small bones of the upper spinal column

    8. muscles adjoining the small bones of the upper spinal column

    9. In this case, the student had less than 1 millimetre of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column

    10. Spondylolysis is a defect in the formation of the spinal column, most

    11. She rolled a little more so that still on the ground she could bring both sleeve lasers to bear and pierced a hole in his throat that went through and severed his spinal column

    12. A bullet lodged in his spinal column reduced him to his bed for the rest of his life

    13. As soon as they carried off Mauricio Babilonia with his shattered spinal column, Fernanda had worked out the most minute details of a plan destined to wipe out all traces of the burden

    14. Aureliano Segundo saw himself in the mirrors on the ceiling, saw Petra Cotes’s spinal column like a row of spools strung together along a cluster of withered nerves, and he saw that she was right, not because of the times but because of themselves, who were no longer up to those things

    15. When sleeping on a mattress that is too hard, your spinal column wil take an

    16. He rearranged his position so that the statue was not pressing into his spinal column

    17. transmuted into white light and travelled down to the centre of the earth then returned up my spinal column and carried on into outer

    18. The MULADHARA CHAKRA is situated between the root of the reproductory organ and the anus at the base of the spinal column

    19. If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: problems associated with the legs, bones, adrenal glands, colon, kidneys and spinal column

    20. wave of fire and pain to shot down his spinal column

    21. and spinal column enveloped the bridge from end to end

    22. In the neurology department, after a series of X-rays and com-puterized tomography, the doctor diagnosed that she had had osteochondrosis of the spinal column for a long time, and the fall had caused the fibrous ring to burst and a 7 mm herniation of the intervebral disk

    23. said, “I love your spinal column

    24. The spinal column and its contiguous muscles, ligaments and tendons are all designed to move, and limitations in this motion can accentuate pain and make one more susceptible to re-injury

    25. Delahanty in the neck, ricocheting off his spine and lodging against the spinal column

    26. The regions where the gray matter shriveled were, evolutionarily speaking, the oldest parts of the human brain, which sit right atop the spinal column, and are home to our most basic instincts

    27. The bullet lodged in the rear of the stomach, where it’s now pressing onto the spinal column

    28. His soft, yielding, dislocated, sickly, shapeless ideas attached themselves to Enjolras as to a spinal column

    29. There are beings who demand nothing further; mortals, who, having the azure of heaven, say: "It is enough!" dreamers absorbed in the wonderful, dipping into the idolatry of nature, indifferent to good and evil, contemplators of cosmos and radiantly forgetful of man, who do not understand how people can occupy themselves with the hunger of these, and the thirst of those, with the nudity of the poor in winter, with the lymphatic curvature of the little spinal column, with the pallet, the attic, the dungeon, and the rags of shivering young girls, when they can dream beneath the trees; peaceful and terrible spirits they, and pitilessly satisfied

    30. Sir Clifford thinks of charging twopence for a peep at the whispering gallery in the spinal column; threepence to hear the echo in the hollow of his cerebellum; and sixpence for the unrivalled view from his forehead

    31. An exceptional weakness and pain in my spinal column

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