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    Usa "stopping up" in una frase

    stopping up frasi di esempio

    stopping up

    1. A murmur filtered through the crowd, stopping upon a grey, stubbly man with a newsie-style woolen cap

    2. Stopping upon the last one her long brown hair with flecks of gold

    3. When Linden was gone downstairs again, Philpot, having finished what remained of the beer and hidden the bottle up the chimney, resumed the work of stopping up the holes and cracks in the ceiling and walls

    4. Time they were stopping up in the City Arms

    5. The hacker goes free, and we’re supposed to be satisfied with stopping up a few leaks

    6. from an early hour of the morning they had worked hard in stopping up the entrance of the tunnel

    7. Such and such a mountain with the profile of a citadel, like the Vignemale, for example, is still to me the headdress of Cybele; it has not been proved to me that Pan does not come at night to breathe into the hollow trunks of the willows, stopping up the holes in turn with his fingers, and I have always believed that Io had something to do with the cascade of Pissevache

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