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    Usa "stepping stone" in una frase

    stepping stone frasi di esempio

    stepping stone

    1. That I have to accept it as it is my chance to go out from our home country to see other places and also it will be the stepping stone to go to US one day

    2. This first whaling voyage was the stepping stone for Jon to become a master mariner and illustrious skipper

    3. The Holy Days are the stepping stones to Heaven

    4. To view them as a stepping stone to the other side, not as a boulder blocking the way

    5. In trying to plot the chronology of the flood story, I used Abraham as a stepping stone, as it were

    6. But I had no stepping stones to reach them


    8. their employees as stepping stones or objects to be used for their personal benefit but

    9. and he’s convinced that you are his stepping stone to huge wealth

    10. Down again and once more he had enough reason to give up, but for Joseph it was just another stepping stone to greatness

    11. Stepping stones across water

    12. I just hoped that one day she will realize that her ex was just a stepping stone to something better

    13. I’d used stepping stones to cross the creek to him to the OTHER SIDE

    14. considered as a natural stepping stone in the strive for

    15. The human love that it incarnates is intended to serve as a stepping stone to divine or universal love

    16. What is left for the future?: At the end of your talk you shouldclearly state that the problems are not solved by this presentation, rather it is a stepping stone for us to rethink our ideas

    17. layer of non resistance it is a stepping stone and a bridge to see yourself drawn from the shadows to

    18. When you obtain your goals or the stepping stones to your

    19. as a stepping stone towards turning the wheels of our destiny

    20. a stepping stone to the ARPAnet, the research-funded com-

    21. This way you offer them a stepping stone to find out what you never could, and your life will not have been lived for nothing

    22. So Prescott proposed and got Nixon the Vice Presidency, a good stepping stone to the Presidency

    23. Julius’s place would be only his first stepping stone

    24. At the time, I was thinking at each new level that I’d reached the top, but not so, this was just a stepping stone to the next level, but at the time; I didn’t know that to be true

    25. Manuscripts! The version you translate from is only a stepping stone

    26. Stepping stones, statues, and fountains are just a few more elements that can be considered in addition to the plants

    27. ‘Anna is only a stepping stone in Arvind’s own journey,’ is how he described the relationship

    28. He has one plan for you, and that is a plan that in every arena of life you succeed, and no matter what is dished up to you, that you use that as a stepping stone, and you come out on top at the end of it

    29. It's already come, and it's going to come, don't worry about it, it's a stepping stones

    30. 'Stepping Stones', it hopes to bring moral lessons to youngsters who are sadly

    31. will mean that ‘Stepping Stones’ will shortly be available to e-readers from the

    32. nothing but encouragement from the astute author to complete ‘Stepping Stones’

    33. given a highly complementary chapter on his life in ‘Stepping Stones’, refused to

    34. championed by ‘Stepping Stones’, has to this

    35. featured 'Stepping Stones' as the lead editorial in the May 2011 Edition of his

    36. students and learners (even parents) to purchase a copy of ‘Stepping Stones’

    37. Jacques went on to read from a book by the same author called Stepping Stones:

    38. There are always stepping stones and stumbling blocks

    39. This simple definition is merely a stepping stone clarification for leaping in the 688

    40. Attending as many courses, seminars and training is a very good start because this framework gives the courageous people a stepping stone in order to enter into the state of neutrality

    41. Love is the true stepping stone to true joy

    42. they are often stepping stones to success

    43. I rounded the western corner and was greeted by the most lovely water parterre’; liquid bubbled up from an underground stream, then flowed into small rectangular and triangular basins that spilled over descending stepping stones into round and kidney-shaped reflecting pools

    44. On the ground was a flat rock that looked like a stepping stone as to get into the opening would not have been possible without it

    45. Either Porky was stronger than he thought or Nikko was lighter than he guessed, for Nikko was tossed at least a meter higher that the top of the stepping stone

    46. All of a sudden the entire wall containing the alcove, the stepping stone and the opening rumbled sideways

    47. The moment it vanished the cave wall that had rolled sideways, taking Nikko and the stepping stone with it, came to a jolting halt

    48. The stepping stones fell to the floor below where there were no cages

    49. In this narrow gap are the industrial island of Tsing Yi and the deserted stepping stone of Ma Wan

    50. Soon we will also hold positions in the political arena that will be stepping stones for the next decade and beyond

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