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    Usa "stilts" in una frase

    stilts frasi di esempio


    1. Stilts: If you are walking on stilts, it means that you are conceited and arrogant

    2. The sound of water draining out of a shower-barrel up on stilts, or a squelchy-farty sound as a man on the latrine worked things out

    3. They drove the single lane through the salt flats to his home on stilts among the reeds, bringing with them whiskey and beer on ice

    4. canvas chalets project out from the river bank on stilts over the

    5. up on squat cement stilts

    6. The warriors strode beyond the marketplace and assorted homes, built on stilts above the soggy earth

    7. The warriors departed from the Martial Academy and stayed at a town house on stilts across from the marketplace of the lich folk

    8. The stilts we had used had no legs to stand on

    9. Spinning Bob had a large wooden bar built on stilts

    10. If it is true that as dwarfs, our desire would be that to climb up onto the shoulders of the giants and not of other dwarfs, maybe even more dangerous, and find dwarfs that think they are giants, only because they have stilts

    11. It is no use trusting these giants, therefore; one cannot lean on these fictitious giants to see better, to dream, to realize/be realized since they are nothing but dwarfs with stilts, dwarfs dressed up as giants

    12. I’d seen a high camera platform built on stilts at the beginning of the

    13. What just walked across me, a man wearing stilts?

    14. I could wear contact lenses, though not all the time as my eyes dry out quickly, but apart from stilts and breast implants I was stuck with what mother nature had blessed me with

    15. included a New Guinea house high off the ground on stilts, Hawaiian beach huts, elegant

    16. see it on stilts

    17. For now the last of the fleet of ships was round the last low point we had headed; and the last green barge, straw-laden, with a brown sail, had followed; and some ballast-lighters, shaped like a child's first rude imitation of a boat, lay low in the mud; and a little squat shoal-lighthouse on open piles stood crippled in the mud on stilts and crutches; and slimy stakes stuck out of the mud, and slimy stones stuck out of the mud, and red landmarks and tidemarks stuck out of the mud, and an old landing-stage and an old roofless building slipped into the mud, and all about us was stagnation and mud

    18. It was drafty, rickety, perched on thin stilts over the river, with showers that pumped foul-smelling water directly from the Hudson over the boys’ heads

    19. The bombs were overtaking them, making a sound that one man likened to the footfalls of a giant: Boom … boom … BOOM … BOOM! At last, Louie and Phil spotted a native hut built on flood stilts

    20. Now, with the parade, hundreds of feet rang and clustered on the grille as the carnival strode by on stilts, roared by in tiger and volcano sounds and colours

    21. "Little redheaded Blood Hunter on stilts? Why should I care about the goal of your life? Ash Templeton, you said

    22. "Boilers on stilts, I tell you, striding along like men

    23. There you stand, a hundred feet above the silent decks, striding along the deep, as if the masts were gigantic stilts, while beneath you and between your legs, as it were, swim the hugest monsters of the sea, even as ships once sailed between the boots of the famous Colossus at old Rhodes

    24. Twice before had this thing happened, and the little eating house stood upon stilts of cottonwood logs to be above the flood line, while the lodging house was on higher ground

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