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    Usa "sterilization" in una frase

    sterilization frasi di esempio


    1. So he didn’t bother with a few, like the ritual of sterilization of equipment

    2. ” Especially if slavery had ended, Blacks may be seen as surplus, a burden and a threat to be solved with deportation, sterilization, and finally death camps

    3. US eugenics included both sterilization and “euthanasia

    4. Minorities could either flee to avoid mass murder and sterilization, hide in remote areas, or if possible try to pass as white

    5. Though all the sterilizations happened when Nixon was president, there is no evidence Nixon knew of or approved the sterilization program

    6. Vasectomy is the male sterilization process

    7. man is surgically cut for the purpose of sterilization

    8. The current leader, a nun, has openly spoken for the CHA and taken position in favor of the HHS ‘modified’ mandates on contraception, abortifacients and sterilization, while opposed by the Cathlic Bishops of America

    9. Parenthetically, Catholics in those foreign countries ‘serviced’ by CRS, know that abortion is wrong, and, further, that it is wrong for the church to aide in sterilization programs

    10. He also noted a decision of Oliver Wendel Holmes that allowed the sterilization of a retarded women

    11. therefore have been replaced by sterilization and return law

    12. In contrast, mass sterilization, where it has been applied, has proved to be the

    13. - Sterilization is aiming at the cause of the problems: animal birth control

    14. sterilization which implies a reduction of costs and an increase of the speed of the

    15. and 70% considers sterilization as the best solution

    16. solution is mass sterilization, registration and return of the stray dog to their territories

    17. - Sterilization involves infinitely less costs than killing

    18. ‖ The BSAPP ―firmly believe(s) that sterilization is the only way to humanely

    19. sterilization programs for cats living in the wild do exist, but they are only implemented

    20. 281 from 1991, the surgical sterilization (called castration) is seen as

    21. and cats, promoting their sterilization whenever that is advisable;

    22. already figured out that our Incision is actually a sterilization

    23. correct plants to make sterilization mixtures

    24. any side effects to these sterilization mixtures; at which point I

    25. To be honest, exactly how the sterilization mixtures

    26. chemical sterilization on the island, instead of having operations,

    27. it would give me an opportunity to make more sterilization

    28. sterilization mixtures, and then search the land for people on my

    29. But for less urgent problems, such as uterine fibroids (a benign enlargement of the muscle of the womb) or sterilization, women are placed on a waiting list and given a classification according to the relative urgency of the case

    30. For instance, I was presented with a hypothetical case of a teenage, mentally retarded, and sexually active women brought in by her mother requesting a permanent sterilization for her daughter

    31. While the question might seem straightforward and the request by the mother reasonable, the answer, of course, depends on the legality in Australia of a sterilization procedure, especially as regards to under aged women

    32. I also would give the mother some alternative possibilities which were equally effective but less drastic than permanent sterilization

    33. Isaac supervised the sterilization of the operating suites

    34. This can be done by translocation, sterilization, the

    35. The forced sterilization of women still hasn’t been

    36. One form of sterilization is referred to as a tubal

    37. Forced sterilization is something that has occurred in many

    38. Forced sterilization was used in

    39. Complications during the sterilization surgery are ‘tough

    40. union allowed for their sterilization

    41. passing of the Alberta Sexual Sterilization Act of 1928

    42. Widely considered as inferior beings by the psyonics and often being called so, they were gradually pushed to the lowest levels of the society and forbidden from reproducing, with measures such as forced sterilization being applied to them

    43. And beyond education there are even more effective options, as certainly permanent sterilization is a very practical and effective option

    44. What exactly is pasteurization? The process called pasteurization is the partial sterilization of foods at a temperature that destroys harmful microorganisms without major changes in the chemistry of the food

    45. gases in steam tend to stratify or collect in certain areas of a steam sterilization chamber or its

    46. with their successful use in product solution filter sterilization, both this filter rating and the

    47. the filter, so sterilization of the unit prior to initial use, and periodically thereafter, as well as

    48. This is the time to occupy equality to both avoid the eternally damning sterilization of Eartheart and the infernal wars over the lottery-rare chance at hutechnically powered immortal life

    49. business of UV sterilization

    50. centers employ some sort of UV sterilization on the outgoing water

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    sterilisation sterilization