Usa "standpoint" in una frase
standpoint frasi di esempio
1. ‘Will you be in for dinner tonight, Stephen?’ I asked from my standpoint in the doorway of his study, watching him pack his briefcase
2. "So anyway," she told him, "if they want to study the planet from a scientific standpoint they should probably start at Kassidor Kassikan in Kassidor Yakhan
3. Bunty's definitely dubious about it and still taking the 'I've made my bed and must lie on it' standpoint
4. We witness from the standpoint
5. Nevertheless the Empire’s forces in Skyrim were compelled to oblige, from a diplomatic standpoint
6. As we have previously explained, the scientific community’s standpoint on something occurring by chance, with odds of less than 1 in 1050 means that it is absurd or impossible and cannot have occurred by chance
7. We know security but for something like this, from the NFL’s standpoint, we don’t know where to go
8. We, and I mean the collective we, from the standpoint of all professional sports, need to get a handle on this situation so we can deal with it
9. His argument, however, appears to have some validity from the standpoint that our nation seems to be more group oriented than at any other time since the early 20th century
10. Yet, when we condition ourselves from a nutritional standpoint, following
11. (Fat Chance!) No elected official, however, (it gets sticky) should be expected to lend his or her political (or moral) support, to questionable assumptions, however popular, that, from the standpoint of that politician‘s private viewpoints, are considered either unethical or immoral
12. Specious arguments advanced by women affirming their (legal) right to have an abortion on the (plausible) assumption that it is their body to do with as they please is arguable from the standpoint that a woman, or a man for that matter, is at liberty to jump off a bridge if she or he is so inclined (laws prohibiting suicide notwithstanding) provided that such quizzical decisions are of consequence to themselves, only
13. Complete or unqualified compatibility with another individual; that is to say, a relationship mutually committed to achieving the highest levels of esteem without bias or prejudice (however unlikely from the standpoint of our respective natures and conditioning) would require a severing of the subject (individual) of our interest from the thematic elements that typically structure the character of (that) subject/individual thereby separating (that) ―Individual‖ from the ―Ideas‖ that properly qualify and provide moral and intellectual sustenance to (that) Individual
14. Why aren‘t there more Black Quarterbacks manning the helm? This question appears plausible enough considered from the standpoint of numbers alone
15. From a logical standpoint, there was really nothing I could do, so watching and fretting about it wouldn’t be of any help
16. From a teaching standpoint, there are only a few sports
17. Most importantly from my standpoint, it is a way of understanding what happened to me
18. From a karma standpoint, these wholesome actions will yield present and future well-being
19. The Spanish considers the standpoint of the person speaking; theEnglish, that of the person addressed
20. heart has nothing to do with thought, especially from a scientific standpoint
21. From a professional standpoint, there are many ways to enrich your professional endeavors, whether as an individual or as an entire organization
22. From an evolutionary standpoint? Yes
23. From an evolutionary standpoint
24. “From the standpoint of pure Truth, the body too is a possession
25. publisher's standpoint, the marketing considerations, especially on non-fiction, now often outweigh the editorial ones
26. From a philosophical, although not a mathematical standpoint, it may mean that we can never know
27. ―You have to consider things from their standpoint
28. From a practical standpoint, it meant he’d need less blood than
29. His own way -- the way that might seem most pleasant and profitable from the standpoint of the immediate needs of this world and the present edification of his own universe
30. pictures from the standpoint of reader interest
31. dol ars and cents standpoint
32. From the human standpoint he was indeed a Jew, but he lived his life for all the world as a mortal of the realm
33. From a human standpoint, this was probably the greatest day of all the great days of their association with Jesus
34. 5 "But the counsel of his second friend, Bildad, was even more depressing, notwithstanding its soundness from the standpoint of the then accepted theology
35. From the human standpoint it is a question of combined meditation and relaxation
36. 3 Even the physical problems of bodily health and efficiency are best solved when they are viewed from the religious standpoint of our Master's teaching: That the body and mind of man are the dwelling place of the gift of the Gods, the spirit of God becoming the spirit of man
37. It would have been far worse from a perception standpoint to pull out now, anyway
38. * Note to Readers: From a Spiritual standpoint suicide is no different an exit from earth then any other manner of death
39. others, from the strong standpoint of knowing a method is successful, I
40. tional version (linking Taoism and Buddhism), that when regarded from a historical, political, and spiritual standpoint can be seen as having a quite reliable and collaborative perspective
41. Saa-ra and John2 came to focus on what seemed to be an inevitable scenario, with an initialization point yet to be determined: John2 saw that the path he had chosen—to work in El Salvador—had irreversibly led him to view his exterior lessons—the ways of the world in general—from the standpoint of destruction
42. With this new information, had she been viewing the situation from a prejudicial standpoint of a woman confronted with a cheating husband? If his remarks were indeed factual, it would put an entirely different look on the matter and force her to reconsider her sentiments towards him
43. , ten minutes before the second scheduled dive, precisely what he planned from a time standpoint
44. From the Buddhist standpoint all concepts are wrong
45. Birth and death, therefore, are simply two ways of talking about the same timeless Moment, and they are illusorily separated only by those who cannot escape from the standpoint of temporal succession so as to see all things in their simultaneity
46. standpoint that it would precisely align with their general
47. It all was a shock and surprise to me, from the standpoint that I
48. relations standpoint, it would be most helpful for our cause and for the
49. Taking into account all the money and effort that went into building this super powerful weapon, then only to leave on the shelf as American troops die by the thousands, would, from a political standpoint, have been unthinkable
50. From a creditor’s standpoint, this is a realistic assumption because tangible