Usa "statistician" in una frase
statistician frasi di esempio
1. He has balanced both sides of the equation, and the result is, like statistics, weighted in favour of the statistician
2. The surveying is obtained through the on-line information by defined indicators in the projects of each agreed organization, under the responsibility of the Area of Activity STATISTICIAN in national and international level that gives the statistical treatment to the informed data
3. “You know, a statistician would tell you the odds are against it
4. After the famed statistician, Dr W
5. In the mid 1960s, a statistician by the name of Edward Thorp wrote a book that
6. statistician says that a certain number is “within” 2
7. The statistician must always attempt to build the sample
8. I had argued with our statistician, Dr Rajeeva Karandikar of the Chennai Mathematical Institute, that maybe we should be edging the NDA closer to the 300-seat mark
9. Greg had been occasionally called the Statistician because he knew so many facts and figures about the trail and he worked as an accountant
10. In fact, I am certain that any top option trader must be part warrior, part poker player and part statistician to be consistently successful
11. It was not to be demanded of the securities statistician, for example, that he foretell the enormous increase in cigarette consumption since 1915 or the decline in the cigar business or the astonishing stability of the snuff industry; nor could he have predicted—to use another example—that the two large can companies would be permitted to enjoy the full benefits from the increasing demand for their product, without the intrusion of that demoralizing competition which ruined the profits of even faster growing industries, e
12. But we think it should be a necessary rule that the nonprofessional investor submit his ideas to the criticism of a professional analyst, such as the statistician of a New York Stock Exchange firm
13. Close collaboration between the statistician and the domain expert is essential if all sources of bias are to be detected, and, if not corrected, accounted for and reported
14. When you hired on as a statistician at the Bumbling Pharmaceutical Company, they told you they’d been waiting a long time to find a candidate like you
15. Dorn, American Statistician 8, n