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    Usa "strictly speaking" in una frase

    strictly speaking frasi di esempio

    strictly speaking

    1. Strictly speaking she is under age

    2. Then she realises that strictly speaking they are underage themselves

    3. that he did not, strictly speaking, need to – as well as the fact that the

    4. Well, strictly speaking, not the Northern lights but a very similar event

    5. planet strictly speaking is conceived as something

    6. } Fourthly, by subjecting the people to the frequent visits and the odious examination of the tax-gatherers, it may expose them to much unnecessary trouble, vexation, and oppression ; and though vexation is not, strictly speaking, expense, it is certainly equivalent to the expense at which every man would be willing to redeem himself from it

    7. A linen shirt, for example, is, strictly speaking, not a necessary of life

    8. Fourthly, such taxes, by subjecting at least the dealers in the taxed commodities, to the frequent visits and odious examination of the tax-gatherers, expose them sometimes, no doubt, to some degree of oppression, and always to much trouble and vexation; and though vexation, as has already been said, is not strictly speaking expense, it is certainly equivalent to the expense at which every man would be willing to redeem himself from it

    9. Strictly speaking, there is no such thing

    10. He seemed to regard the General as his peer, which was strictly speaking, not so

    11. If I were an Administrator, then such a caste system would seem like the next obvious step in human evolution—although this manmade step would, strictly speaking, fail to be evolution by natural selection

    12. ‘Well not strictly speaking

    13. Astronomer Sten Odenwald points out, ‘Although, the equilibrium state appears to be “dormant,” strictly speaking, neither the terms “dormant” nor “active” can be applied to it

    14. (Strictly speaking, this happens when they are in the

    15. is, strictly speaking, mass-less – it is physically nothing more than a collec-

    16. of these records pertaining to his own lives Strictly speaking the life review

    17. Strictly speaking when you read the term “milk products”, you should only be

    18. Strictly speaking the farm didn’t employ him

    19. Strictly speaking, cash rebates should be in the form of cash

    20. So, strictly speaking, it is not a religion

    21. Although the farm strictly speaking belongs to me, thanks to your father, Will, all the land belonging to white farmers has been nationalised

    22. Strictly speaking, I suppose you shouldn’t tell me, but it would help enormously if you could give me a rough idea how much the old lady left, and what the interest was that is now going to her former hospice

    23. “I’m captain of this aircraft, and strictly speaking, I should be sitting in the left hand seat

    24. “Strictly speaking, Barclay should notify his Director of his plans,” said Burgess

    25. He wasn’t strictly speaking part of the spy hunt team, but had been posted in to Section 11 as a member of staff at his own request

    26. But, strictly speaking, I shouldn’t have been able to understand that conversation

    27. Strictly speaking, he should have reported them to the bishop's bailiffs because the deer was taken on the bishop's land

    28. Strictly speaking, Molly wasn't a dog

    29. Strictly speaking, truth, ultimate truth and emptiness are

    30. The British strictly speaking could not veto a decision if the EU leaders did decide to raid the EFSM kitty, since the decisions are made by qualified voting

    31. Well strictly speaking as he had no idea where he was going in the first place he could hardly be called be lost, but he had planned to start in the City Centre only he could not find the non-existent sign

    32. Although named Medusa Bar, it was strictly speaking a club complex too

    33. This strictly speaking wasn’t true; statutes concerning torture, overcrowding, sanitation, and hygiene were clearly flouted

    34. This strictly speaking wasn’t true

    35. He was strictly speaking homeless too

    36. His presence was strictly speaking not necessary, but his mind was in such turmoil, he knew he wouldn’t sleep if he did go home

    37. Though, of course, the old west is now strictly speaking historical and they must have had romance then, so a fast paced romantic western is quite viable

    38. If you are experiencing ice cravings, or cravings for other things that are strictly speaking non-food items, you should exercise more caution

    39. A knight may very possibly be proof against love; but it is impossible, strictly speaking, for him to be ungrateful

    40. Yet, strictly speaking, it was not the conduct of a good citizen; and in retrospect there is an unfilial flavour about that early sin of mine

    41. "Still, consider that although I may not be, strictly speaking, what is termed an illustrious match for you, I am, for many reasons, not altogether so much beneath your alliance

    42. Anthony often tried to get Cecilia to pay costs that should, strictly speaking, have been divided equally – glass windows for the chapter house, bedsteads for the hospital, the repainting of the cathedral’s interior – and she usually agreed

    43. Strictly speaking, this was not allowed

    44. That was true, strictly speaking, Gwenda thought; but in practice it was unlikely a new lord would overturn an inheritance from father to son

    45. Strictly speaking the earl should have made a request, not issued a command, and an elected prior might have

    46. Strictly speaking, William and Philippa had no business to invite themselves here today, as if playing the role of Tilly’ s parents

    47. Strictly speaking, he was the one who was obstructing the path of my foot, but he could obviously see from the look in my eye that I was simply not prepared to walk away

    48. That wasn’t, strictly speaking, true

    49. Meanwhile many of the milkmaids had said to one another of the newcomer, "How pretty she is!" with something of real generosity and admiration, though with a half hope that the auditors would qualify the assertion—which, strictly speaking, they might have done, prettiness being an inexact definition of what struck the eye in Tess

    50. They become, I believe, heirlooms, strictly speaking, according to the terms of your godmother's will

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