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    Usa "stepmother" in una frase

    stepmother frasi di esempio


    1. 'I've taken care of his father,' Mama said, 'and his whore stepmother

    2. Undaunted, her stepmother asked to see her hands, which were at that moment hidden in her lap

    3. Her stepmother was mollified

    4. “Young master, there is no denying I am beholding to you, whatever Chloe tells to her stepmother

    5. Mike hadn't cried when his stepmother died, he hadn't even shed a tear when her Mother died and he was closer to her than he was his own

    6. Next day, when their stepmother discovered that Hansel and Gretel had returned, she went into a rage

    7. The wicked stepmother kept Hansel and Gretel under lock and key all day with nothing for supper but a sip of water and some hard bread

    8. "Your stepmother is dead

    9. 1) Why did the stepmother want the children gone?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. Cinderella did as she was told but begged her stepmother to allow her to go

    11. However, because Cinderella kept asking, the stepmother finally said, "I have scattered a bowl of peas into the ashes for you

    12. The girl took the bowl to her stepmother, and was happy, thinking that now she would be allowed to go to the festival with them

    13. But the stepmother said, "No, Cinderella, you have no clothes, and you don't know how to dance

    14. Cinderella began to cry, and then the stepmother said, "You may go if you are able to pick two bowls of peas out of the ashes for me in one hour," thinking to herself, "She will never be able to do that

    15. The girl took the bowls to her stepmother, and was happy, thinking that now she would be allowed to go to the festival with them

    16. But the stepmother said, "It's no use

    17. Her stepsisters and her stepmother did not recognize her

    18. The stepmother and the two sisters were horrified and turned pale with anger

    19. 1)Why did the stepmother want the children gone?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    20. In fact, I was still healing from the loss of my twenty-year-old cat, who had seen me grow up from a dreamy poet/waitress to a mother of two and now a new stepmother of two

    21. The Wilson kids across the road from Wiley's had a stepmother

    22. It'll be awful if you get a stepmother

    23. " "It's just being a stepmother changes them

    24. with his stepmother was a scandal in the church, the

    25. My stepmother and her new boyfriend, in his eighties, watch the early news on PBS

    26. “Besides yourself, no other woman has been here except my stepmother and Connie

    27. (This is a stepmother

    28. His stepmother told her he did not live

    29. The stepmother and Lucy had a brief, pleasant

    30. Kieran’s stepmother learned that Lucy had in fact gotten

    31. As his stepmother gave her the number, Lucy

    32. around that his stepmother already confirmed with her

    33. when Kieran’s stepmother first told her he was living

    34. Kieran told her his stepmother read about Rodney

    35. just call his stepmother again, and after getting her

    36. Kieran’s stepmother and they had almost the exact

    37. The remaining tablets were written in yet another language that Nuke’s System did not know, but it was revealed that Christina, Nuke’s stepmother, was able to translate them

    38. It was founded by the stepmother of a king, who assassinated him so her biological son could get the title

    39. stepmother, and their children with us, and had a tintype made of them

    40. history stated that stepmother Esther had no interest in Francis’s two sons from his first

    41. My great-grandfather Henry truly did not like his stepmother Esther, though

    42. remarried, her children raised by a stepmother who didn’t

    43. Following the deaths of his father and stepmother, when his

    44. his father and stepmother

    45. deaths of his father and stepmother

    46. his father and stepmother suddenly seemed unimportant

    47. he tell her his father and stepmother were murdered and the police

    48. charged him with the murder? Rejected by Stepmother was the

    49. Nevertheless, the intelligence that was residing in our beings advised the silence and the submission, which allowed us to act with restraint when the irrefutable voice of our grand stepmother ordered us to imprison us again in the cave that was the basement

    50. If it was the stepmother, what dark secrets were capable of bringing

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