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    Usa "striking out" in una frase

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    striking out

    1. How tempting was that! Put this all behind her, leave the most party of all worlds for one of the least? True, there would still be yaag available, but did she want to be that out of place? Did she know him that well? She was committing to a relationship of decades or striking out on her own into the unknown to leave him

    2. “Yeah, not allowing a ball in fair territory, striking out nine in a row, real

    3. Those with their weapons held in Whimly's direction spun, striking out as they moved

    4. She moved with impossible speed, her glowing blue fists striking out with incredible destructive power

    5. The great black stallion reared, striking out with steel shod shoes taking several spiders in mid-flight

    6. Parter to prevent the sickness from striking out over the waters and to new lands

    7. Yeltsa only answered by striking out with a Hiradokou from her foot

    8. Was he a failure? Is he remembered for striking out?

    9. It was then that Sam whirled around and jumped to one side striking out with his sword

    10. We were striking out for a better

    11. So, when the high commander arrived and started to question the policemen of the station, they all denied the Turkish officer’s complaint that he had been offended or hit, but they agreed that they had tied him to a pillar in the station since he was drunk and aggressive, and striking out at anyone who approached him; they said that they had tied him up for his own safety and until he could come to his senses

    12. I stumbled backwards with a grunt, striking out with my knife and getting nothing but air

    13. The next thing I knew he was striking out at the zombies with his feet and hands, sending them crashing to the pavement

    14. Malorum thought only for a moment of striking out at his Master

    15. Abjects: Hypocritical mockers; outcasts; striking out with the tongue

    16. Joe had started out as a plumber and worked all the hours God gave him before striking out and starting his own

    17. Varion and Dixon, meanwhile, seemed to be distracted somewhat by the fact that they were striking out into the region for the first time in five months

    18. Laurie had vanished round the bend, Jo was just at the turn, and Amy, far behind, striking out toward the the smoother ice in the middle of the river

    19. posture, and swam prone on his belly, striking out with his legs and

    20. He had now changed his posture, and swam prone on his belly, striking out with his legs and arms; finer modeled than which could not have been cast,

    21. At the noise thus produced, the officers ran out in throngs from the cafe, passers-by collected, and a large and merry circle, hooting and applauding, was formed around this whirlwind composed of two beings, whom there was some difficulty in recognizing as a man and a woman: the man struggling, his hat on the ground; the woman striking out with

    22. ) By some such improvements as I have suggested (I do not really require you to proceed upon my plan, though, by the bye, I doubt anybody’s striking out a better) you may give it a higher character

    23. ) By some such improvements as I have suggested (I do not really require you to proceed upon my plan, though, by the bye, I doubt anybody's striking out a better) you may give it a higher character

    24. A few minutes more, and he rose again, one arm still striking out, and with the other dragging a lifeless form

    25. "Both! both!—it is both!"—cried Daggoo again with a joyful shout; and soon after, Queequeg was seen boldly striking out with one hand, and with the other clutching the long hair of the Indian

    26. Swearing and striking out, Paul cleared his way out of the yelping pack at last, in a fury, and with rent clothes; and making his way as fast as he could to the corner of the street, discovered that he hadn't the slightest idea where he was

    27. concluded a speech of an hour and a half in length, with giving notice that he should move to amend the bill, when the present motion was decided, by striking out all that part of it relating to non-intercourse, and inserting a provision interdicting the entrance of our harbors to any vessels of Great Britain and France, and imposing an additional duty on all goods imported from those countries

    28. Milnor's motion for striking out the first section being under consideration—

    29. The question was taken on striking out the first section of the bill and negatived—yeas 24

    30. And a division of the motion for amendment was called for, and the question having been taken, on striking out, it passed in the negative; and the motion for amendment having been lost, the original motion was agreed to—yeas 19, nays 6, as follows:

    31. Ross, to amend the said resolution by striking out the words, delivering a lecture on, for the purpose of inserting the word explaining

    32. Macon moved to amend the said bill by striking out the following words: "five years' full pay for the services of her said deceased husband as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Revolutionary war, which five years' full pay is the commutation of his half-pay for life;" for the purpose of inserting, "whatever may be due to her for his services as an officer during the Revolutionary war

    33. The question on striking out the sections of the present bill (providing for a judicial decision) was taken, and carried—yeas 95, nays 22

    34. At present, therefore, he was against striking out the frigates from the Naval Establishment

    35. The question was stated on concurrence with the Committee of the Whole in striking out so much of the bill as directs the unconditional sale of all the frigates but three

    36. The following were the votes on concurrence with the Committee in striking out so much of the bill as relates to the frigates—yeas 76, nays 32

    37. The question on concurring with the committee in striking out this section was decided in the affirmative—yeas 49, nays 43

    38. I shall give my most hearty assent to the motion for striking out the first section of the bill

    39. The question was then taken on striking out the first section of the bill, (equivalent to a rejection,) when it appeared that there were for the motion 17, against it 17, as follows:

    40. Bayard, to amend the bill, by striking out of the first section thereof the words, "In the event of such arrangement for that purpose as shall have been made with the local authority which may then exist;" and, in lieu thereof, to insert the words, "In case an arrangement has been or shall be made with the local authority of the said territory for delivering up the possession of the same to the United States:"

    41. Gilman, a division of the question was called for: and the question being put on striking out, it was determined in the affirmative

    42. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the bill for renewing the charter of the Bank of the United States—the motion for striking out the first section still under consideration

    43. Chairman: I regret that we are called upon to vote for or against striking out the first section of this bill, at this time

    44. Burwell's motion for striking out the first section being still under consideration

    45. Chairman: As this bank has excited so extraordinary an interest in every part of the United States, and particularly in the State which I have the honor to represent; as I am apprehensive, from what took place yesterday, that I shall be found, on this question, in opposition to a majority of my colleagues; and, (what will always be an imperative motive with me,) as I think this bill aims a deadly blow at some of the best principles of the constitution, I feel it my duty to state to the House the grounds on which I shall be constrained to vote for striking out the section now under consideration

    46. Porter had concluded his speech, the question was taken on striking out the first section, and carried—59 to 46

    47. Emott moved to amend the same by striking out the words in italic, and to insert in their place, "or merchandise

    48. The amendments to the bill, entitled "An act for the admission of the State of Louisiana into the Union, and to extend the laws of the United States to the said State," having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, the bill was read a third time as amended, and, by unanimous consent, was further amended, by striking out, in the ninth section and second line, the word "next," and inserting the words "one thousand eight hundred and twelve

    49. Williams the said rules were amended by striking out the word "five," in the paragraph prescribing the manner in which the previous question shall be taken, and inserting the words "one-fifth of the

    50. The question on striking out so much of the motion as precludes the witness from conversation with any one unless in the presence and hearing of the Sergeant-at-Arms, was decided as follows—yeas 62; nays 22

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